Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 973 Looking at each other 2 hates VS 3 little thoughts

Chapter 973 Looking at Two Disgusted VS Three Young Masters' Thoughts (2)
"Shut up!" How could Jun Hexi not hear the schadenfreude in Su Mianmian's words, and growled angrily.

"Third Young Master, what do you really care about? Anyway, you can't be hard, can you?" How could Su Mianmian let go of the opportunity so easily, her voice was slightly vicious with excitement.

"Do you want to try?" Jun Hexi's voice was extremely cold.

"Uh!" Su Mianmian was choked by Jun Hexi's words, but then she thought of Jun Hexi's previous reaction, and became bolder again, provoking confidently: "Third Young Master, men, although they are good-faced, they can't do it there. No, this kind of thing is powerless, and you can’t force it, you, this is a double disease of psychology and physiology, and it must be cured!"

Su Mianmian spoke earnestly, as if she regarded Jun Hexi as a patient suffering from an unspeakable and strange disease, but her pair of crescent-like eyes, which were almost completed, contained a wicked smile.

"Are you trying to force me to prove to you whether I can do it or not?" Jun Hexi sneered, and before Su Mianmian could answer, she continued, "Sorry, but if it's you, I really can't do it! So, don't worry." Come on, Grandpa is not interested in you! You are safe!"

"Hmph! I hope so! This girl is not interested in you either!" Su Mianmian didn't expect Jun Hexi to have such a poisonous tongue, and she was defeated again this time, and angrily grabbed the quilt to cover her head, and left and right on the sofa Rolled and rolled, wrapped himself into a cocoon.

Jun Hexi looked at Su Mianmian who was uncomfortable on the sofa through the dim light, and a smile burst out of his mouth unconsciously.

The battle upstairs was still raging, and in the bedroom downstairs, Jun Hexi and Su Mianmian, who were awake, did not speak any more.Jun Hexi wasn't as irritable as before, but Su Mianmian was praying that the people upstairs would end the fighting soon.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, Su Mianmian breathed a sigh of relief in bed, thinking that he could finally sleep, but Jun Hexi's cell phone rang.

"Brother, please go to your room with my sister-in-law next time to have a loving relationship? You have caused the three of us to rest!" As soon as the call was connected, Jun Hexi complained unceremoniously.

Liar!He was simply affected by himself!After hearing Jun Hexi's voice on the phone, Su Mianmian couldn't help complaining in her heart, her son is sleeping soundly!As for her, if she wanted to sleep, the thunder was all right.

"Be careful next time! Otherwise, I reserve the right to take extraordinary measures!" Jun Hexi said harshly and hung up the phone.

I can finally sleep!A man and a woman in the dark breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

The next day, Su Mianmian thought she woke up very early, but when she woke up, she found that Jun Hexi and her son Su Jin were no longer in the room. She was startled, and sat up from the sofa all of a sudden, hurriedly He opened the door vigorously and rushed out.

"Jun Hexi, you give me..." Come out!Su Mianmian shouted anxiously, but when she saw everyone in the living room looking at her in surprise, she hurriedly stopped, and said hello to everyone in embarrassment: "Everyone, good morning, good morning!"

"Go change and come down to eat!" Jun Hexi frowned, looked at Su Mianmian and said.

After being reminded by Jun Hexi, Su Mianmian realized that she was only wearing Jun Hexi's large nightgown, and the clothes were swaying empty on her body. She screamed and rushed into the bedroom in a blink of an eye, bang Close the door with a bang.

"This child!" Ling Yue smiled and looked in the direction of Jun Hexi's bedroom, and looked at Jun Hexi with ambiguous and teasing eyes.

"Well, it may be that I woke up and found that I and the child were not around." Jun Hexi coughed lightly, seemingly embarrassed to speak, but in his heart he was very satisfied with the effect of his little calculation.

"You two, you are making great progress! What number is Chang'e sitting on?" Jun Haodong punched Jun Hexi on the shoulder and asked with a playful smile.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you!" Jun Hexi gave Jun Haodong an angry look, obviously still angry about being disturbed last night.

"Tell me, did you listen to it last night...can't hold it for a while?" Jun Haodong bumped Jun Hexi with his shoulder and asked with a blink of his eyes.

"What do you think?" Jun Hexi skillfully gave Jun Haodong a rhetorical question and rolled his eyes.

"Haha!" Jun Haodong laughed heartily.

"These two brats!" Mr. Jun scolded angrily, but there was a smile in his eyes.

"I'll go up and have a look, the woman is probably too ashamed to go downstairs!" Jun Hexi ignored the family's ridicule, put her son in Jun Zeyu's arms, and walked upstairs.

When Su Mianmian returned to the room, her embarrassed heart was beating wildly. She rushed into the bathroom first, and found that the clothes she changed from taking a shower yesterday had disappeared and could not be found anywhere. She was in a hurry. , Hearing the sound of the doorknob turning, he rushed to the door quickly, and sure enough, he saw Jun Hexi coming in, and punched him hard without saying a word.

The shameless bastard!She even threw away her clothes. Is this the rhythm of her house arrest?She won't give in so easily!
"What's going on?" Jun Hexi quickly grabbed Su Mianmian's hand, closed the door and asked in a cold voice.

"Jun Hexi, you bastard!" Su Mianmian twisted her wrist unwillingly, out of Jun Hexi's control, kicked with her long legs, another ruthless move.

"It's not over, is it?" Jun Hexi dodged Su Mianmian's attack impatiently, her face was as cold as ice.

"Bastard! I made you lose my clothes! You shameless bastard!" Su Mianmian entangled Jun Hexi and started fighting again, puzzled.

"You're still thinking about that pile of junk!" Jun Hexi became even more displeased when she heard that Su Mianmian was because of the clothes.

"Damn! You're still so confident after losing my clothes, how dare you have no shame?" Su Mianmian was completely irritated!No mercy!
"Is this your new way of seduction?" Jun Hexi grabbed Su Mianmian's ankle under her nightgown with one hand, then put the fingers of the other hand on it and played it a few times as if playing a piano, until she felt After seeing Su Mianmian's body tense and trembling slightly, she sneered, pushed Su Mianmian away and said, "The clothes are on the bed, you can choose to wear them or not, as for you, I'm not interested!"

"Smelly shameless!" Su Mianmian, who was molested again, cursed angrily, turned her head, and sure enough, she saw a whole set of women's clothes lying on the bedside, from the inside to the outside. She blushed and quickly grabbed it. Clothes ran into the bathroom.

"You stinking rascal! I don't know how many women there have been, and I can even tell the size of her underwear!" Su Mianmian couldn't help cursing angrily while putting on her clothes.

After she got dressed and left the bathroom, she saw Jun Hexi sitting on the bed with her legs crossed. After seeing her come out, her eyes showed some satisfaction, but after seeing the expression on her face, Can't help reminding in a deep voice: "Cooperate later!"

(End of this chapter)

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