Chapter 974 Fight for yourself! (1)
"Third Young Master, why do you think that I will obediently be your accomplice to deceive people?" Su Mianmian asked angrily.

She and this man are at odds with each other, they are naturally at odds, how can they keep acting?

"In three days' time, if you think it through, we'll go get the certificate first, and you can start preparing the marriage report now!" Jun Hexi ignored Su Mianmian's bad attitude and said.

"What?" Su Mianmian was speechless. Where did this man get the confidence that she would marry him?

"What, are you so happy?" Jun Hexi snorted coldly, stood up and looked down at Su Mianmian and asked.

"You haven't been kicked by a donkey, have you? Married? Just the two of us?" Su Mianmian looked at Jun Hexi like a monster and asked.

"I don't want my son's birth certificate to continue with 'unlucky father'!" Jun Hexi seemed to have expected Su Mianmian's reaction, and had already prepared his speech.

"Don't worry, I will file the marriage report, and I will get married soon, but the groom will definitely not be you!" How could Su Mianmian not understand Jun Hexi's thoughts, he made it clear that he thought she was easy to bully, soft persimmon Just let him pinch her, he wants to tie her up with a marriage in name only!

"It's quite strong and has a personality!" Jun Hexi said a word of praise or derogation, and after meeting Su Mianmian's eyes in the air for a long time, he finally gave in to Su Mianmian for the first time. , said: "For Su Jin, you should think about it carefully!"

"There's nothing to think about!" Su Mianmian said, still angry, glaring at Jun Hexi.

"Forget it, I agreed on three days, and I won't force you! Go down to eat now, at least in front of the children, can you pretend to be difficult?" Jun Hexi said expressionlessly.

"Only this once!" Su Mianmian snorted coldly, stopped looking at Jun Hexi, passed him directly, opened the bedroom door, and went downstairs.

Looking at Su Mianmian's back, Jun Hexi's mouth turned cold.

He didn't expect that Su Mianmian would reject his marriage proposal, it was beyond his expectation!However, he is determined not to let his son call someone else's father, so whether she agrees or not, the result is the same!

Anyway, for him, marrying anyone is the same!
Thinking of this, the corner of Jun Hexi's mouth twitched playfully, remembering the situation when the two of them were in the same room last night, and suddenly felt that maybe it would be good to marry her, at least it's okay to tease her, and it's also a good pastime.

So, Su Mianmian and Jun Hexi had breakfast at Jun's mansion, and then Su Mianmian made an excuse and took Su Jin to leave.

Mr. Jun and Mrs. Jun Zeyu showed very reluctant expressions, but seeing Su Mianmian's resolute attitude, they finally had no choice but to ask Jun Hexi to drive their mother and child back.

Jun Hexi sent Su Mianmian and Su Jin to the community where Su Mianmian lived, and after reviewing Su Jin's living environment, he left under the repeated hints that Su Mianmian didn't want to see her again.

Su Mianmian and the nanny had just coaxed Su Jin to play at home for a while, when the phone rang. Su Mianmian took the phone and saw that it was a message from Su Jinyang, asking her to go downstairs to meet.

Su Mianmian walked to the window strangely, and seeing Su Jinyang standing downstairs, she pointed her finger upwards, signaling Su Jinyang to come up, but Su Jinyang shook her head, so Su Mianmian had no choice but to tell Su Jin and the nanny to come down. went upstairs.

"Sheep, what's the matter? It's so mysterious!" Su Mianmian looked at Su Jinyang curiously and asked.

"Er Mian, you..." Su Jinyang took a careful look at Su Mianmian, his throat full of bitterness.

Today, Su Mianmian is wearing a pearl-colored skirt and a small fragrant orange blouse. She looks beautiful and lively, which is very different from her previous casual clothes. Even if Su Jinyang doesn't have much research on women's clothes, she can still It can be seen that the suit Su Mianmian is wearing is of high quality, well-crafted and expensive.

Su Mianmian was taken aback by Su Jinyang's hesitation to speak, and noticed that Su Jinyang kept looking at his clothes, and his expression was a little unnatural.

This dress is the one that Jun Hexi prepared for her. She rarely wears such feminine clothes, and usually wears more sporty and casual clothes. Now that Su Jinyang sees it like this, Su Mianmian suddenly feels that the clothes on her body are a bit restrictive , Indescribably awkward.

"What's wrong?" Su Mianmian reminded Su Jinyang aloud, his gaze made her feel very stressed.

"Er Mian, it's nothing, my operation last night was a success!" Su Jinyang stretched out a hand to rake his hair and said.

"That's just a small operation for you!" Su Mianmian looked at the embarrassment on Su Jinyang's face, smiled slightly, and said sincerely, as smart as she is, how can she not see that what Su Jinyang wants to say is not at all. Surgery!However, Su Jinyang mentioned that she would not take the initiative to speak out.

"Er Mian, I, I wanted to have supper with you after my operation last night. You, the nanny said you were not at home!" Su Jinyang finally stumbled and expressed what he wanted to say. After finishing speaking, he observed nervously. Watching Su Mianmian's reaction, for fear of arousing her resentment.

"I went to the boss's house for dinner with Su Jin last night, and we stayed there late!" Su Mianmian said truthfully.

"Oh! I, I'm fine!" Even though he had expected this to be the case, but now hearing from Su Mianmian, Su Jinyang's mood became even more uncomfortable, and he couldn't help but show some bitterness on his face!
"Sheep, I just want to be your comrade-in-arms who share weal and woe." Su Mianmian has always wanted to find an opportunity to say these words to Su Jinyang, but every time Su Jinyang distracted him with various topics and reasons. Today, Su Mianmian finally had a chance. Chance spoke out what was in her heart, although Su Mianmian was very moved when she thought of Su Jinyang's kindness to her and Su Jin, but she really didn't have that kind of love for Su Jinyang, she didn't want to delay him anymore!

"I understand! Er Mian, I understand!" Su Jinyang murmured, glanced at Su Mianmian, then lowered his head, and said, "I know I'm not good enough for you, and I'm even worse than Third Young Master!"

"Smelly sheep! What are you talking about?! It's not what you think at all! It's impossible for me and Third Young Master!" Su Mianmian turned cold-faced angrily after hearing Su Jinyang's words. Who did this guy think of her as?Really!
"Er Mian, are not..." Su Jinyang suddenly looked up at Su Mianmian, with disbelief in his eyes.

"Of course not! Who do you think I am! I still think of you as a good buddy! It makes me sad!" Su Mianmian curled her lips angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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