Chapter 944 Mr. Du was arrested! (3)
"What?" Old Master Du bit the bullet and said, but he was prepared in his heart, knowing that what Du Haoze said would not be anything good.

"You are simply a brute!" Du Haoze said through gritted teeth.

"..." Mr. Du stared at Du Haoze, and after a while, he lowered his head weakly.Now that the matter has come to this, he has to recognize what the two girls say!This matter can't become a big deal, otherwise, if Du Sheng and his son know what they really want, he will be finished!

However, what old man Du didn't know was that his every move in the hospital had already been completely monitored by Du Haoyang, and there was no need to tell him through others!

At this moment, Du Haoyang sat silently in the large office chair, his whole body was full of hostility, he swept everything on the table except the computer to the ground, at this moment his fists were clenched, and the veins on his forehead were throbbing violently , a pair of eyes were staring at the monitor screen, wishing to use his gaze to kill Mr. Du inside.

The doctor and the nurse hurried into the ward, seeing that the atmosphere in the room was not right, they smartly did not show anything, gave Cao Xinru another infusion, checked to make sure she was fine, and then told Du Haoze some precautions, before leaving.

"Xiao Ze, no matter how you say it, I have never owed you mother and son! I have already given you all the shares in the Du family. Doesn't this make up for you?" After the doctor left, Du who had been silent all the time The old man couldn't help but ask after all.

"Make it up? Haha!" Du Haoze laughed out loud after listening to Mr. Du's words, as if he had heard a big joke, but the laughter was filled with endless desolation.

make up? !Thanks to what this man said!How could he make up for what he owed him with a little broken shares?He never cared about those things!How could the shame and trauma this man brought to him be exposed in a few words?

make up? !What a joke!

"Ozawa!" Mr. Du now lacked the aura of the past. He was tired and helpless, and even humbled like never before.

"What I need is never Du's shares!" After Du Haoze finished laughing, he looked at Mr. Du and said, his eyes were as cold as ice.

"Then what do you want? Tell me! As long as I have, I will give you everything!" Mr. Du obviously misunderstood Du Haoze's words, thinking that Du Haoze was negotiating terms with him. He raised his hopes and asked eagerly.

"What I want, you can't afford it in your life! All my things have been destroyed by your own hands! Completely destroyed!" Du Haoze thought of Wang Yueshan and Du Hengyu, and his heart ached. From now on, what kind of appearance should he use? Appear in front of them?The more Du Haoze thought about it, the more desolate he felt, and a look of despair appeared on his face.

In his whole life, he might never have a chance to be with the sun again!
Mr. Du didn't expect Du Haoze to say this. Seeing the pain on Du Haoze's face, he suddenly felt some remorse and powerlessness in his heart.
Mr. Du sat on the chair for a while, seeing that Cao Xinru was about to wake up, in order to prevent her from being overly emotional when she woke up, he took the initiative to back out.

It's just that Mr. Du never expected that when he left the ward, what awaited him was a pair of cold handcuffs.

"What are you doing?!" Mr. Du yelled at the two policemen, his voice could not conceal the shock and fear.

"Du Maotian, someone reported that you were involved in multiple murders. The evidence is convincing. This is an arrest warrant!" The two policemen were not at all moved by Mr. Du's aura, and said with a cold face.

"Arrest warrant?!" When Mr. Du saw the paper document, his legs softened all of a sudden, and he said repeatedly: "This is impossible! This is impossible!" Mr. Du struggled while speaking, but he was old after all, how could he? They were the opponents of two young policemen Kong Wu, who were quickly restrained, but Mr. Du was still not reconciled, and shouted at the door of the ward: "Ozawa! Ozawa, save me!"

"I can't save you!" A cold snort suddenly came from the corridor.

Only then did Mr. Du realize that there was a person standing with the backlight not far from the corridor. He squinted his eyes slightly, and when he saw the face of the person clearly, he couldn't help cursing angrily: "You unworthy descendant! You bastard! Hurry up!" Make them let me go!"

"Let go of you? Heh! Dreaming!" Du Haoyang flicked the cigarette butt in his hand to the ground and crushed it hard!
For the sake of Wang Yueshan and Du Hengyu, he hadn't smoked for a long, long time. When he drove to the hospital just now, he lit one, and after only one puff, his throat was cut by the bitter taste.

"You——" Old Master Du looked at Du Haoyang, who had red eyes and looked like he was about to kill someone, he was so guilty and timid that he couldn't speak.

By now, he already knew that what he had done had been completely exposed!

"Where's your father! Let him come to see me!" Mr. Du had already experienced Du Haoyang's ruthless methods, so he chose Du Sheng, who was relatively easy-going.He believed that Du Haoyang must be behind Du Sheng's back when he sent himself to the police station!
"Oh! I forgot to tell you. My dad said that he never wants to see you again in his life!" Du Haoyang let out a long and evil breath, and said with a sideways look at Mr. Du.

"Impossible! Let him tell me in person!" Old Man Du was still struggling desperately.

"Go on the road obediently, what face do you have to talk to my father!" Du Haoyang looked at old man Du coldly and said.

"Ozawa! Ozawa!" Seeing that Du Haoyang was determined to send him to the police station, Mr. Du was frightened and shouted at Du Haoze who was in the ward, especially when he tasted the phrase "obediently go on the road" he said.

The door of the ward opened. Du Haoze glanced at the handcuffs on Mr. Du's wrist, then looked up at Mr. Du who was looking at him full of hope, and said a few words expressionlessly: "Good and evil will be rewarded in the end." !"

"Ozawa! I'm you——I'm your father!" Mr. Du couldn't care less about face at this moment, and begged after seeing Du Haoze. Now all his hopes were pinned on Du Haoze.

"If I had a choice, I'd rather not come to this world!" Du Haoze said, frowning because of Mr. Du's words.

Unfortunately, if only if!Mr. Du's ending like this is what he deserves, and he won't do anything for him!
"Take it away!" Du Haoyang turned his gaze between Mr. Du and Du Haoze, then gave a cold snort, and ordered to the two policemen.

So, the two policemen didn't delay any longer, and dragged Mr. Du away on their own!
"Ozawa! You can't treat me like this! I am your father! Ozawa..." In the corridor of the hospital, I recalled the voice of old man Du who dared not dare and was afraid.

(End of this chapter)

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