Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 952 Du Haoyang, I've Made a Fortune!

Chapter 952 Du Haoyang, I've Made a Fortune! (1)
A while ago, Wang Yueshan saw the white horse that Du Haoyang was going to ride at the wedding. She was so envious that she had to pester Du Haoyang to teach her how to ride a horse, so Du Haoyang, a bad guy, tricked her into riding a white horse during the day and a "centaur" at night. "It caused her to be so tired that she couldn't straighten up for several days.

However, Du Haoyang knows how to taste, and is very comfortable being pressed by the queen. During this period of time, Wang Yueshan has to "ride a horse" every now and then. As a result, Wang Yueshan doesn't want to sleep with him at night, and even almost accepts Tang Butler's suggestion to move out before marriage Go back to the Tang residence and live separately from Du Haoyang.

"Don't worry about this, you can apply for installments!" Du Haoyang hugged Wang Yueshan's waist.

"Then it's settled!" Wang Yueshan gritted her teeth, she really didn't know why this guy was so enthusiastic about that matter!

"En!" Du Haoyang stamped Wang Yueshan's lips.

"Okay! Let me go, I'm in a hurry!" Wang Yueshan glanced at the wall clock in the bedroom, there was still half an hour before the time Du Haoze said, if she left now, it shouldn't be too late.

"Don't worry, let me charge some interest first!" Du Haoyang roguely put his fingers behind Wang Yueshan's clothes, and unzipped the zipper on her back.

Damn rush!Just so anxious to see that guy?Du Haoyang was full of sour water.

"Du Haoyang! I really don't have time to mess around with you!" Wang Yueshan refused impatiently while resisting the big hands making trouble on her body: "Don't mess up my clothes!"

"Let him wait!" Hmph!Du Haoyang said childishly: "Anyway, no matter how late you are, that guy will wait for you!" Thinking of this, Du Haoyang felt even more sour.

and also!The collar of this dress is so big that it exposes the beautiful collarbone of this little woman. It would be a ghost if he asked her to dress like this for the appointment!
"Du Haoyang, are you naive?" How could Wang Yueshan fail to see that this guy is jealous because of his awkwardness!I was really angry and funny in my heart, did I think she was a fragrant bun?No matter how late you are, Du Haoze will wait!
She is not so narcissistic!

"That's naive, why not!" Du Haoyang put on a posture that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, and he will not give up until he achieves his goal.

"Then hurry up!" Wang Yueshan knew Du Haoyang's temper well, instead of wasting time arguing with him here, it would be easier to feed him quickly!

"Wife, you're wrong!" Du Haoyang showed a triumphant smile, and said ambiguously, "Whether I'm going fast or not depends entirely on you—Queen, you forgot, you are the one on top!"

"Du Haoyang! You bastard who kills thousands of knives!" After an unknown amount of time, Wang Yueshan's Hedong lion's roar sounded in the room.

Ahhh!How could she go out to meet people!Looking at the innocent strawberries on her body in front of the full-length mirror, Wang Yueshan wailed in her heart!What a shame!What a shame!Du Haoyang, you boring guy, you always play such childish tricks!
"Honey, why don't you call him and say that today is inconvenient and you won't go!" Du Haoyang, who was lazily leaning on the bedside, looked at Wang Yueshan who was screaming strangely in front of the full-length mirror, and said with a smile.

"Hmph! Don't even think about it! Auntie, I'm going to make an appointment today. Don't think that I don't know what those fancy intestines in your stomach are thinking!" Wang Yueshan stared at Du Haoyang angrily, feeling that this black-bellied guy The smile on the face is so nasty!

If he doesn't go today, tomorrow this guy will come up with other tricks to stop her. Anyway, his purpose is not to let her go to see Du Haoze!

This narrow-minded guy!Don't say it on the mouth, but the heart is dark!snort!
"Whatever you want!" Du Haoyang stretched his limbs and shrugged his shoulders indifferently.Well, skipping work and going home to sleep with my wife is really a great thing in life!
Wang Yueshan glared at Du Haoyang again, and then began to toss in the closet. She tossed and tossed through the rows of clothes, and finally found a dress that could barely cover the "criminal evidence" on her body. He put it on, then pulled a silk scarf, tied a flower around his neck, and frowned, taking pictures of the front, back, left, and right sides, and felt that if he behaved carefully enough, there should be no problem, so he let out a sigh of relief.

Wang Yueshan glanced at the wall clock, it was more than half an hour later than the agreed time, and then glared sullenly at Du Haoyang who was lying on the bed and didn't plan to move, Wang Yueshan hurried downstairs.

The place I agreed with Du Haoze was a coffee shop near T University. This place used to be a place where Wang Yueshan, Tang Shishi, Du Haoze, and Lu Tao often visited, especially Wang Yueshan. Sitting for hours.

"Sorry! I forgot the time when I was painting just now." As soon as Wang Yueshan sat down, she pushed out the very credible reason she thought of on the road.

Du Haoze glanced at Wang Yueshan's red and swollen lips and her overly tightly wrapped attire. He felt a little shy, but he didn't point it out. He smiled casually and said, "It's okay, I just came too."

Wang Yueshan looked at the bottomed out coffee cup in front of Du Haoze, and smiled awkwardly.She's not a fool, how could she fail to see that Du Haoze has been here for a long time, and, based on her understanding, Du Haoze is never late.

"Or cappuccino?" When the waiter came over, Du Haoze looked at Wang Yueshan and asked.

"No, give me a glass of mango juice." Wang Yueshan said to the waiter.

Du Haoze's eyes darkened after hearing Wang Yueshan's words, and he couldn't hide the hurt on his face anymore.He remembered that Wang Yueshan loved cappuccino the most, and now, in order to avoid suspicion with him, he deliberately rejected even this point.

"I'm recuperating recently, so I can't drink irritating things." Seeing that Du Haoze seemed to have misunderstood, Wang Yueshan explained unconsciously.

Sure enough, the expression on Du Haoze's face improved.

"I thought it was because of me." Du Haoze smiled, looking at Wang Yueshan's ruddy face with an inexplicable expression.

"Where do you want to go! Really, we can be considered friends after all!" Wang Yueshan said with a nonchalant smile.

"Friend?" Du Haoze carefully chewed the definition Wang Yueshan gave him, but his heart was like a sea of ​​bitterness. There was a child who was connected by flesh and blood between them, but they could only become friends in the end.

"Friend!" Wang Yueshan couldn't understand the meaning of Du Haoze's words, and watched Du Haoze repeat it seriously.

She knew that she might be forcing her to say this, but whether it was for Du Haoze or Du Hengyu, she hoped that her relationship with Du Haoze could return to the position of a friend, which would be good for everyone.

"Friend!" Du Haoze looked at Wang Yueshan's expectant face, and repeated it to Zhen.

(End of this chapter)

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