Chapter 975 Fight for yourself! (2)
"Then you..." Su Jinyang thought of what Su Mianmian said just now, and felt a sense of loss. It turned out that she would never accept herself no matter whether she had the third young master or not!

"Sheep, when it comes to emotional matters, I would rather be short than excessive. I believe you are the same. I hope you can understand me!" Su Mianmian looked at Su Jinyang apologetically and said.

"Er Mian! Are we still good brothers?" Su Jinyang looked at Su Mianmian with burning eyes and asked.

"Of course! A good brother who lives and dies together and will never betray!" Su Mianmian said firmly.

There was a smile on the corner of Su Jinyang's mouth, so be it!Be a good brother for a lifetime!

It's just that just as Su Jinyang calmed down, Su Mianmian hugged him abruptly. Su Jinyang's body instantly stiffened like a stone, and his hands were at a loss.

"Sheep, do me a favor, give me a brother's hug!" Su Mianmian whispered in Su Jinyang's ear.

Su Jinyang has lost his mind. Hearing this, he hugged Su Mianmian mechanically and obediently. At first, he didn't understand why Su Mianmian was acting like this all of a sudden, but when he saw the Bugatti that was slowly approaching and stopped beside them, he watched as he got out of the car. When Jun Hexi leaned back on the car door, Su Jinyang knew it!

It turned out that what Er Mian said was true!
Su Jinyang was completely relieved!
"Third Young Master, what a coincidence!" Su Jinyang stretched out his hand to stop Su Mianmian's waist, watching Jun Hexi greet him calmly.

"Can we use this clever word between us?" Jun Hexi took out a cigarette, lit one unhurriedly, took a puff and made a smoke ring, and said.

Su Jinyang's breathing was stagnant, and a trace of unnaturalness appeared on his face.He had actually come to this community a long time ago. He watched Jun Hexi send Su Mianmian and Su Jin upstairs. He knew that Jun Hexi must have discovered that he was nearby, so he said that.

"Third Young Master, what's the matter?" Su Mianmian leaned on Su Jinyang's arms, looked at Jun Hexi displeasedly and asked.

"I left my son's toy in the trunk and forgot to take it up!" Jun Hexi didn't care about Su Mianmian's indifference. He opened the trunk, took out a large box and handed it to Su Mianmian. Hussey didn't express anything special about it. After sending the box out, he opened the door and got in the car, as if he really came to deliver toys.

However, just when Su Mianmian and Su Jinyang thought that Jun Hexi was going to leave like this, Jun Hexi turned his head, looked straight at Su Mianmian and said, "Due to your extreme lack of cooperation, I decided to hold you for three days. The time is shortened to one day!" After finishing speaking, regardless of Su Mianmian's reaction, she started the car and left!
"Hey! Jun Hexi! You bastard! Why are you! Why! You bastard! I won't obediently listen to you and let you get what you want! You bastard! The worst and shameless bastard in the world!" Su Mianmian didn't expect Jun Hexi would be so vicious, and angrily yelled in the direction Jun Hexi left.

From the rearview mirror, Jun Hexi saw Su Mianmian's flailing teeth and claws, a smile appeared on his face, but he quickly restrained himself, and drove the car away expressionlessly.

"Er Mian, what's going on?" Su Jinyang rarely saw Su Mianmian who lost his composure, and asked with concern.

"That bastard!" Su Mianmian cursed again in the direction where Jun Hexi left, looking at Su Jinyang with helplessness on her face, and said, "Sheep, I really got into trouble this time." !"

Then, Su Mianmian picked out something that could be said about what happened in Jun's mansion yesterday, and told Su Jinyang. After speaking, she drooped her head like a powerless puppy.

"You mean, Third Young Master wants to marry you?" Su Jinyang's voice rose in surprise.He saw the unusual relationship between Jun Hexi and Su Mianmian, and guessed what might have happened between the two of them, but he never expected that Jun Hexi would propose to marry Su Mianmian so directly!
At this moment, Su Jinyang's heart is full of mixed feelings, all kinds of feelings are gathered together, I don't know how to describe it!

"That's right! Are you saying he's crazy! What's the difference between robbing civilian girls?" Su Mianmian said bitterly, her anger still on her face!

"Er Mian, you treat him, you..." Su Jinyang looked at Su Mianmian, and asked tentatively.

"What are you talking about!" Su Mianmian's voice suddenly rose, she looked at Su Jinyang like a monster, and said, "Impossible!"

Su Jinyang looked at Su Mianmian's fierce reaction, and felt bitter in his heart. Su Mianmian lost her composure one after another today, and her mood changed so much, it was all because of that man!

At this moment, Su Jinyang couldn't help but envy Jun Hexi, how he hoped that Su Mianmian's emotional changes at this moment were all because of him!
"Er Mian, in fact, you like him in your heart!" The authorities are fascinated, but the bystanders are clear. Since Su Mianmian said that they are brothers, then he has to take on the responsibility of being a brother and wake her up early!
"Nonsense! Just kidding! You don't know how bad that bastard is, and he can't do it at all! He..." Su Mianmian retorted emotionally, and only realized herself when she saw Su Jinyang widen her eyes in shock. What did you say, shut your mouth tightly!

Oh, her mouth has always been tight, why did it become a big horn today!

Don't mention the annoyance in Su Mianmian's heart!She looked at Su Jinyang like a child who did something wrong for a moment.

"Er Mian, you said Third Young Master can't do it?" Su Jinyang asked in disbelief.

"That, I'm talking nonsense!" Su Mianmian waved her hands in embarrassment, breathed a sigh of relief, and cursed herself inwardly, what's wrong!Thinking of Jun Hexi, a bastard, makes people emotionally broken!It's all his fault!
"Er Mian, am I a doctor anyway?" Su Jinyang looked at Su Mianmian helplessly, "Besides, as your brother, I need to know whether San Shao is really what you said, and then forced you to marry him !"

"No, it's because he doesn't mean that to me at all, and he doesn't have any feelings for men and women. What he wants is not to let Su Jin call another man's father, but to give Su Jin a home with a father and a mother!" Su Mianmian said rather weakly that the experience last night made her feel particularly depressed. When it was mentioned at this time, she desperately wanted to find someone to confide in, and Su Jinyang was someone she could trust.

"It's not that you don't know, the person he likes, he won't like me at all, and I don't want to be a high-ranking person either!" Su Mianmian said with some difficulty.

"Er Mian, you like him!" Su Jinyang sighed and said earnestly.

"I didn't! I didn't like him! How could I like that bastard!" Su Mianmian retorted fiercely.

Su Jinyang didn't say anything, just looked at Su Mianmian and smiled softly.

(End of this chapter)

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