Chapter 966 Mr. Jun's scheme! (2)
Jun Hexi glanced at Mr. Jun indifferently, and said, "She's gone back!"

"Little San, why don't you invite Mianmian to come in and sit down?" Mr. Jun looked at Jun Hexi with some resentment and asked.

"You said you wanted to see your great-grandson, but you didn't say you wanted to see his mother." Jun Hexi replied bluntly.

Having lived at home for a long time and getting along with these family members for a long time, Jun Hexi has completely figured out the temperament of these family members. Now he can see through what old man Jun is thinking at a glance, so his attitude is very cold, presumably that woman I guessed it too, so I avoided it with the foresight!
"Look at these two people! Hexi, hurry up and take the little guy up to take a bath!" Ling Yue noticed that there was a difference in Jun Hexi's tone, and immediately changed the subject cleverly, and handed Mr. Jun a message that this matter was inappropriate. Hasty eyes.

"Okay!" Jun Hexi looked at Ling Yue and smiled. For Ling Yue, Jun Hexi has always respected and admired Ling Yue, so even if he knew that Ling Yue was trying to dismiss him with an excuse, he unconditionally agreed and cooperated. took Su Jin upstairs.

"This brat! Another careless person!" As soon as Jun Hexi went upstairs, Mr. Jun couldn't help but say.

"Dad, don't push the children too hard! It's good that Hersey gave up his plan to go abroad now. Let him decide on matters of relationship. Each of these children has their own opinions, and there is no fate. , It's useless for us to be anxious!" Ling Yue comforted Mr. Jun.

In fact, she hopes to see Jun Hexi have a happy marriage more than Mr. Jun, but there is really no rush for such a thing.

"Oh!" Old Master Jun sighed again.

Originally, when the family was reunited, the old man enjoyed the family happiness and envied many others, but every family has scriptures that are hard to recite, and seeing that the life-long events of the eldest and second have been settled, the family members naturally start to feel better. I started to pay attention to Xiaosan's marriage, but this bastard said that he has no intention of getting married in this life!

How could his old man's grandson be a bachelor? !After hearing Jun Hexi's words, Mr. Jun was so angry and anxious that his head turned gray!This Jun Hexi's thoughts on Tang Shishi are all seen by the whole family, and their past is also clear to everyone. Therefore, if Jun Hexi said that he would never marry for life, can everyone stop worrying!

Probably because of the strangeness of the family members, Jun Hexi plans to go abroad for further studies. To put it bluntly, it is to go abroad for further study. To put it bluntly, it is to avoid Ling Rui and Tang Shishi. They will not come back abroad. Where is the Jun family? Are you willing to let him go out?
So Mr. Jun, Jun Zeyu and Ling Yue worked together, and Mr. Jun stepped forward to expose the identities of Su Mianmian and Su Jin.

Of course, Mr. Jun didn't just find someone to push it to Jun Hexi. His grandson has been wronged for 30 years outside. He is as precious as his heart. How could he be willing to fool him? made this decision.

Originally, I thought that Su Mianmian's child was excellent in all aspects, and he and Jun Hexi had a child as a swap. It would be a matter of course to get along with each other. Who knew, this Jun Hexi obviously didn't like him!

"Dad, this is the first time we meet, don't be too impatient!" Seeing that Mr. Jun was frowning, Ling Yue sighed and tried to persuade him.

"Look at this mistress's attitude towards me just now, he has never been so indifferent to me before!" Mr. Jun's crystal heart is obviously injured!
"Haha, who told you to be too aggressive and obvious?" Ling Yue joked with a smile.

"Can I not be in a hurry? Didn't you listen to the boy Rui? She is being chased by someone now. My precious grandson has been called the enemy's father for 30 years. I don't want my little great-grandson to call someone else's father. This is gouging out my old man." My heart, this is it!" Mr. Jun said with a choked voice, and raised his hand to cover his forehead, as if he was covering the suspicious liquid in his eyes.

"Dad—" Ling Yue felt uncomfortable when he heard Mr. Jun say that, and his voice changed.

"Grandpa, can you stop being so sensational?" Jun Hexi stood upstairs at some point, looking at Mr. Jun in the living room, and said helplessly.

He put little Su Jin on the bed, put away the bath water, and then realized that he didn't have any shower gel for children in his room, and was about to find Ling Zixuan and the others to use it, when he heard Mr. Jun and Ling Yue talk dialogue.

Of course, judging by Jun Hexi's IQ and his experience of getting along with him for many days, although the old man's words are from the heart, but this expression and demeanor are [-]% showing off his acting skills.

"You brat! Who am I doing this for!" Mr. Jun wiped his eyes with his hand, then looked up at Jun Hexi upstairs.

As soon as Mr. Jun took his hands away, Ling Yue and Jun Hexi looked at Mr. Jun's tear-filled red eyes, and were stunned for a moment!

"Dad—you are..." It took Ling Yue a long time to find her tongue. She has been married to Jun's family for so many years, and she rarely sees Mr. Jun in tears. She doesn't know what to do!

Jun Hexi didn't expect that the old man was really sad. Looking at the red circles of the old man's eyes, he pulled his heart hard, "Grandpa, I..."

"Grandpa has such a strong body, I don't know how many years he can be with you! Sigh! Xiaosan, you are the one who is most sorry and worried about grandpa in this life! Grandpa understands the truths that your aunt Ling said, but in his heart, it is... ...It's just... oh! Forget it! It's not good for grandpa to meddle in the affairs of you young people, Xiaosan, don't have any psychological burden, grandpa is getting old, and he will say a few stupid words!" After finishing speaking, old man Jun stood up Come on, go back to your room and close the door.

Jun Hexi stood upstairs blankly, looking at the back of Mr. Jun, thinking about what he said, his eyes suddenly became hot.

"Hessie, your grandpa is worried about you and hates you. Don't take it to heart if you vent your anger!" Ling Yue said, looking at Jun Hessie with an inexplicable expression.

"I understand, Aunt Ling!" Jun Hexi looked at Ling Yue's concerned eyes and showed a sincere smile.

"Go and take care of little Su Jin, I'll make a pot of his favorite tea for your grandfather!" Ling Yue smiled at Jun Hexi and went to make tea.

Jun Hexi went to Ling Zixuan's children's room to get the things he needed, and went back to give Su Jin a bath.

"Dad!" Ling Yue made tea and knocked on the door of Mr. Jun's room.

"Come in!" Grandpa Jun sighed from inside.

Ling Yue frowned, and pushed the door in with tea. Seeing Mr. Jun half lying on the teacher's chair with his eyes closed, his heart tightened, and he closed the door, thinking about how he should persuade the old man.

"How is it? Did the trick just now work?" As soon as Ling Yue closed the door, Mr. Jun got up from the teacher's chair and asked eagerly.

(End of this chapter)

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