Chapter 965 Mr. Jun's scheme! (1)
After a moment of silence, Su Jinyang said nonchalantly: "Er Mian, the little guy is also tired today. I made him a bath last time, let him soak for a few more minutes."

"Yeah. Got it!" Su Jinyang's thoughtfulness made Su Mianmian feel guilty. She wanted to say something at first, but because of Jun Hexi in the car, she hesitated and didn't say it.

"Okay, Er Mian will see you tomorrow! Oops! It's been a long night!" Su Jinyang's voice sounded like howling ghosts and howling wolves.

Su Mianmian remembered that Su Jinyang had an operation tonight, and thought of his sad appearance at the moment, she couldn't help but curl her lips.

"Pay attention to rest!" Su Mianmian instructed.

"Er Mian, you finally realized that you care about me!" Su Jinyang's exaggeratedly excited voice drummed into Su Mianmian's eardrums.

"That's it, goodbye!" Su Mianmian said angrily, and hung up the phone decisively.

Over there, Su Jinyang listened to the beeping sound on his mobile phone, with an inexplicable smile on his face.

"Look, Mommy! Isn't it cool?" Su Jin unwrapped the present, and happily showed off to Su Mianmian with the remote control car in her hand.

"Well, as long as you like it!" Su Jin looked at her son's excited and flushed little face, and felt sour again, looked at the obviously expensive car in his hand, and looked at Jun He faintly. Xi glanced at him and said, "Let the third young master spend money!"

Jun Hexi felt Su Mianmian's obvious repulsion, curled the corners of his mouth coldly, looked at Su Jin who was completely focused on the remote control car, then glanced at Su Mianmian, and said coolly: "You think too much! "

After Jun Hexi finished speaking, she ignored Su Mianmian, started the car, and left the amusement park.

He knew what Su Mianmian was worried about, but if he really wanted to rob her of Su Jin's custody, what would she, Su Mianmian, have to contend with?He just wants to get along with his son more and get closer, and wants to participate in his son's growth from now on, and fulfill his responsibilities and obligations as a father. Is there anything wrong with this?

As for whom Su Mianmian wants to be friends with, date with, and live with in the future, what does it have to do with him?
Oh!It can't be said that it has nothing to do with it. At least, if that person wants to be recognized by his son, he will not cause harm to his son, let alone leave any bad psychological shadow in his son's growth process. Well, the matter of her Su Mianmian really has nothing to do with him!
Really do not have!

She thinks too much?Su Mianmian's mind was full of Jun Hexi's words all the way, didn't he want to fight with himself for the custody of the child, did he make a mistake?Her gaze sometimes wandered, sometimes calm, and sometimes fell on Jun Hexi's broad back as if nothing had happened, and she never felt so restless in her heart.

"Third Young Master, this is not the way home!" When Su Mianmian finally decided not to get entangled, and took one step at a time, when the soldiers came to cover the water and soil, she suddenly found that Jun Hexi's car was going in the wrong direction.

"The old man called to see his great-grandson!" Jun Hexi didn't turn his head, and leaned on the steering wheel to throw a sentence, slightly dissatisfied with Su Mianmian's fussy tone.

"But, it's time for Su Jin to go to bed." Su Mianmian's expression couldn't hide her panic. She was afraid of the infiltration of Jun's family, who seemed reasonable and unobtrusive, by boiling frogs in warm water. She instinctively wanted to take her child away from her. .

"My bed is big!" Jun Hexi frowned, still staring ahead, concentrating on driving, "You can check it later!"

"Third Young Master! This joke is not funny!" Su Mianmian's voice raised slightly.

Is this a joke?Su Mianmian glanced at Jun Hexi's back with a guilty conscience, then looked away in a panic, and cursed inwardly: Idiot!What are you thinking!
"Don't worry, I'm not dating you!" Jun Hexi snorted coldly.

He was speechless to Su Mianmian, this woman's defense made him very upset!

"I, I didn't mean that!" Jun Hexi's words made Su Mianmian extremely embarrassed!
"Then shut up! This is an order!" There was no anger in Jun Hexi's voice, and the voice was flat as if he said something as ordinary as eating and drinking, but Su Mianmian could tell that there was no meaning in his words. The meaning of joy is obvious.

Su Mianmian opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say anything. If she really shut her mouth, who would let her be her superior master!
Su Jin concentrated on playing with toys, so naturally she didn't notice the turbulent tide between her parents. Su Mianmian looked at Su Jin's excited little face and sighed in her heart. This man's thoughts are really elusive.

Arriving at the gate of Jun's mansion, after Jun Hexi stopped the car, he opened the door and got out of the car and came to hug Su Jin. Little Su Jin happily threw herself into her father's arms.

"Third Young Master, I won't go in. I'll come to pick up the child at night!" Su Mianmian looked at the magnificent Jun family mansion in front of her, hesitated for a moment, and then spoke.

"..." Jun Hexi looked at Su Mianmian, something flashed in his eyes quickly, then turned around and walked into the house with Su Jin who was still playing with toys.

Just leave without saying a word?
Su Mianmian stared blankly at the backs of the father and son, and couldn't tell what it was like for a while!She was abandoned again!

this man!Not even a polite word!
Su Mianmian grinds her teeth!

You two are not relatives, so it is necessary for him to be polite to you?
A voice from the bottom of my heart said this, Su Mianmian bit her lips secretly, and then raised her eyes to look at the little figure who was focusing on the remote control car, another voice retorted from the bottom of her heart: I am still Su Jin's mother anyway!
uh-huh!Apart from being Su Jin's mother, you are nothing to him!

Soon, the voice retorted coldly.

Su Jin sat down in the car, exhaled irritably, and after a long time, a sneer appeared on her face, yes!To him, I am nothing!

So, what is there to be upset about?I was just a woman who accidentally had sex with him and gave birth to a child.A man like him, how many women he has had, maybe even he himself can't count it?And as long as he beckons, countless women are willing to give birth to him. Which onion are you, Su Mianmian?

Su Mianmian checked herself in Shen He's car, and finally came to her senses. She took her bag and got out of the car, then turned around and left calmly.

"Father, where's my mommy?" When they reached the door of the living room, Su Jin realized that Su Mianmian hadn't followed, and asked.

"Your mommy still has things to do, so I'm leaving first!" Jun Hexi explained while pushing the door.

"Oh!" Su Jin responded, and started playing with toys again. In the past, Su Mianmian was often busy with work and left her to the nanny, so Su Jin was used to Su Mianmian not being around.

"Little San, where's Mianmian? Why didn't you come?" Jun Hexi had just entered the living room with the child in his arms, when he heard Mr. Jun asking anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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