Chapter 957 Double Happiness (4)
"Qian San!" The voice of the person being introduced was cold.

Hearing this voice, Wang Yueshan couldn't help but take another look at this man, this look made Wang Yueshan froze!
Damn, is this a human?so cold!Cold face, cold heart, cold eyes and brows.

"Third Young Master!" Wang Yueshan followed Du Haoyang's words and shouted politely.

Qian Yiyang glanced at Wang Yueshan expressionlessly, and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.Then he turned around and said nothing more, his whole body was cold like a machine, and after the instruction, he fell silent.

Du Haoyang gently moved Wang Yueshan's hand around Wang Yueshan's waist a few times, he had long been accustomed to Qian Yiyang's attitude, and led Wang Yueshan to the next table to toast.

"Du Haoyang, Wang Yueshan, you two sluts!" At this moment, there was a commotion in the hall, and a sharp and mournful voice came to mind.

Wang Yueshan and Du Haoyang both looked at the visitor, and frowned together.

The person who came was Cao Xinru, and Cao Xin's appearance at this moment was almost unrecognizable, so Wang Yueshan could only think of one word to describe it....

"Growing old together? Dreaming! Dreaming! Don't even think about it! Don't think about it!" Cao Xinru looked at a pair of couplets in the hall and shouted frantically.

"Mom, why are you here? You..." Du Haoze rushed over from his table. He never expected that Cao Xinru, who was so sick these days and couldn't get out of bed, would be sober and come to the wedding banquet alone up.

"Ozawa! Don't be sad, mom will avenge you right now! This bitch dared to betray you and marry your child to Du Haoyang, even if I go to hell, I will hold them back!" Cao Xinru looked at Du Haoze, her face Showing excitement, she tore off her coat and yelled at the servant of the Du family who was going to stop her: "Go away, don't touch me! Otherwise, I will die with you!"

Cao Xinru's body was closely tied with a row of bombs.A row of guests who were closer saw the bomb on Cao Xinru's body and avoided it one after another. The banquet hall suddenly became chaotic.

The expression on Du Haoyang's face froze, and a sharp light shot out from his eyes.Wang Yueshan looked at the row of bombs, her head buzzed, her face turned pale with tension.

"Mom, you're crazy! What are you doing!" Du Haoze looked at Cao Xinru angrily, with a stern look on his face.

"Mom wants them to die badly! Die badly!" Cao Xinru yelled frantically, "Go to hell! Let them all die! Haha! Haha!"

"You are simply unreasonable!" Du Sheng also stepped forward and yelled loudly.

"Du Sheng!" When Cao Xinru saw Du Sheng, a faint light appeared on his face, full of surprise.

"Shut up! You don't deserve to call me by my name!" Du Sheng gave Cao Xinru a disgusted look.

"Haha! I don't deserve it! I don't deserve it! Du Sheng! You are so cruel! You are a cruel man! I want to let you die today! Let you die!" Cao Xinru yelled excitedly by Du Sheng's words.

"Ignorance!" Du Sheng snorted coldly, he didn't take Cao Xinru's words to heart at all, let alone showing a trace of timidity.

"Go to hell! Go to hell! Die with me!" After Cao Xinru finished speaking, she pressed the bomb switch hard.

There were screams from the crowd.

It's just that the expected explosion sound didn't sound.

Cao Xinru was stunned, and pressed the switch again in disbelief, but there was still no movement. She did not give up and pressed it several times in succession, her expression became manic, and finally she threw the remote control on the ground and kicked it with her feet. Stepping on it, pulling his hair and shouting: "Don't blow it up! Don't blow it up! Don't blow it up!"

"Cao Xinru, do you think that the two secret contacts between you and Linda are perfect? ​​Let me tell you, Linda has been arrested this morning. I believe she will regret coming to this world at this moment, and Mr. Du is in prison. Li also conspired to frame Du Bobo and Haoyang, I have already investigated this matter, and the evidence has been handed over to the Qian family, so you should give up!" Tang Yu sneered and walked out of the crowd. Colluding with Tang Shishi and the others to delay the time, it was actually designed to lure the snake out of the hole and capture Linda, completely cutting off the collusion between the Qian family branch and Mr. Du, and framing Du Haoyang and Du Sheng.

"You're talking nonsense!" Cao Xinru shouted in disbelief, "You're talking nonsense! You're talking nonsense! That's not the case! It's not the case! Young Master Qian won't lie to me! No way!"

"Hmph! Otherwise, why didn't you think the time bomb on your body exploded?" Tang Yu looked at Cao Xinru with contempt and said coldly.

It turned out to be the eldest son of the Qian family?Ah!Tang Yu and Du Haoyang glanced at Third Young Master Qian who was sitting motionless on the adjacent table, and then looked away tacitly.

Let the Qian family deal with the matter of the Qian family.

Cao Xinru was quickly taken down, Du Haoze looked at Wang Yueshan guiltily, apologized repeatedly and then left.

Lu Tao also chased after Du Haoze, for this brother who had the same illness as him, he knew that he needed him right now!

After the rain was over, after Du Sheng, Du Haoyang, Jun's family, Ling's family and Bai's family came forward to appease, the wedding banquet continued to be lively.

Du Haoyang hugged Wang Yueshan and continued to toast. Suddenly, Du Haoyang screamed: "Yueshan! What's wrong with you, Yueshan? Aunt Yun! Aunt Yun!"

Everyone was startled again and found that Du Haoyang hugged Wang Yueshan and shouted. It turned out that Wang Yueshan had just been frightened, her face turned pale, her body shook, she almost fell down, which frightened Du Haoyang.

"Don't worry! Brat! Ghost screaming!" Yun Mo heard Du Haoyang's shout, and walked over while complaining, but the speed was very fast.

"Aunt Yun, I'm fine, I'm just a little dizzy!" Wang Yueshan was also a little embarrassed by Du Haoyang's voice, she was actually just a little frightened.

"Let me see!" Yunmo patted Wang Yueshan's shoulder reassuringly, then felt her pulse, and then glanced at Tang Shishi, Jun Nuanxin and others who surrounded her, signaling them not to get too close.

"Aunt Yun, what's wrong with her?" Du Haoyang asked worriedly, his voice urgent.

"Stinky boy! Yueshan has been pregnant for more than a month, and you, a father, don't even know it!" Yunmo let go of Wang Yueshan's hand, and cast a reproachful glance at Du Haoyang.

"What? Got it?" When the counting sound rang out, all eyes fell on Du Haoyang and Wang Yueshan.

"Aunt Yun, you mean, Yueshan...has it?" Du Haoyang asked in disbelief.

"Well, it's been more than a month, maybe I was a little scared just now, it's okay!" Yunmo said with a smile.

"Yes? I'm going to be a father? Haha! Wife, did you hear that? I'm going to be a father!" Du Haoyang kissed Wang Yueshan hard, ecstatically.

"I heard it! Let me down!" Wang Yueshan also looked surprised, and said shyly nestling in Du Haoyang's arms.

(End of this chapter)

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