Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 946 Why is it so embarrassing VS paying for food

Chapter 946 Why is it so embarrassing VS paying for food (2)
No one answered him, only the sudden breeze brushed against his cheeks, like a pair of gentle hands, gently stroking his face.

Du Sheng closed his eyes slightly and took a deep breath. After a while, he opened his eyes and left the cemetery.

Wang Yueshan's life is not bad these days, except that Tang Yu would occasionally embarrass her because of mentioning Ji Jing, other times she really wanted to make up for the family warmth they had missed for more than [-] years. She is obedient and obedient to her every request.Therefore, Wang Yueshan, who is the young lady of the underworld, is full of confidence!

When it comes to Ji Jing, although Wang Yueshan is upright and confident every time she faces Tang Yu, she is actually very guilty in private. Ji Jing has been missing for more than a month, and Tang Yu has not found anyone through various methods. The only thing she can be sure of is Yes, Ji Jing did not fall into the hands of Tang Yu's enemies, which made Wang Yueshan feel at ease.But every time Wang Yueshan saw Tang Yu teasing Du Hengyu, she couldn't hide her lonely expression, and she was really angry and hurt for this brother in her heart.

"I said, since you like the child so much, why did you ask Ji Jing to kill the child?" Wang Yueshan looked at Tang Yu who was hugging Du Hengyu affectionately and refused to let go as soon as she entered the door, and finally couldn't help asking curiously.

Tang Yu's complexion darkened, and a cluster of dark light flashed across his eyes quickly, and Wang Yueshan was so fast that he had no time to catch it.

"Forget it, pretend I didn't ask!" Wang Yueshan saw that Tang Yu's face turned down again, and she didn't speak for a while, and saw Tang Butler shaking his head and waving at her from behind Tang Yu's back, and knew that she had stepped on Tang Yu's taboo again. Yes, so he touched his nose and said embarrassingly.

"Do you think every man is like Du Haoyang, so generous that he can help others raise their children?" Tang Yu pretended to give Wang Yueshan a fierce look, and then scratched Du Hengyu's little friend's nose "revengeously" and said : "Boy, you two are burning high incense. If you meet that idiot Du Haoyang, let's have fun secretly for the rest of your life!"

Du Hengyu didn't know why, so he was teased by Tang Yu, giggling non-stop, really happy!

Tang Yu looked at the same "ignorant" couple, and honestly admired Du Haoyang in his heart. He never thought that the boy was so flirtatious in the past and didn't look like a good bird. He could have such a broad mind and accepted Wang Yueshan. Not to mention the children born to other men, in order to completely remove obstacles for Wang Yueshan, Cao Xinru was swept out of the house and sent to the hospital, and Mr. Du was brought to justice and sent to prison, so that Wang Yueshan will be completely carefree in the Du family from now on. He has done so much, and still keeps silent, neither asking for credit nor being obedient, so he can really hold back!

"What?! You mean the child in Ji Jing's womb, not yours?!" Wang Yueshan's voice rose suddenly, and her eyes were filled with disbelief!

This news is too violent, isn't it? !

"You will die if you keep your voice down? Can't the whole world know that your brother and I have been cuckolded?" Tang Yu growled angrily as he looked at Wang Yueshan who could stuff a fool into his mouth.

"Hmm..." Wang Yueshan covered her mouth with all her strength, staring at Tang Yu with round almond eyes, and then raised her other free hand like a primary school student reporting.

"Say!" Tang Yu glared at Wang Yueshan angrily.

"But no, I can guarantee that Ji Jing loves you, and I always think that the child in her belly is yours!" Wang Yueshan asked her doubts in her heart.

"We once had a child. If it wasn't for...the child would be called Auntie now!" The topic of the child made Tang Yu feel extremely heavy, and his voice was extremely deep.

"You...you..." Wang Yueshan didn't expect that Tang Yu and Ji Jing had such a past, and she didn't know what to say for a while. Tang Yu's words completely overturned her cognition, and she was shocked for a while. Lost the ability to judge.

Is Ji Jing really that kind of woman?Why do I always feel like I can't!
"Otherwise, why did she insist on divorcing me even though she knew she was pregnant?" Tang Yu laughed at himself, his eyelids slightly closed, hiding the pain in his heart.

"There are no absolutes in the world, maybe there are other reasons?" Wang Yueshan comforted Tang Yu, feeling the deep sadness emanating from him.

"Leng Ye said that he saw Linda at Jinfen yesterday, and she was with Qian's Xiaokai." Tang Yu obviously didn't want to continue the topic of Ji Jing and the child, so he changed it abruptly.

"This cold night! Since I saw it, why didn't you bring him back!" Thinking of Linda, Wang Yueshan's teeth itch with anger!

This woman slipped away after framing her, but Tang Yu and the others searched and failed to find her. She hid her deeper than a turtle, and now she is willing to show her face?snort!Sooner or later, I want her to look good!

"The Qian family, it's very complicated!" Tang Yu groaned, then looked at Wang Yueshan's angry little face, and couldn't help but smile and said, "Look at your talent, you won't be able to run away from her sooner or later!"

This younger sister really followed their mother's temperament completely. Tang Yu was very glad that he followed his father. Otherwise, where did the Tang family come from now?So restless, I don't even know how I died!

"Hmph!" Wang Yueshan snorted displeasedly. In fact, she is a little more angry with Du Haoyang than Linda now. How short-sighted was that man before, so he fell in love with a woman like Linda?What a bastard who thinks on a third leg!

Du Haoyang, who had just entered the door, sneezed twice, glanced at Wang Yueshan who looked worried, smiled, and said sternly: "Who is this that made my queen unhappy?"

"Who else but you!" Wang Yueshan pretended to be angry and gave Du Haoyang a sideways glance. After seeing the blue eyes in her eyes, she felt a little distressed, curled her lips and complained: "Does your Du's employees change jobs a lot recently? ? Look at how tired you are!"

"So much resentment?" Du Haoyang stepped forward and put his arms around Wang Yueshan's waist. Tang Yu and Tang Butler, who were present without hesitation, kissed her hard on the lips, and then rubbed their ears with her for a while, whispering Said: "Don't worry, no matter how tired you are, the Lord will satisfy you!"

"Stinky rascal! Get out! Do you have anything else on your mind?" Wang Yueshan glared at Du Haoyang in embarrassment and annoyance, then glanced at Tang Yu and Tang Butler, who was concentrating on making props, with two eyes floating on her face. Suspicious little pink flowers.

"Seeing you, I have nothing else on my mind!" Du Haoyang coquettishly said with his arms around Wang Yueshan.

"You two, pay attention to the influence in front of the child!" Tang Yu was the first to be unbearable, and coughed heavily, with a very unhappy tone.

"Honey, let's go home, this uncle doesn't seem to want to see me very much!" Du Haoyang glanced at Tang Yu, and tightened his arms around Wang Yueshan's arm in protest.

"You go early!" Tang Yu glared at Du Haoyang angrily. This kid was so proud of himself that he didn't know how to restrain himself. He took every opportunity to show his affection in front of him, a lonely man, and stimulated him purely!
(End of this chapter)

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