Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 968 I Allow You to Like Me!

Chapter 968 I Allow You to Like Me! (2)
"Why are you pretending to be scary behind others?" When Su Mianmian noticed the mockery in Jun Hexi's eyes, she couldn't help complaining, and couldn't help but start laughing at herself.

What a classic kitchen plot, usually in this case, it’s not that the heroine accidentally cuts the finger with a knife, the hero rushes over and puts the heroine’s finger in his mouth without saying a word, and then the heroine shyly Withdrawing his hand, the male lead grasped the female lead's hand even tighter, staring at him, or full of regret, or said a sentence with tenderness: "Don't move!"

However, when it came to this, the two of them completely lost their mood!

Su Mianmian put her fingers under the faucet to rinse, and then rinsed the white cutting board, until there was no blood on it, and then continued to cook her son's love dinner in an orderly manner.

The classic plot is amazing, it's my turn to be full of dog blood!

Jun Hexi didn't expect Su Mianmian to calm down so quickly, and continued to cook omelet rice skillfully as if there was no one else present. He watched Su Mianmian finish the diced carrots, diced meat, rice, etc. at the kitchen door, and spread the small noodles with eggs The cake was wrapped in a square shape, served on a plate, and then took out ketchup and drew a smiling face on it, and finally clapped hands with satisfaction.

That's it.

"What is this, it smells so good?" Just when Su Mianmian was thinking of retiring, a deep voice came from the kitchen door.

Su Mianmian's body was almost unbearably stiff. She was so focused on making omelet rice for Su Jin just now that she forgot the movement around her for a moment. She didn't even know when Mr. Jun came to the kitchen door. This is embarrassing. up.

"Hello, old chief!" Su Mianmian turned her head and greeted Mr. Jun with a smile.Hey, why is that person still here?Did you come here just now, or have you never left?
"I didn't expect you to be a good cook." Mr. Jun praised Su Mianmian's omelet rice without hesitation.

"Just cook some home-cooked food." Seeing Mr. Jun's overly amiable smiling face, Su Mianmian said cautiously.

"Home-cooked food is good! Isn't this the home-cooked food you eat at home?" Mr. Jun said with emotion, and then suddenly changed the subject: "My old man hasn't eaten home-cooked food for a long time, and I don't know if I have such a good fortune today! "

While talking, Mr. Jun looked at Su Mianmian with extremely melancholy and hopeful eyes.

Jun Hexi glanced at Mr. Jun, and couldn't help letting out a cold snort from his nostrils, thinking, Grandpa, your ability to tell nonsense with your eyes open is simply unfathomable, can you be more shameless?
"Well, old chief, I have something to do today, I..." Su Mianmian is not stupid, she knows what's going on just by looking at the situation of Jun Hexi and Mr. Jun, she doesn't want to pretend to be confused, Disgusting someone here!

"Hey! This man is old, but he is not welcomed by others. If he wants to eat braised eggplant, shredded pork with Beijing sauce, mapo tofu, and fish head soup, no one will take care of him!" Shamelessly rude to start ordering.

"I..." Su Mianmian opened her mouth, her eyes flicked across Jun Hexi's face calmly.

"One hour!" Jun Hexi looked at his watch and gave Su Mianmian an order directly.

Su Mianmian took a deep breath, and looked at Jun Hexi angrily. Just as she was about to speak, she saw Mr. Jun's big slap towards Jun Hexi's head unceremoniously, and said while patting: "You What a bastard! You don't know that cooking is a job that pays attention to your love and my wishes, look at the aggrieved appearance of Mian Mian girl, you are deliberately making me suffer from indigestion!"

Jun Hexi was slapped by Mr. Jun without moving, and kept his mouth shut.

"Old chief, I don't have one. You love my cooking. I'm so happy. I'm afraid that if you don't cook it well, you'll dislike it!" Su Mianmian is clever, knowing that she can't hide or escape this time. Climb down quickly.

"Then I'll wait outside, and Xiaosan will help you!" Mr. Jun said happily, and stepped out of the kitchen.

Little three?Su Mianmian looked at Jun Hexi with strange eyes, and after a long time, she finally couldn't help but laugh.

Little three?Ha ha!Why is this name so exciting!

"There are still 56 minutes!" Jun Hexi looked at Su Mianmian expressionlessly, and said in a stiff voice.

Su Mianmian immediately closed her mouth knowingly, and after looking around in the huge kitchen, she picked out the ingredients she wanted to use and started to work.

Looking at Su Mianmian's busy figure, Jun Hexi couldn't help thinking of Tang Shishi cooking and making soup for herself when she was in the dormitory of the military region in City B. That figure gradually overlapped with Su Mianmian, making him lose his mind .

"Hey! I said, is it necessary for you to supervise the work here? I won't steal it!" The feeling of Jun Hexi standing at the door made Su Mianmian very upset. After being silent for a while, she finally couldn't help but speak Chase people.

The divergent mind was quickly withdrawn, and Jun Hexi looked at the still strange eyebrows in front of him, his phoenix eyes narrowed, and his expression turned cold.

"Forget it, you can stay here if you want to! Do whatever you want!" Su Mianmian was still very afraid of Jun Hexi's cold face, seeing Jun Hexi's complexion, she immediately changed her tune.

"You like me!" Jun Hexi's voice sounded out of nowhere, and Su Mianmian's body froze instantly, who was defenseless.

Jun Hexi sneered in his heart, took a meaningful look at Su Mianmian, then turned and left. After walking two steps, he suddenly stopped, turned his back to Su Mianmian and said, "I allow you to like me!"

After speaking, he walked away slowly.

Shrimp?Su Mianmian looked at Jun Hexi's back in puzzlement, and after a while, she realized what Jun Hexi said just now. Su Mianmian was so angry that she almost couldn't help but swear!
Damn!Can this girl stop being so narcissistic?

I allow you to like me!As soon as Su Mianmian thought of Jun Hexi's words, she regretted that she didn't smack this girl to death with the pan in her hand just now!

What the hell does she think Su Mianmian is?

While Su Mianmian was thinking, she was vigorously frying the diced meat in the pot, her teeth were grinding and creaking, I flip it!I fry!I will turn again!I fry again!I flip over!I stir fry!Kill you!
Su Mianmian tossed a plate of shredded pork with Beijing sauce in a terrible way, and when the shredded pork was out of the pot, she still held the shovel tightly in frustration, as if she had a deep hatred for this plate of shredded pork!
After a long time, she patted herself on the head with the hand that didn't hold the shovel in frustration, showing a very bitter expression: Is she really so obvious?
Not many people came back from the Jun family mansion tonight, only Jun Zeyu, Jun Haodong and Suzaku came back, and the others were either out of town or had social gatherings, so there were only eight of them sitting on the huge dining table , of course, the four dishes that Mr. Jun ordered were not enough, the chef of Jun's mansion cooked another six dishes, and a total of ten dishes were served on the table.

(End of this chapter)

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