Chapter 942 Mr. Du was arrested! (1)
"Ozawa, there are some things you don't understand!" Old Master Du looked at Du Haoze with a somewhat tangled expression on his face, and finally heaved a long sigh and said.

"I don't understand!" Du Haoze smiled mockingly, "I don't understand how Haoyang's mother offended you to make you kill her. It's your grandson, why did you give me all the Du's shares in your hand! Is it just because she caught your handle?"

"Nonsense! How can Haoyang compare to you!" Mr. Du looked at the suspicion in Du Haoze's eyes, and argued, but his tone was filled with obvious eagerness.

"Heh! Although I don't want to admit it, the facts are in front of me, he is better than me in everything!" The curvature of the corner of Du Haoze's mouth continued to expand, but there were countless bitter tastes in it.

Is this still worth comparing?Even if Du Haoyang has 1 or [-] bad things, but he won Wang Yueshan's heart, he is far better than him!
"I don't allow you to boost other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige!" Old Man Du shouted at Du Haoze angrily.

"Others? Yourself? Haha! Grandpa, are you confused? Who is someone else? Who is yourself?" Du Haoze looked at the twitching muscles on Mr. Du's face, looked up and laughed loudly. After laughing, he was cold again Looking at old man Du, he said, "I will tell them exactly what the two of you said today!"

"Ozawa! Don't! You can't turn your elbows out!" Cao Xinru was so frightened when she heard what Du Haoze said, she hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed Du Haoze tightly, for fear that he would leave, so she really went to inform him!
"I've already made up my mind!" Du Haoze looked at Cao Xinru, who looked thinner and more emaciated, and had countless complicated feelings in his heart. He would not let her continue to make mistakes!
Thinking of this, Du Haoze slowly withdrew his arm from Cao Xinru's hand.

"Ozawa! Listen to my mother, you don't know how Du Haoyang and the others treated me. Do you know how much my mother was insulted during your absence?" Seeing that Du Haoze had made up his mind, Cao Xin hurriedly grabbed him. Holding Du Haoze's arm, he tearfully told Du Haoze what happened to him a few days ago.

"That's what you deserve!" Du Haoze said indifferently after hearing Cao Xinru's cry.

Du Haoze would never fully believe Cao Xinru's words now. He thought that it was Cao Xinru adding fuel to the picture, deliberately smearing Du Haoyang, such as stinky socks or being stripped naked for public display.

Cao Xinru never expected that Du Haoze would be so cold-blooded. For a moment, Du Haoze was speechless and just looked at Du Haoze in a daze.What Cao Xinru didn't know was that Du Haoze's behavior was all due to her own fault. She has been a sheep herder for a long time, and her reputation has already become a cloud!

Du Haoze looked at Cao Xinru who was speechless, and dropped another bomb coldly: "The child in Zhao Jie's stomach was confiscated by me!" Just now, Cao Xinru aborted the child in Zhao Jie's stomach. Planting the blame on Du Haoyang made it sound like she saw Du Haoyang committing the crime with her own eyes. Therefore, Cao Xinru's words, in his heart, were greatly reduced in credibility.

"You—why did you do this?! That's your child!" Cao Xinru looked at Du Haoze in disbelief, feeling that he was strange and terrifying.

"My child? Yueshan was pregnant with my child before, but how did you do it? Do you think you can find any woman to give birth to me? Or in your eyes, I, Du Haoze Is it useful to pass on the family line to make women pregnant? Do you think that as long as it is my child, no matter who gave birth, I will accept it? Ridiculous! In this life, except for the child born by Yueshan, I will never There are other children, and Du Hengyu is my only flesh and blood!" As soon as the children were mentioned, Du Haoze became emotional, looking at Old Man Du and Cao Xinru, his eyes showed naked hatred.

He hated the family members who disregarded his feelings and wishes and treated him like a puppet without feelings. When he saw the child in Zhao Jie's stomach aborted, he suddenly understood Du Sheng very well. Now, compared to his feelings at that moment, Du Sheng's indifference to him for so many years is simply too kind!
Du Haoze broke away from Cao Xinru's hand completely, turned around and opened the door to leave.Here, he shouldn't come, he doesn't want to stay here for a moment now, although that woman gave him life, but the pain she brought him is far beyond what he can bear, he is afraid to stay here for a moment , he will go crazy!

"You bastard! Stop!" Seeing that Du Haoze was about to leave, Old Man Du snapped.

Du Haoze turned his head back, looked at old man Du, raised the corners of his mouth mockingly, and said, "Everyone should be responsible for everything they do, killing people pays for their lives, what you have done, death is not a pity!"

"You bastard! You actually cursed me to death? You—who taught you to talk to your father like that?" Old Man Du was anxious, pointing at Du Haoze with trembling fingers and yelling, his body couldn't help trembling slightly because of his anger!But he bit the word "your father" very hard!

"What did you say?!" Du Haoze opened his eyes wide in surprise, his body froze suddenly, and asked in a blunt and difficult tone.

"Du Maotian! What are you talking about?!" Cao Xinru looked at Mr. Du in shock, his voice was so sharp that it irritated everyone's eardrums.

"Xinru, Ozawa, he is my son!" Mr. Du said slowly and with difficulty, his muscles trembling.

"No! You are talking nonsense! How could Ozawa be your son! Dad! You are so confused! Ozawa is your grandson!" Cao Xinru looked at Mr. Du without blinking, trying to tell the truth from his face. A trace of jokes was found, but Mr. Du's firm gaze and unquestionable attitude made Cao Xinru's heart feel like falling into an abyss, and his body was trembling uncontrollably because of the pain or something.

No!Will not!Will not!Cao Xinru told herself over and over in her heart!
"Xinru, I told you, don't call me dad again! I—" Mr. Du looked at Cao Xinru shaking like a fallen leaf in a strong wind, and worriedly wanted to go forward to support her.

Cao Xin raised her hand furiously and slapped Mr. Du. This slap almost exhausted all her strength!

"Don't touch me! Don't touch me! You bastard! You bastard!" Cao Xinru avoided Mr. Du's outstretched hand, as if avoiding something dirty, and cursed hysterically.

"It's not true! It's not true! Tell me quickly, it's not true! It's not true!" Cao Xinru pointed at Mr. Du with tears in his eyes.

For so many years, her proud identity and everything she has devoted herself to has been driven into a bottomless abyss by the words of old man Du just now, which makes her feel more painful than Ling Chi.

(End of this chapter)

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