Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 967 I Allow You to Like Me!

Chapter 967 I Allow You to Like Me! (1)
"Dad, you—" Ling Yue looked at the fox-like calculations on Mr. Jun's face, and then at the red circles under Mr. Jun's eyes, and was speechless.

"My old man's acting skills are great, right? You didn't even see it!" Mr. Jun looked at Ling Yue's dumbfounded expression and said complacently.

"Dad, you're really good, tears come as soon as you say it!" Ling Yue gave Mr. Jun a thumbs up in admiration.This father-in-law can really switch to acting!
"Cut! My old man bleeds and doesn't shed tears!" Mr. Jun said righteously, and then showed Ling Yue his secret weapon. There were some red residues on his thumb and index finger, which turned out to be chili powder!

The corners of Ling Yue's mouth twitched unsteadily, it seemed that the old man was really driven by Hersey, and he was really willing to spend all his money, even thinking of such a bad idea!
"Dad, if you do this, what if..." Ling Yue disapproved of Mr. Jun's aggressiveness. She knew that Jun Hexi was actually very affectionate. She didn't want Jun Hexi to wrong herself in order to comfort Mr. Jun. His life was decided hastily.

Ling Yue still remembers the days when Jun Hexi was with them in City B to save Tang Shishi from being injured. She admired that humorous, mature and personable Jun Hexi, no matter what he went through or what he did. What, in her eyes, Jun Hexi, like the children of the Jun family, is a rare and rare pearl, worthy of the best!

"You!" Looking at the worry in Ling Yue's eyes, Mr. Jun became even more relieved to have such a generous daughter-in-law, and explained, "I know that child. I've been single for a lifetime, if I don't put some pressure on him, he won't give others a chance to approach him. What I do is just to create opportunities for my two children. It won't work when the time comes, and my old man won't faint Twist two people together."

"Father, you see it thoroughly!" After hearing what Old Master Jun said, Ling Yue thought that it was the same reason, she was completely relieved, and poured tea for Old Master Jun with a smile.

"That girl Mianmian, I think it's not bad. You find a chance to raise something with Shishi and Boy Rui. The mistress will listen to Shishi's words, and Boy Rui is Mianmian's immediate boss. He has a lot of thoughts, and he and the two are helping you. Yes, this matter might come to fruition!" Mr. Jun took a sip of his tea, his eyes full of calculations.

"If you don't tell me about this, I will tell them both!" Ling Yue said straightforwardly.

"Hey! When will old man Bai come back from playing Shishi girl? It's been two days since I went back to my mother's house!" Thinking of Tang Shishi, Mr. Jun asked angrily.

This white old man is simply envious, jealous and hateful, so he takes Shishi girl back to her mother's house for a short stay at every turn. As soon as Shishi girl goes back, the three precious lumps will follow. That brat Ling Rui has a wife I forgot everything and didn't care about home anymore. I was really angry with him!
Ling Yue smiled, and didn't answer. The old man Bai came here every now and then. The two old men fought a lot, and they were already used to it!

Besides, Su Mianmian, although she has done enough psychological construction, after returning home, she couldn't concentrate on doing anything. When she thought of Su Jin and Jun Hexi's enthusiasm together, she even turned her head to look at herself when she was carried away. None, the more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt.She picked up the phone several times and wanted to call Jun Hexi to ask how Su Jin was doing, whether she was naughty at Jun's house, whether she was sleeping, whether she was eating or not, but when she thought of Jun Hexi With a lukewarm look, he rubbed the phone with his fingers, but couldn't dial it no matter what.

Just after Su Mianmian fidgeted and looked at the clock for a long time, the phone in her hand suddenly rang.

When Su Mianmian saw the newly saved number on her phone today, she stood up from her chair in shock. She quickly connected the phone and asked eagerly, "What's wrong? Did something happen to Su Jin?" gone?"

After hearing the voice from the opposite side, Jun Hexi frowned fiercely, and tightened her hand holding the phone.

"What's the matter? Talk quickly! What's wrong with Su Jin?" Jun Hexi's silence made Su Mianmian's fear increase, and she couldn't keep her composure anymore.

"Su Jin wants to eat the omelet rice you made!" Jun Hexi's voice was still cold, and there was a hint of embarrassment when listening carefully.

"I'll make it right away!" Su Mianmian heaved a sigh of relief.

"Come to Jun's house to do it!"

"That..." Su Mianmian hesitated.

"Two 10 minutes!" Jun Hexi didn't give Su Mianmian a chance to refuse, and hung up the phone after speaking.

Su Mianmian stared at her mobile phone for a full 3 minutes, then ground her teeth, showed her little paws unwillingly, and said to herself angrily: "You're abusing your power to bully people! Why are you dragging!"

However, resigned to resignation, anger to anger, Su Mianmian packed the ingredients for omelet rice in the kitchen as quickly as possible, and went to the Jun's mansion to return to life.

Jun Hexi carried Su Jin downstairs, saw the convenience bag in Su Mianmian's hand, looked at the watch, raised her eyebrows, and said nothing.

18 minutes and 49 seconds!
very good!

Jun Hexi summed up Su Mianmian's mobility in two words, then put little Su Jin on the sofa and played with toys with him, completely ignoring Su Mianmian.

Because of Jun Hexi's attitude, Su Mianmian couldn't help breathing heavily, and then turned her gaze to Su Jin. Seeing Su Mianmian, Su Jin just yelled sweetly: "Mommy!" Then she concentrated on playing with toys again. What I hold in my hand is a small model of a new fighter jet, the kind that can fly, and I just can't put it down.

Su Mianmian looked at Su Jin's fascinated look, and cursed angrily in her heart: "Little white-eyed wolf!"I bought a little stuff, and I forgot about my wife before I got married!

Su Mianmian looked around while being angry, and found that there was no one else in the living room except the two father and son and two servants. She relaxed her tense nerves, and then went straight to the kitchen with the ingredients under the guidance of the servants.

She has to retreat as soon as she's done, or else she will be bumped into by Mr. Jun and the others. What's the matter?

While Su Mianmian was cooking Su Jin's dinner in the kitchen, she pricked up her ears to listen to the commotion in the kitchen. She heard the sound of Su Jin's remote control helicopter taking off, she heard Su Jin's cheerful laughter, and she listened to Jun He. With Xi's mellow and loving voice, she couldn't help but curl up the corners of her mouth happily, as if she was bathed in thousands of warm and soft spring rays in a good mood.

"In a good mood?" Just as Su Mianmian was cutting carrots, a voice suddenly sounded behind her, and she slipped her hand in fright, and the blade closely touched her tender white and slender fingers.

The color of blood smudged.

Jun Hexi frowned as he watched the white cutting board smeared with blood, and frowned unconsciously, even the emotion in his eyes was full of ridicule!
(End of this chapter)

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