Chapter 943 Mr. Du was arrested! (2)
not him!not him!It wasn't him that night!

It's just that Mr. Du's silence made Cao Xinru's last glimmer of hope shattered!
"It's not true! It's not true! Tell me! Tell me!" Cao Xinru stared at Mr. Du's wrinkled face. At this moment, Mr. Du's face made her feel so kind. It made her feel so disgusted at this moment. When Cao Xinru thought about what happened that night, and thought that the man who took away her virginity with her turned out to be Mr. Du who was two and a half rounds older than herself, Cao Xinru couldn't help it for a while. Holding back, a fishy sweetness welled up in her throat, and bewitching red flowers bloomed on her clothes and on the floor.

"Xinru! Don't get excited! Listen to me! Listen to my explanation!" Seeing that Cao Xinru was vomiting blood again, Mr. Du was so frightened that he went forward to help her again regardless of Cao Xinru's objection, but this time he fell again. empty.

Du Haoze, who recovered from the shock and disbelief, helped Cao Xinru to the hospital bed, and then looked coldly at the old man who had suddenly changed from his grandfather to his father, as if looking at a mess of dirt. people.

"I don't want to listen to your explanation! Get out! Get out! Get out!" Cao Xinru's spirit suffered a huge blow, and she has completely ignored her current situation. She doesn't want to see the face of Mr. Du now!

She has always regarded him as an elder, but she did not expect that he would have shameless evil thoughts towards her. Over the years, although Du Sheng has been indifferent to her, ignored her, and even regarded her as an existence like air, Mrs. Du's name Even if Du Sheng doesn't want to admit it anymore, she has a son with him. This is an ironclad fact, and the relationship will never be cut off. For her, in this life, he Du Sheng Sheng can't get rid of her, and he can never completely draw a line with her, that's enough!

However, Mr. Du's words today overturned her cognition of the past twenty years, not only cruelly cut off the only connection between her and Du Sheng, but also pushed herself into a situation where there is no redemption!This simply made her life worse than death!
"What's going on?" Du Haoze was much calmer than Cao Xinru, but it was only on the surface.No one will understand what kind of turbulent waves are stirring in his heart at this moment, and no one will understand how shameful and unbearable he feels at this moment!
"I—" Mr. Du looked at Du Haoze with excited and complicated eyes, and there was a kind of pleasure on his whole face. He had buried this secret for more than [-] years, and he originally planned to bring it to the ground. But when he thought about Cao Xinru's illness and Du Haoze's attitude, he couldn't be so scruples anymore.

"No! Shut up! Shut up!" Before Mr. Du could say anything, Cao Xinru started yelling crazily again. She grabbed Du Haoze's clothes tightly and begged all over her eyes: "Xiao Ze, Don't listen! Don't listen! It's not true! No! Let him go! Let him go! Ah—"

"Xinru, I know that I was not good back then. I shouldn't lose my morals after drinking, and then I was afraid of being criticized by others, so I took responsibility and blamed Du Sheng for that matter. When did mother and son not respond to their needs? I was forced to!" Mr. Du looked at Cao Xinru eagerly defending himself, his expression was abnormally excited.

Cao Xinru's mother used to be his childhood sweetheart, and later he married Du Sheng's mother in order to realize his dream, and Cao Xinru's mother also married someone else. He thought that they would have no social interaction in their lives, but somehow It seems that Cao Xinru has become an employee of the Du family. The moment Mr. Du saw Cao Xinru, his heart that had been silent for many years suddenly became alive. After careful inquiry, he confirmed Cao Xinru's identity, especially in the After finding out about Cao Xinru's mother's death at a young age, he took extra care of Cao Xinru. He knew that Cao Xinru liked Du Sheng. If Du Sheng hadn't married a wife and had children, he would have been happy with Du Sheng and Cao Xinru's affairs. It was selfish. He also wanted to make the regret that he and Cao Xinru's mother couldn't stay together back then to be fulfilled in their children.

However, during a year-end reception of Mrs. Du, something unexpected happened. He drank too much at the time, and fell asleep thinking Cao Xinru, who was drunk, was Cao's mother when he was young. Afterwards, he regretted his behavior. On the one hand, he was complacent about being Cao Xinru's first man, but in the end he didn't dare to bear the consequences, so he locked the drunken Du Sheng and Cao Xinru in the same room, creating a scene where they had sex after drinking.

Life is like this, one wrong step, everything is lost.

Mr. Du, who had set up one round, had to set up more rounds in order to complete this round.Because of Cao Xinru's incident, Du Sheng and his wife had a fierce fight, Mr. Du's prejudice against Haoyang's mother became deeper and deeper, and Cao Xinru often went to him to cry, which made Mr. Du feel more and more guilty, and finally he made up his mind , to make up for Cao Xinru and help her fulfill her wish, so he played tricks on Haoyang's mother.

However, it was not all smooth sailing during this period. Cao Xinru disappeared for three years without any reason, and when we met again, she already had Hao Ze.After confirming that Hao Ze is the blood of the Du family, he was ecstatic, so after Haoyang's mother passed away, he forced Du Sheng again, and finally let Cao Xinru marry into the Du family smoothly.

"Shut up! You bastard who is not as good as a beast! I don't want to listen to you! Get out! Get out! Get out!" Cao Xinru recalled that she spent that night with the man in front of her, and she thought about it for more than twenty years. Years of sweet dreams suddenly turned into nightmares, and he no longer had a trace of reason. He rolled his eyes and passed out.

"Xinru! Xinru!" Seeing Cao Xinru's body limply lying on the bed, old man Du panicked from fright. His legs gave way and he fell onto the chair next to him, trembling non-stop.

Du Haoze stretched out his hand to test Cao Xinru's breathing, and then rang the bell.

"Her, Ozawa, your is she?" Old Man Du looked at Du Haoze and asked with difficulty.

Du Haoze ignored Old Man Du, treating him like a transparent person, completely ignoring him.

"Ozawa! I...I have no other choice! I..." Mr. Du looked at Du Haoze's cold face, and explained.

"I have no choice but to blame others? I have no choice but to kill someone? I have no choice but to interfere in other people's lives?" The words of no choice that Old Master Du uttered aroused Du Haoze's emotions. He looked at Old Master Du with a deep hatred on his face. meaning.

"I..." Old Man Du swallowed dryly. He was frightened by the ferocious look on Du Haoze's face. He didn't know how to explain it for a while, so he shut his mouth embarrassingly.

"She lived in a daze all her life, and today she finally said one sentence correctly." Du Haoze looked at Cao Xinru's gloomy and lifeless face, and suddenly said such a sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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