Chapter 950 The Final Conspiracy! (2)
"Hmph!" Tang Yu was flabbergasted, looking at Du Haoyang and Wang Yueshan who were singing along with each other, and snorted enviously and enviously.

Those who bully his lonely family have no helpers, these two people are so outrageous!
"Cao Xinru?!" Wang Yueshan suddenly pointed to a point outside the car window in surprise, and said in surprise, but her tone was a little uncertain, because that person was far from the Cao Xinru in her impression!
Wang Yueshan has already noticed that this is a small fruit and vegetable market in the old city of City B. The place is dirty and messy, the lights are dim, and there are no people here at night. What she is curious about now is how Cao Xinru appeared in the here?

The environment here has nothing to do with a woman like Cao Xinru!

Wang Yueshan watched Cao Xinru staggeringly walking on the road. The large and thin hospital gown was like a banner in the wind. Although she knew that Cao Xinru had an incurable disease, Wang Yueshan didn't expect that Cao Xinru would lose weight after not seeing her for a while. With disheveled hair, yellow and haggard face, sluggish expression and dull eyes, he kept muttering something in his mouth, and held a rag doll he picked up from nowhere in his hand, dirty. Damn, it's disgusting to look at, two different shoes are worn on one pair of feet, one for women and one for men, they kick and tap when they walk.

"How did she become like this?" Wang Yueshan couldn't help asking.

"The deadline is approaching!" Tang Yu answered the four words Wang Yueshan expressionlessly, which was short and thought-provoking.

"Oh!" Wang Yueshan couldn't help but think of the first time she saw Cao Xinru.

Cao Xinru asked her out that day, her whole body was magnificent, her dress was noble, her makeup was fierce and unattainable, and she was accompanied by four bodyguards. Her imposing manner and style made her realize for the first time what red is. Rich, she still remembers the contempt on Cao Xinru's face when she threw the check to her, looking at her as if she was looking at Le Se in the trash can, and those eyes directly pierced her. heart.

However, now even she dare not associate this withered woman with the former Cao Xinru. Thinking about all this, the world is really unpredictable!
"What's so interesting about this! It's better to go home and sleep!" Wang Yueshan lazily stretched her arms and yawned.

In fact, seeing Cao Xinru like this, Wang Yueshan didn't feel as happy as she expected when she came here. People without any combat power who have stepped into the coffin with one foot are all gone, so it's really meaningless to be serious with her.

"Daughter-in-law is right! Go home and go to bed!" Du Haoyang naturally responded enthusiastically to Wang Yueshan's proposal, thinking in his heart that if he went back home, he could do more things that would benefit his body and mind!
"It's still early! Can you two be a little patient, you know how to get under the covers all day long!" Tang Yu bluntly poked Du Haoyang and Wang Yueshan's cheeks. Are people interested?

"Someone's jealous!" Du Haoyang didn't feel embarrassed, instead he hugged Wang Yueshan on his lap, full of provocation.

"I just said that this car smells like sauerkraut! It's really bad!" Wang Yueshan's tacit understanding was quite high, and she was merciless in teasing her brother.

"Don't be poor, both of you! Look outside!" Tang Yu turned his face displeased, and then reminded him aloud.

Du Haoyang and Wang Yueshan smiled heartlessly, and looked out of the car together. When they saw the people outside the car, they all showed surprise on their faces. How could it be her?
Since Cao Xinru was stimulated by Mr. Du that day, her spirit has obviously become abnormal. In addition, her physical condition is getting worse and worse, and her whole spirit is also going up and down.

"Xiao Ze! Mommy's baby, are those bad boys bullying you again? Look, they've stained your clothes!" Cao Xinru said while slapping the rag doll in her hand of dust.

"It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt, my mother will tell you secretly, your father is a high-ranking official, sooner or later, we mother and son will live a good life! Those who bully you will take a detour when they see you, I dare not bully you again!" Cao Xinru said, as if remembering something, she smiled foolishly, with an extremely satisfied expression.

"This is not Du Sheng's child at all! This is the bastard of that old dude Du Maotian! Stop daydreaming here!" A sharp voice suddenly shattered Cao Xinru's dream, "It's that old rascal Du Maotian A strong girl fucked you, it's not Du Sheng's seed at all!"

"No! You are talking nonsense! You are talking nonsense!" Cao Xinru looked up at Linda in horror, looked at her glamorous appearance, and shouted frantically: "No! No! The child belongs to Du Sheng! It is Du Sheng Sheng!" Cao Xinru couldn't take it anymore, squatted down, hugged her head and screamed.

"Don't deceive yourself! The one who raped you is Du Maotian! It's that old Du Maotian! You were tricked by Du's father and son!" Linda suddenly bent down and approached Cao Xinru, looking directly at Cao Xinru's face, which was red like blood Dripping lips opened and closed, slowly, and said to Cao Xinru word by word, as if wishing to engrave the words he said on Cao Xinru's heart.

"No! You are talking nonsense! No! No!" Cao Xinru dodged her eyes, shrank back in fright, and trembled in the wind.

"Cao Xinru, stop pretending! I don't believe you are so willing to die like this!" Linda sneered, and cast a mocking glance at Cao Xinru who was in a state of embarrassment. After seeing Cao Xinru's eyes flashed, she said proudly: " If you want revenge, I can help you! Only I can help you!"

Cao Xinru didn't go to see Linda, and continued to mutter: "No! No! No..." That state is completely the behavior of a mentally disturbed person. If you don't pay attention to her The knuckles of the hands twisting the corners of the clothes were already white.

"You are just living and waiting to die now. If Du Haoyang dies, then the Du family will belong to Du Haoze alone!" Linda sneered from the bottom of her heart, and tried to persuade Cao Xin.

Cao Xinru frowned, but her mouth was still terrified and insane, and she continued to mutter: "No! No! No..."

"Think carefully about what I said!" Linda knew that her lobbying had worked.

"Don't think about it! It's not up to you, an outsider, to make irresponsible remarks about our Du family's affairs!" Just when Linda was about to feel complacent, a cold voice sounded, it was Du Haoze who had just arrived here.

"If you have the ability, go fight Du Haoyang by yourself. If you don't have the ability, just accept your fate and be a good man! Don't provoke me here again!" Du Haoze looked at Cao Xinru, who was curled up on the ground and shivering, holding a gun in his hand. The messy rag doll quickly took off her coat and put it on Cao Xinru, and said in a hoarse voice, "Mom, why did you come here alone? Come on, let's go home!" Cao Xinru wanted to throw away the rag doll in her arms.

(End of this chapter)

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