Chapter 959 Say Goodbye at Dawn (2)
"I see, you go down!" Facing Su Hao like this, Su Mianmian was too lazy to waste any more words.One of their thoughts is on Mars, and the other is on the earth, and they are not connected at all.

Su Hao gave Su Mianmian a kind look, and went downstairs.

After a while, Liu Rumei came up again, holding the meal that she cooked for Su Mianmian alone, saying that she cooked it herself, and told Su Mianmian to eat well and not starve to death. He vaguely reminded Su Mianmian to think carefully about the contract, and seeing Su Mianmian nodding in agreement, she finally went downstairs in peace of mind.

After Liu Rumei left, Su Mianmian looked at the two dishes and one soup on the table, none of which were her favorite, so she sighed again.

After the meal, Liu Rumei came to Su Mianmian's room to clean up the dishes. Seeing that the food she had delivered was untouched, a trace of displeasure flashed across her eyes. She didn't say much, and left with her things, but, The footsteps are a little heavy, as if there is a grudge against the floor.

Before Su Qingjun went to bed, he inevitably came up to Su Mianmian and cared about Su Mianmian in a hypocritical manner. He said that he was sincere, and his purpose was nothing more than to use the power of family affection to influence Su Mianmian and make Su Mianmian put the overall situation first.

"Father, how did I get separated from you back then?" Su Mianmian asked abruptly, listening to Su Qingjun talking about the difficulties and hardships in his career.

"This..." Su Qingjun looked at Su Mianmian with a look of unnaturalness on his face. After pondering for a while, he said, "Back then, Dad was away on a business trip. After you were born, you were taken away by a rival in the business field. Dad I haven't found you after searching for a long time, I thought you... Mianmian, you have suffered all these years!"

"Dad, I'm fine! It's getting late, you go to rest! I'll tell you the answer tomorrow morning!" Su Mianmian heard Su Qingjun's words, her heart sank, and she said calmly.

"Okay! Mianmian—" Su Qingjun drew a long tone, and finally changed the subject, "You should also rest early!"

"Yeah!" Su Mianmian looked at Su Qingjun, who was excellent in singing and writing, and nodded.

Su Qingjun went out, and closed the door for Su Mianmian considerately, but - when Su Mianmian heard the doorknob turning, she narrowed her eyes, revealing a sharpness that hadn't been seen for many days!

Her father unexpectedly locked the door of her room from the outside!

Ha ha!

Su Mianmian showed an inexplicable smile.

A door, in the eyes of a special soldier of the sharp knife unit, is nothing!

Su Mianmian is extremely fortunate now that she did not tell her parents her real identity!
Under the burial of night, a petite figure rolled out of the window, and then jumped up a few times, sticking tightly to the window sill of the master bedroom on the second floor like a gecko, and popped a small black bean into it. into the master bedroom.

After returning to the room, Su Mianmian took out her mobile phone and twitched her fingers. After operating on it for a while, the screen of the mobile phone indicated that the signal was connected, and she put the earphones on her ears.

"Qing Jun, do you think that dead girl will agree?" Liu Rumei's voice said.

"It should be." Su Qingjun's uncertain voice sounded.

"Hmph! That damn girl, you better know the current affairs, don't be like that woman who didn't know what to do!"

Su Mianmian's heart skipped a beat after hearing Liu Rumei's words!
"Huizhen has been dead for so many years, why can't you let go!" Su Qingjun's voice sounded a little irritated.

"Who knew that she gave birth to a daughter!" Hearing Liu Rumei's gnashing of teeth, Su Mianmian could easily imagine her grim face at the moment.

"It's been a long time, and she's been dead for so many years, why bother!" Su Qingjun said with a sigh.

"Oh! I feel bad? Su Qingjun, you finally showed your true colors! No wonder you can't make up your mind!" Liu Rumei yelled hysterically.

"My friend! Keep your voice down! Don't let the children hear you!" Su Qingjun hurriedly covered Liu Rumei's mouth, and explained: "No matter what, Mianmian has to be sent to Young Master Qian's bed tomorrow. Young Master Qian has taken a fancy to her, That's her honor! I'm not afraid that she'll be pissed and do bad things against us! I just locked her door, and she has to go tomorrow if she disagrees!"

"Hmph! It's her luck that Young Master Qian likes her!" Liu Rumei's tone was exactly the same as Su Hao's.

"Well. After the contract is signed, I will order the set of jewelry you fancy last time." Su Qingjun said to Liu Rumei flatteringly, with a hint of excited longing in his voice.

Once the contract is in hand, he no longer needs to look at Da Fang's face in the Su family.

"You have a conscience!" Liu Rumei said coquettishly.

Soon there were rustling sounds in the room, occasionally accompanied by rough panting.

And Su Mianmian is sitting on the bed at this moment, clutching the cell phone tightly in her hand, as if she has lost her soul, thinking about the words she just heard, Su Mianmian's heart is filled with anger, she rushes to the door, puts her head on the The small clip was taken off, and after fiddling with the door lock a few times, he quickly withdrew his hand, and then stared at the door lock absentmindedly. After half a day, he restored the half-open door lock to its original state, and then lay down On the bed, I slowly closed my eyes, two teardrops slipped quietly.

Early the next morning, when Su Qingjun came to knock on the door, Su Mianmian hadn't gotten up yet.

"Mianmian, Dad has gone to work, what do you think about that matter?" Su Qingjun couldn't get in, so he asked worriedly while standing outside the door.

"Father, I've made up my mind, I'll go!" Su Mianmian stared at the door, and said to Su Qingjun who was just across the door.

Su Qingjun got the answer he wanted, and he was immediately elated, but he didn't want to show it too obviously, he sighed pretendingly, and said: "Mianmian, I have wronged you! When Dad takes charge of the Su family, he will never treat you badly! "

"Dad, what are you talking about! I should help you!" Su Mianmian's eyes were fixed, and she said something insincere.

"Good boy! Ask your mother to prepare some new clothes for you, so you can wear them beautifully!" Su Qingjun said happily.

"Yes." Su Mianmian readily agreed, with a hint of joy in her voice.

Su Qingjun left in peace, but he didn't open the door before leaving, and it seemed that he didn't fully believe Su Mianmian's words, which pierced another thorn in Su Mianmian's heart and made Su Mianmian even more determined. own plan.

Liu Rumei went out shopping to buy new clothes for Su Mianmian after breakfast, and didn't come back from shopping until the afternoon.

Su Mianmian looked at the pile of clothes that Liu Rumei sent in front of her, reluctantly revealing a little bit of her little daughter's shame.

"Mianmian, Young Master Qian likes girls who are more generous. You can't wear clothes that are too conservative." Liu Rumei handed Su Mianmian the erotic lingerie she had chosen for Su Mianmian, and then chose another one for her. Su Mianmian urged Su Mianmian to put on the tight-fitting dress that wrapped up to her thighs.

(End of this chapter)

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