Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 940 The truth, the unbearable weight in life

Chapter 940 The truth, the unbearable weight in life (1)
Hepatic cancer is at an advanced stage, and such a diagnosis directly defeats the defense line in his heart completely!
That doctor is also used to seeing troubles. He has worked in the hospital for many years and has been in contact with all kinds of patients and family members of all kinds of patients. Mr. Du's performance was as far as he expected.

"Old Du, this is a problem that science can't solve!" He pushed his glasses calmly and said.

"Get out!" Mr. Du roared angrily, and threw the doctor out.

Walking to the hospital bed, looking at Cao Xinru who was in a coma while hanging water, Mr. Du showed an extremely complicated expression on his face. After a long while, he suddenly and slowly stretched out his hand towards Cao Xinru, just when his fingers were about to touch When he touched Cao Xinru's face, seeing Cao Xinru's eyelids moved a few times, Mr. Du hurriedly withdrew his hand.

"Let go of me! Don't touch me!" Cao Xinru babbled restlessly and terrified.

"Xinru! Xinru! Wake up!" Mr. Du finally stopped shy away, stretched out his hand to caress Cao Xinru's face, and shouted in a low voice.

"Ah—" Cao Xinru let out a shrill cry, and opened her eyes abruptly.

"Xinru! Xinru! You're awake! Just wake up! Just wake up!" Mr. Du withdrew his hand, looked at Cao Xinru and said happily.

"Dad!" Cao Xin grabbed Old Man Du's half-retracted hand fiercely, held it tightly, and choked up, saying, "Dad! I'm not dreaming, am I? Am I dreaming?"

Her savior has arrived!Her savior has arrived!
Cao Xinru looked at Mr. Du in front of him, and couldn't be more excited.

"Xinru! I made you suffer! Don't worry, I will help you get justice!" Mr. Du's sonorous and forceful voice sounded like a promise.

"Dad! Dad!" Cao Xinru burst into tears at this moment. What happened in the past few days, especially what happened today, made her life worse than death!I feel like life is dark!Seeing that Mr. Du was still on her side, she was suddenly full of hope for life again.

Mr. Du let Cao Xinru hold his hand tightly, not only did not let go, but he also held Cao Xinru's hand tightly with abnormal force, and there was an inexplicable look on his face that had never been seen before, as if It was as if he had made some kind of determination, but Cao Xinru, who was still immersed in the serf turning over to sing at the moment, didn't notice the abnormality of old man Du.

Cao Xinru narrated her experience to Mr. Du with embellishments. Of course, Du Haoyang and Du Sheng were arranging for Du Haoyang and Du Sheng. They portrayed the coldness of their father and son to the bone, and then listed those who bullied her these days one by one. Mr. Du responded to every request one by one, and immediately ordered the people around him to avenge Cao Xinru.

It's just that both Cao Xinru and Mr. Du overestimated Mr. Du's ability. At this moment, Mr. Du has completely cut off his wings by Du Haoyang and his son. It's just a joke they can only imagine!

Du Haoze didn't know about Cao Xinru's hospitalization until after Cao Xinru was hospitalized for a week. He completely exiled himself in G City, and no one could pity him. He didn't return to B City until he calmed down.

As a result, as soon as he returned to City B, he received a call from Mr. Du, who was told that Cao Xinru had advanced liver cancer.

When Du Haoze received a call from Mr. Du, he sneered. Cao Xinru had already used this kind of lie once, so Du Haoze didn't take it to heart at all. In his eyes, this was Cao Xinru repeating his old tricks to deceive It was just a trick for him to meet her, because Mr. Du and Cao Xinru are both in the same group, and their words cannot be trusted!

"I see!" Du Haoze just replied lightly, and hung up the phone!

Mr. Du and Cao Xinru both thought that Du Haoze would come to the hospital soon. Unexpectedly, after answering the phone, Du Haoze took out the phone card, broke it, threw it in the trash can, and went to apply for a new number. , so when Mr. Du called Du Haoze again, he received the same prompt: Shut down!
Because of this, old man Du was so angry that he wanted to catch Du Haoze and beat him up!However, he has no one around him now, and he can't go anywhere except the hospital!
Mr. Du originally planned to hide Cao Xinru's illness, but Cao Xinru has been stimulated one after another recently, and her mood is very unstable. In addition, she has suffered from a bad cold, and her body resistance has been severely weakened, so the cancer cells spread rapidly. Just like a flower about to wither, you can't hide it even if you want to!

"Dad, am I dying?" Cao Xinru's face paled and paled after vomiting blood in the morning. Seeing that her complexion has become more and more dignified recently, she often stared at her in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking. old man Du asked.

Her cold has already healed, but Mr. Du has kept her in the hospital, has no plan to let her out of the hospital, and has not stopped the infusion. She is a little strange, but every time she wants to ask, she sees She didn't dare to ask more questions when Mr. Du put on a serious face.

In the past few days, she found that she was often dizzy and fatigued, she fell asleep more than she woke up, and her spirit was sluggish day by day. There were a lot of medicines in it that she couldn't understand. She was afraid that Mr. Du would make her disappear in the hospital without knowing it. After thinking about it, she finally couldn't help asking until she vomited blood when she woke up today.

"Don't talk nonsense! Don't talk about those unlucky things!" Mr. Du's face darkened when he heard Cao Xinru's words, but there was some unconcealable irritability in his voice.

"Dad, I know my own body. How long can you keep it a secret if you just want to?" Cao Xinru asked tentatively now that he was not afraid of Mr. Du's black face at all.In fact, at this moment, she was curled up in fear, could it be some incurable disease?
No!Will not!She is so young!She still has a big revenge to avenge!
"Don't worry, I will definitely cure you!" Mr. Du's words were tantamount to indirectly admitting that Cao Xinru had a physical problem.

"Dad! What is it?! What's the matter with me?!" Cao Xinru sat up from the bed after listening to Mr. Du's words, and asked while holding Mr. Du's arm tightly.

Do not!Will not!
"It's nothing! Take care of your illness!" Old Man Du looked at Cao Xinru with pity in his eyes.

"You lied! Is it you? Did you do something to me? You—it must be you!" Cao Xinru's whole heart was occupied by fear at this time, how could she listen to Mr. Du's persuasion, she Holding on to Mr. Du's arm, he asked frantically, "Is it you? Is it you?"

(End of this chapter)

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