Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 941 The truth, the unbearable weight in life

Chapter 941 The truth, the unbearable weight in life (2)
"Xinru! What are you talking about?!" Mr. Du looked at Cao Xinru in disbelief. He never dreamed that Cao Xinru would suspect that he had done something to her.

He took care of her so relentlessly these days, but he didn't expect to get her suspicion!In this world, the person who doesn't want her to have an accident the most right now is himself!However -

Mr. Du sighed heavily.

However, how can Cao Xinru understand what Mr. Du is thinking in her heart? In fact, her mind seems to be exploding, she can't think at all, and her mind is full of thoughts that she has an incurable disease and is about to die. What is rational? They all left early.

"Du Maotian! Don't be hypocritical! Who else is there besides you? Who else? Tell me who else is there?" Cao Xinru crazily shook Mr. Du's arm and yelled hysterically.

"Xinru! You—" Mr. Du looked at Cao Xinru with a sad face, not knowing what to say.

"Say it! Why don't you tell me? Are you trying to kill me secretly, like you killed her secretly back then? Du Maotian! You are so ruthless!" Cao Xinru said sharply, staring at old man Du.

"Shut up! The more you talk, the more outrageous it becomes!" After hearing Cao Xinru's words, Mr. Du was so angry that his veins twitched violently, and he almost couldn't stand still!
"What? Are you guilty? Haha! Du Maotian, you have done so many bad things, are you not afraid of retribution? Are you not afraid of thunder? Are you not afraid of those people who will come to claim your life when you dream back at midnight? Are you not afraid of you?" After the son and grandson know the truth, avenge that woman?" Cao Xin couldn't care about anything at this moment, thinking that he was about to die, he said everything that should be said and should not be said.

"Shut up! Shut up!" Cao Xinru's eyes turned red with anger, Mr. Du slapped Cao Xinru's face forcefully.

"I'm not going to shut up! I'm going to say it! I'm going to say it! Du Maotian! You are a scumbag with no conscience. You harmed that woman and you want to harm me. I won't let you do it! I won't Let your wish come true!" As Cao Xinru said, she tore off the needle with all her strength, and rushed towards Mr. Du!
Even if she was going to die, she would take a back seat and die with this old thing!
"You idiot!" Mr. Du narrowly dodged Cao Xinru's attack, and couldn't help yelling angrily, "Where did your brain go? If I wanted to kill you, would it take so much effort? You'd better It's not the daughter-in-law of the Du family who wants to kill you, and it takes so much trouble? You idiot!"

It has to be said that Mr. Du's aura is still there. With a few words, Cao Xinru, who has lost his mind, is shocked!
"Didn't you want to kill me?" Cao Xinru looked at Mr. Du suspiciously and asked.

"What did I kill you for? I—" Killing no one will kill you!Mr. Du looked at Cao Xinru and stared at him with hatred, but he didn't say the last sentence after all.

"Then what happened to me?" The madness and recklessness just now made Cao Xinru's body a little weak, and she lost the control of the medicine. Her stomach started to hurt violently, the blood on her face faded, and her body trembled.

"Let the doctor tell you!" Mr. Du closed his eyes slightly and sighed faintly.

"Dad—" Cao Xinru called out to Mr. Du with a guilty conscience, no matter what, she can't lose this backer now!
"Xinru, from now on, don't call me dad! You and Du Sheng are already divorced!" Mr. Du looked at the lovely Cao Xinru and said inexplicably.

"Dad! Don't be angry! I was in a daze just now, I——I was too scared, I... woo... I don't want to die! Dad!" Cao Xinru thought that Mr. Du was angry, and wanted to get rid of her It didn't matter, so frightened, he hurriedly grabbed Mr. Du's arm, and confessed his mistake with tears in his eyes.

Her son couldn't be contacted, and without the support of Mr. Du, not to mention medical treatment, even food, clothing and housing would be a problem. The embarrassment of the previous days, she was afraid of doing it again!
"Xinru, don't be afraid! My old man won't leave you alone!" Mr. Du stretched out his hand, lovingly wiped Cao Xinru's tears, and rubbed his finger on Cao Xinru's cheek, but didn't take it back immediately.

"..." Cao Xinru sensed that something was wrong with Mr. Du's expression, but at this moment she was completely different from the hysterical look just now, and she didn't dare to resist Mr. Du at all, but she felt a little strange in her heart. What exactly was she? I don't know, and I dare not think about it.

"Doctor!" Mr. Du saw Cao Xinru's eyes flicker, and realized that he had lost his composure, so he withdrew his hand, coughed dryly, and shouted to the door.

The door was pushed open, but it was not a doctor who came in.

"Ozawa!" When Cao Xinru saw Du Haoze, his face showed a surprised expression, then his eyes darkened, and his face turned angry: "Didn't you refuse to come? What are you doing now?"

Thinking that Du Haoze probably came to see her because she knew she had an incurable disease, Cao Xinru was furious!

Du Haoze didn't speak, but looked at Mr. Du and Cao Xinru with dim eyes.

"When did you come?" Mr. Du was much calmer and more rational than Cao Xinru. Seeing Du Haoze's appearance, he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"I heard everything I should have heard, and I shouldn't have heard it all. When did you say I came here?" Du Haoze looked at Mr. Du and sneered, and said.

He still heard the news that Cao Xinru was sick and hospitalized from Du Haoyang's mouth today. The words "advanced liver cancer" made him feel uneasy for a while. He dropped his work and hurried to the hospital, but he never thought about it It's a big secret.

Du Haoze looked at Mr. Du in front of him, and had to admit that this old man was kind to him, at least much better than Du Haoyang, but he never dreamed that he would be the culprit who killed Du Haoyang's mother back then!
"Ozawa!" Cao Xinru began to panic when she heard Du Haoze's words. She lost her mind just now and revealed the secret between her and Mr. Du, but Du Haoze listened to it At this moment, seeing Du Haoze's overly calm face, Cao Xinru was not sure what Du Haoze was thinking, like fifteen buckets hanging, up and down.

"Ozawa! It's just my mother talking nonsense, it's not true, don't get me wrong!" Cao Xinru couldn't care less about getting angry with Du Haoze, and quickly comforted Du Haoze.She didn't dare to imagine what it would be like if Du Haoze told what he heard today, and she didn't dare to imagine the consequences!
"Why?" Du Haoze directly ignored Cao Xinru's words, his eyes fell on Mr. Du, and he asked word by word: "Why, what?"

(End of this chapter)

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