Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 945 Why is it so embarrassing VS paying for food

Chapter 945 Why is it so embarrassing VS paying for food (1)
Du Haoyang hooked the corners of his mouth mockingly and contemptuously. He didn't expect that old man Du, who had always acted righteous and dignified, would be such a coward who didn't even have the courage to bear the consequences when things came to an end!
After Mr. Du was taken away by the police, Du Haoyang and Du Haoze were left standing in the corridor of the hospital, and the atmosphere became indescribably weird.

Du Haoze looked at the silent Du Haoyang with complicated eyes, and remained silent without speaking. In fact, at this moment, he didn't know how to speak and what to say.

Apologize?How innocent he is!What's more, in his heart, he doesn't recognize Mr. Du at all!

Continue to pretend nothing happened?He doesn't have such a thick skin, and now he is suddenly a generation higher than Du Haoyang, so he doesn't have any sense of superiority. On the contrary, at this moment, he feels so humble that even he has nothing to say to him!

Mr. Du's fate was already in his expectation, but he didn't expect Du Haoyang to be so resolute, without hesitation, decisive and strong. He had to admit that such Du Haoyang made him jealous and Can't help admiring, but at the same time feel at ease, under the wing of such a man, Wang Yueshan should be happy and healthy in this life. Now, even he himself has to admit that Wang Yueshan was right not to choose him.

Thinking of Wang Yueshan and their son Du Hengyu, Du Haoze felt nothing but bitterness in his heart. He was waiting, waiting for Du Haoyang's cynicism, waiting for Du Haoyang's vent.

However, after a long while of silence, Du Haoyang did not speak as he expected. Du Haoze's eyes could not help showing some surprise, but when he saw Du Haoyang's eyes that were also full of complex colors, he felt in his heart. clear.

How can it be!

Yes, at this moment, the same emotions are rolling in the hearts of both of them—how embarrassing!
Just like Du Haoze didn't know how to face Du Haoyang, Du Haoyang didn't know how to face Du Haoze right now!
Before Du Haoyang came, he was very angry. After Mr. Du was brought to justice, he wanted to severely humiliate Du Haoze's mother and son. He wanted to ask Du Haoze face to face, should he call him little uncle or little uncle now?Thinking of the fact that Du Haoze's parents killed his mother because of their own self-interest, took several lives on their hands, and made his father wronged Mobai for more than [-] years, Du Haoyang couldn't suppress the hatred in his heart. I want to find an outlet to vent!

However, the moment he saw the shame and indignation on Du Haoze's face, those prepared lines and prepared tone were all held back in his heart and he couldn't vent it.

He and Du Haoze are both victims. In the past twenty years, because of the crimes committed by Cao Xinru and Mr. Du, both of them grew up in an unhealthy family environment. Du Haoze lost no less than him, even more than him. Much more!At least, no matter how indulgent, rebellious, or rebellious Du Haoyang is, he will always have a father who truly loves him and loves him by his side, and now he has a woman he loves, and Du Haoze, no matter how forbearing, no matter how good, no matter how perfect, With such immoral, corrupt and deranged parents, it's not a miserable end now!
It would be unreasonable for him to add insult to injury now!After all, although he has always seen Du Haoze as wrong, but he has to admit that Du Haoze is still remarkable in dealing with people. Mr. Du and Cao Xin are like two crooked melons, and they have raised Du Haoze like Zhengmiao. Don't tell me it's not easy!
never mind!Why do men make things difficult for men? Du Haoyang is not a narrow-minded man who doesn't know right from wrong and who doesn't know his grievances!

So, after Du Haoyang smeared himself in his heart, he watched Du Haoze coolly say: "Don't let Yueshan know about this!" Then he turned and left proudly.

Du Haoze looked at Du Haoyang's cold back, and a misty and bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. It seems that this time he turned out to be a villain!

It's just that even if Du Haoyang didn't remind him, Du Haoze still didn't want to let Wang Yueshan know about his miserable life experience. Now that Du Haoyang can choose to keep his mouth shut, at least he can keep a trace of dignity for him in front of Wang Yueshan and the children. He wished for it!
Mr. Du's matter was handled very quickly, with solid evidence, and with Du Haoyang's push behind him, the dust settled quickly. This old guy who has been calling the wind and rain for decades never dreamed that his later life would be bleak. spent behind bars.

However, Mr. Du did not accept his fate at the beginning, and asked to see Du Sheng countless times. He always believed that his affairs were manipulated by Du Haoyang alone, and Du Sheng would not watch him fall into such a state. At this point, it is impossible to save.

It's just that the moment he finally met Du Sheng, the last bit of hope left in Mr. Du's heart was shattered.

During the long half-hour meeting, Mr. Du was singing a one-man show alone. He was wearing a large and dirty prison uniform, watching Du Sheng tearfully, begging for mercy, repenting, and saying all the good things, but sitting opposite But Du Sheng kept looking at him expressionlessly, as if he didn't hear what he was saying at all, his expression didn't fluctuate at all, let alone loosen up, but there was an indifferent glint in his eyes.

"Du Sheng, Dad knows I'm sorry, but Dad is so old, you really have the heart to die in prison all my life?" After Mr. Du said his mouth was dry, his heart sank a little, and finally Put on an old face, knelt down to Du Sheng, cried and said: "Son, Dad is wrong, this is not a place for people to live, Dad begs you, take Dad away!"

Du Sheng stood up and looked at Mr. Du indifferently. After seeing the light of hope in Mr. Du's eyes, he said four words in a cold voice: "You have to suffer!" During the meeting, the only thing he said was the last thing Du Sheng left for Mr. Du.

Grandpa Du looked at Du Sheng's leaving back, couldn't help it anymore, pointed at Du Sheng and cursed: "Du Sheng, you wolf-hearted bastard! I don't even care about your father, be careful that you will be struck by lightning! You ..."

The sound of cursing stimulated Du Sheng's eardrums, but it couldn't stop him from leaving.He came here today to let Mr. Du understand the status quo and give up completely. Otherwise, who will pay for the lives that died at his hands, and who will be responsible for the law?
After Du Sheng left the prison, he didn't go home directly. Instead, he bought a bunch of lilies and crabapples, and went to the cemetery. Lilies were his mother's favorite flowers, and crabapples were his wife's favorite flowers. In front of the two connected tombstones, Du Sheng sat alone in the cemetery and babbled for a long time. He didn't get up until night fell, and took a deep look at the favorite of his life who was buried here. The two women muttered to themselves: "You guys, will you blame me?"

(End of this chapter)

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