Chapter 958 Say Goodbye at Dawn (1)
"Haha! Don't let it go! Don't let it go! I can't bear to let go!" Du Haoyang was incoherent in joy, and then shouted to everyone: "Ah... I'm going to be a father again!"

"This brat!" Du Sheng said in unison with Steward Tang, Mr. Jun, Mr. Ling, Mr. Bai and others.

"Ah... I'm going to be a father again! I'm going to be a father again!" Du Haoyang didn't care, he just hugged Wang Yueshan and shouted happily.

"Congratulations, double happiness!" Tang Shishi, Ling Rui, Jun Haodong Suzaku and others said in unison.

"Ah... I'm going to be a father again! I'm going to be a father again!" Du Haoyang repeated it over and over again with joy and foolishness, his face was filled with indescribable joy.

"Haha..." Everyone couldn't help laughing out loud. The laughter broke through the sky, and with sincere blessings, they witnessed the happiness of the couple.

May there be lovers in the world, meet and white head!
"Mianmian, mom also knows that doing this is embarrassing for you, but mom and dad can't help it!" Liu Rumei took Su Mianmian's hand, embarrassed, and burst into tears.

"Mom, for a contract, you... you did this, didn't you think about my feelings?" Su Mianmian looked at the well-maintained and beautiful woman in front of her, feeling deep disappointment in her heart. After a lot of hard work, I found my loved ones!In order to win a contract, she actually wanted to ruthlessly send her to the bed of a flirtatious young man, to be entertained by others!

"Mianmian, Young Master Qian is the eldest grandson of the Qian family. He will take over the Qian family in the future. Do you want anything? Why would your parents let you sacrifice for nothing?" Liu Rumei immediately argued for herself after hearing Su Mianmian's words.

"Mom, how long do you think he will keep his interest in a plaything delivered to his door? And if you do this, where will I be placed? I am your biological daughter?" Su Mianmian felt a trace of despair in her heart, and there was a hint of despair in her tone. Can't hide my heartache!
Could this be the family affection that he prayed for every day?Ever since they met their parents, they have been indifferent to themselves, and all their thoughts have been put on that useless younger brother. Compared to her spoiled younger brother, what is she?A dispensable person who can be sacrificed at any time!

"Mianmian, Mom will be angry if you say that!" Liu Rumei immediately showed annoyance when she heard Su Mianmian's refusal, but because of the contract, she couldn't completely turn against Su Mianmian, so she breathed a sigh of relief , and reluctantly patiently, said earnestly: "Mianmian, it's not easy for your father to be in the Su family. What is your uncle capable of? Isn't it because he is the eldest grandson that your grandfather has always favored him? How is your father now?" It's easy to have this opportunity to compete with your uncle. Don't you want to help your father? Besides, your father worked so hard, isn't it for the sake of earning a bright future for you and your younger brother in the Su family? Mianmian, you have to understand the painstaking efforts of me and your father!" Liu Rumei said emotionally, her voice was a little choked up, obviously it was these words that moved her first!
"Mianmian, Dad is useless!" Su Qingjun, who walked in at some unknown time, looked at Su Mianmian with guilt.

Su Mianmian looked at the pair of parents who were excellent in singing and writing in front of her, her heart was suffocated, and she lost her words in silence.

"Sister, you are so hypocritical! What kind of character is Mr. Qian? You are lucky to see you! As long as you make him happy, just give you any, it will be enough for your life's expenses!" Su outside the door Seeing that Su Mianmian didn't speak, Hao couldn't help getting anxious and shouting.

Obviously, in his opinion, being able to sleep with Qian Dashao is a matter of great honor.

Su Mianmian frowned involuntarily as she looked at the oily and pink-faced younger brother in front of her.

Seeing that Su Mianmian's expression was wrong, Su Qingjun slapped Su Hao's body with his big hand, and reprimanded him pretending to be angry: "Stinky boy! Get out! There's nothing you said here!"

"Dad! Where did I say wrong? Who is the young master Qian? What kind of family is the Qian family? Just showing some points between the fingers is enough for us to be popular and spicy! My sister really doesn't know how to flatter you!" Su Hao stemmed Rubbing his neck, he yelled at Su Qingjun.

"Bastard! Get out!" Seeing Su Mianmian's frowning deepened, Su Qingjun couldn't help raising his voice.

"His father, why are you so angry with Xiaohao? Although this child is young, he is much more sensible and knows how to worry about his parents' affairs!" Seeing that Su Qingjun was about to hit Su Hao again, Liu Rumei hurriedly stepped forward to stop him, throwing a few words of accusation and scolding. He took Su Hao downstairs.

"Mianmian, your brother is ignorant, you——ah! It's useless to be dad!" Su Qingjun sighed at Su Mianmian again.Although this daughter has been recognized for a long time, he always feels that he can't see through the person in front of him. Every time he meets his daughter's eyes, he feels an indescribable strange feeling in his heart.

"Father, let me think again, can I give you an answer tomorrow? This happened so suddenly, I wasn't mentally prepared!" Su Mianmian looked at Su Qingjun who was frowning, and said frowningly.

"Okay! Okay! Then you should think about it carefully! Mianmian, Dad can rely entirely on you this time!" Seeing Su Mianmian's relaxed attitude, Su Qingjun showed joy on his face, but the words in his mouth were inconsistent. Asking Su Mianmian to think about it was clearly putting pressure on Su Mianmian.

Su Mianmian nodded heavily, sighed slightly, and said, "Dad, I'm a little tired!" I'm really tired, heart, tired!
"Then you have a good rest! This girl, you must not lack of sleep, otherwise you will not be beautiful if you have dark circles! Dad is out, Mianmian, you must think about it, huh?" Su Qingjun did not forget to remind Su Qingjun before leaving For once.

Su Mianmian looked at the closed door with a wry smile on her lips.

No beauty without dark circles!
Thinking of Su Qingjun's words, the bitterness on the corner of Su Mianmian's mouth deepened. This was the first time that Su Qingjun said that he cared about him so much since they met each other. It's just that what he cared about was not her body, but the worry that after he became unbeautiful, he would break the money. A lack of interest will prevent him from getting the contract, right?

She Su Mianmian never dreamed that she would have such parents, it's really ironic!
During dinner, Su Mianmian didn't go down to eat, Su Qingjun sent Su Hao up to call for someone, Su Mianmian simply responded with a few words, and didn't intend to go down to eat.

Su Hao looked at Su Mianmian, and said angrily, "Sister, don't be stupid! It's a good thing to be liked by Mr. Qian! Do you know what kind of car Mr. Qian drives? The global limited edition silver Charm! Do you know how much that car costs? Our Su family’s annual profit can’t even afford it!” Su Hao began to show great righteousness to Su Mianmian. !

(End of this chapter)

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