Chapter 951 Yue Shan’s Tangle (1)
"Don't! Don't touch my little Ze! Don't touch my little Ze!" Cao Xinru snatched the rag doll from Du Haoze's hand and hugged it, then patted the rag doll distressedly and said: " Ozawa is not afraid, mother will not let bad people bully you!"

Du Haoze looked at Cao Xinru, and remembered what happened when he was a child, his eyes turned slightly red.

"Mom, let's go home! It's windy outside, don't freeze Ozawa!" Du Haoze knew that Cao Xinru's current state couldn't reason with her, so he simply followed her wishes and coaxed her.

"Okay! Okay! Go home, don't let us, Ozawa, catch a cold!" Sure enough, Cao Xinru nodded vigorously after hearing Du Haoze's words.

It's just that after Cao Xinru followed Du Haoze for two steps, he stopped, turned to look at Linda suspiciously and asked.

"A person with evil intentions! Let's ignore her!" Du Haoze replied indifferently.

"Bad guy!" Cao Xinru listened to Du Haoze's words, gave Linda a hard gouged look, and then followed Du Haoze away.

Linda looked at the backs of Cao Xinru and Du Haoze, took out a cigarette from her bag and lit it, squinted her eyes and smoked, then smiled meaningfully.

"It's you who caused the romantic debt!" Wang Yueshan in the carriage grabbed Du Haoyang's ears with both hands and cursed angrily after seeing Linda leave.

Tang Yu, Wang Yueshan, and Du Haoyang in the car saw and heard Cao Xinru's conversation with Linda and later Du Haoze verbatim. They could even see their expressions and small movements when they spoke. It was very clear, it turned out that Tang Yu had already had several hidden cameras installed around here to record everything about them.

"Honey, didn't we say we'd better settle the old score!" Du Haoyang put on a pitiful and bitter look, and said flatteringly.

"Hmph! Those rotten peach blossoms of yours made me feel bad!" Wang Yueshan felt furious when she thought of Linda, and pounded her little fist hard on Du Haoyang's chest.

"Then go back later, I'll be your horse!" Du Haoyang hugged Wang Yueshan tightly, biting her ear.

"You think so beautifully!" Wang Yueshan angrily pulled Du Haoyang's cheeks to both sides, turning a wickedly handsome face into the most handsome pig's head.

"Don't you love riding horses the most?" Du Haoyang couldn't help but pecked Wang Yueshan's face with a rippling smile.

"Are you two finished? Don't play with fire and immorality in front of single men, understand?" Tang Yu couldn't stand it anymore, and said angrily while starting the car.

"I don't understand! You did it to yourself! You deserve it!" Du Haoyang and Wang Yueshan said in unison.

After finishing speaking, the young couple slapped the wooden horse wooden horse twice again through the air, and laughed happily, which made Tang Yu get goosebumps all over.

"Just let Linda go like this, isn't it too cheap for her?" On the way back, Wang Yueshan asked puzzled.

"Little Si, tell me you're nothing but two. You still don't agree. I'm going to let her go when you see my brother with that eye?" Tang Yu really worried about Wang Yueshan's IQ!Xiao Si, this nickname was given to her, it really lives up to the name!

Spare Linda?joke!How can it be!

"Then why didn't you arrest her just now and torture her to extract a confession? It will save you a lot of trouble!" Wang Yueshan said unconvinced to Tang Yu.

"As soon as we were exposed, Linda died. What can a dead person torture to extract?" Du Haoyang ravaged the hair on top of Wang Yueshan's head, and kindly explained her doubts.

"No way? Is there anyone there!" Wang Yueshan was skeptical of Du Haoyang's words, because she felt that with Tang Yu's skill, subduing Linda would only take a few minutes!

"Are people faster than bullets? Stupid!" Tang Yu glanced at Wang Yueshan in the rearview mirror and chuckled.

"Ah? So mysterious?" Wang Yueshan yelled in surprise, only then did she realize that things were not as simple as she thought, "Who is behind the scenes to make things difficult for us?"

"Don't worry, I believe you will know soon!" Du Haoyang said comfortingly, rubbing Wang Yueshan's hair.

The three of them were still talking and laughing while driving home, but this time the laughter on the way back was filled with an indescribable heaviness, and it was just that the three of them tacitly chose to ignore it.

As soon as she entered the door, Wang Yueshan was fainted by the strong smell of alcohol in the living room. Du Haoyang and Tang Yu looked at Tang Butler and Du Sheng who were unconscious on the sofa, they looked at each other tacitly, and then walked quickly Go forward and send the two drunks back to the room.

"Haoyang, do you think Dad has something on his mind to hide from us?" Wang Yueshan ordered the servant to make hangover soup, then went back to Du Sheng's room, wet a towel, wiped Du Sheng's face, and looked The father-in-law who fell asleep on the bed and was still frowning asked worriedly.

Although Wang Yueshan is usually careless and not a person with exquisite thoughts, she is not so slow as to be incurable. Du Sheng's abnormal performance today, coupled with the good show they watched outside tonight, made Wang Yueshan It's hard not to doubt.

"Father went to visit mom and grandma today!" Du Haoyang said leisurely.

"No wonder!" Wang Yueshan sighed, the two words had a vicissitudes of life.

The two of them didn't say anything else, they gave Du Sheng some hangover soup, tidied him up, and went back to the bedroom.

"What's the matter? You look so preoccupied tonight, and your forehead is going to have creases!" Du Haoyang looked at Wang Yueshan who had been silent since the first time he returned to the room, frowning and didn't know what to think. He pushed her into the bathroom with a funny face, and said : "You go take a bath first, I'll go see if our son is sleeping well!"

When Wang Yueshan heard Du Haoyang say "our son", she looked up at him strangely, hesitated to speak, and finally entered the bathroom obediently. After a while, there was the sound of water flowing in the bathroom.

Du Haoyang looked at the door of the bathroom with a hint of annoyance on his face.He didn't expect Linda to appear, and he also found out about Du Haoze's life experience, and revealed the scandals of the Du family that he had been hiding all along.

When Wang Yueshan heard Linda say that Du Haoze was Du Maotian's son, Wang Yueshan's face was stiff and speechless in disbelief at that moment, and the complex sparkles in Wang Yueshan's eyes when Du Haoze appeared later , Du Haoyang felt quite uncomfortable.

His family's little daughter-in-law, is this feeling sorry for Du Haoze?Thinking of this possibility, Du Haoyang's stomach was full of sour water.

When Wang Yueshan came out of the shower, Du Haoyang had already gone to inspect Du Hengyu's room, and came back after carefully instructing the nanny. Seeing that the expression on Wang Yueshan's face was still a bit serious, Du Haoyang moved his lips, and the words he wanted to say changed when they reached his mouth Wei Er, "I'm going to take a shower!"

(End of this chapter)

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