Chapter 976 Let's die! (1)
"What's wrong? I'm serious! I don't like him!" Su Mianmian was embarrassed by Su Jinyang, so she quickly reiterated.

"Er Mian, you already like him. Maybe it can be said that you liked him a long time ago, but you didn't know it yourself, or you knew it but didn't want to admit it! Because what he did has no effect on you. Your attitude embarrasses you!" Su Jinyang analyzed rationally.

"I...I..." Su Mianmian opened her mouth twice, wanting to refute herself, but under the gaze of Su Jinyang's clear water-like eyes, she died down, and her thoughts were exposed. Apart from a little embarrassment, she couldn't help herself. It's all bitter.

"Er Mian, since you like him, you should bravely fight for yourself once. At least, there is still a child between you. Although the third young master has his own heart, you are also an excellent woman. Sooner or later, he I'll find you good!" After Su Jinyang understood Su Mianmian's thoughts, he was completely relieved.

The man that Su Mianmian has been hiding in her heart is Jun Hexi, what else can he worry about, no wonder Su Mianmian keeps rejecting him, it turns out that from the beginning to the end, she only has him in her heart!
"I..." Facing Su Jinyang like this, Su Mianmian suddenly felt speechless.

When she didn't know Jun Hexi's identity, she had imagined countless times that one day in the future, the two of them would meet again, and maybe they might be together, but since knowing Jun Hexi's identity, she never I dare not think of such an idea!

The gap between the two of them is too great!Not only the identity, but also the gap in the soul!He loves Tang Shishi so madly, he has done so many things for Tang Shishi, even almost lost his life several times, even if he knows Tang Shishi is his younger brother and sister, he is willing to do everything for her, such a man, his heart has long been Can't help it, his heart has already been given to Tang Shishi, he has no heart, how can she make a man who has no heart fall in love with her?There is no possibility or hope at all!

"Er Mian, no matter what, at least fight for yourself, even if you fail, at least you have fought for it, and you won't regret it in the future, right?" Su Jinyang patted Su Mianmian on the shoulder, persuading him.

"Can you really fight for it?" Su Mianmian smiled desolately, noncommittal.

"Okay! You go back and think about it carefully, just for Su Jin to have a complete family, you should also try to fight for it, right?" Su Jinyang said encouragingly.

Su Mianmian looked at Su Jinyang's smiling face, her expression was confused for a moment, then she came to her senses again, and said with a nonchalant smile: "Let's talk about this later, anyway, I have no father or mother now, and no one is forcing me to get married ,Not urgent!"

Su Jinyang looked at Su Mianmian, suddenly made a bitter face, and said, "Er Mian, although we can't be a husband and wife, little Su Jin must recognize me as a godfather! Otherwise, it will be difficult to heal the wound in my heart!"

"It's not easy! Based on the relationship between us, it's imperative for Su Jin to call you godfather!" Su Mianmian regained her composure and agreed.

"It's a good deal, don't change your mind! I was thinking about getting a full-time job from you and letting little Su Jin call me Dad. Now there is no hope of getting a full-time job. I have to take advantage of the matter between you and the third young master." Make up your mind and give yourself a name first, otherwise, the title of little Su Jin's godfather definitely has nothing to do with me!" Su Jinyang said with a hearty laugh.

"Cut! It's none of his business! I'll let it go!" Su Mianmian snorted lightly, with a flying smile on her face.

Seeing Su Mianmian like this, Su Jinyang smiled softly.

Because Su Jinyang and Su Jinyang talked openly and honestly, the knot in Su Mianmian's heart was finally lifted, and there was no grievance when talking to Su Jinyang. After the two chatted for a while, Su Jinyang said that he was tired and went back to rest. Yes, Su Mianmian went upstairs happily humming a little tune.

What Su Mianmian didn't expect was that when she returned to work the next day, Ling Rui called her to talk.

"Er Mian, what's going on with you and Jun Hexi?" Ling Rui didn't make any detours, and after seeing Su Mianmian entered the office, he went straight to the topic.

"Boss, I have nothing to do with him!" Su Mianmian didn't expect that Ling Rui called her here because of this matter. She knew that Jun Hexi must have told Ling Rui about getting a certificate from her, and she felt sorry for Jun Hexi. Hersey hated it so much!

"Nothing, what is it?" Ling Rui frowned displeasedly, looked at Su Mianmian seriously and asked, "Then you said, should I approve your marriage report or not?"

In fact, Ling Rui first heard about the matter between Jun Hexi and Su Mianmian from Mr. Jun, and it was also Mr. Jun who told Ling Rui to give Su Mianmian and Jun Hexi more opportunities to get along, but Ling Rui didn't expect it Yes, Jun Hexi went to him directly last night, saying that he and Su Mianmian wanted to get a marriage certificate, and asked him to get a marriage report for Su Mianmian!
So, as soon as Ling Rui went to work, he immediately went to talk to Su Mianmian!

"Boss! Don't listen to his nonsense!" Su Mianmian immediately became anxious when she heard Ling Rui mentioned the marriage report, and hurriedly explained: "Boss, I don't want to marry him! It's impossible for the two of us!"

"What's impossible? You both have children, so it's perfect!" Ling Rui looked at Su Mianmian and said with a serious face.

"Boss! Isn't it? You are so wise, powerful, discerning, smart, upright, sage, wise, and enlightened. You can't believe the words of Jun Hexi, a guy who has sinister intentions and tricks, but is full of tricks and tricks?" Su Mianmian was excited, saying idioms in his mouth. Just fly around.

Ling Rui glanced at Su Mianmian calmly, thinking that it was really hard for this guy to say so many idioms in one breath, but the ones describing him were a little reserved, but the one describing Jun Hexi was very apt !
Ling Rui couldn't help but think of Jun Hexi who deliberately stayed at home with nothing to do every time he was away from work, pretending to help his wife take care of the children, but actually... hum!Now his precious little princess doesn't kiss him anymore!It's that guy who is making trouble!
"Boss—" Su Mianmian was startled by Ling Rui's unexplained glance just now, seeing Ling Rui's sullen face and not speaking for a long time, she tentatively called out to him.

"So you are determined not to marry him?" Ling Rui looked at Su Mianmian carefully and asked.

"Of course! Boss! You have to make the decision for me! That bastard Jun Hexi actually wanted to marry by force without my consent. What's the difference between robbing a civilian girl?" Su Mianmian thought of Jun Hexi's The hegemonic style makes her stomach angry, why should she be informed of such a big matter as this girl's marriage?Ah, he made the decision alone?
"Boss, you can't just watch him act like this!" Seeing that Ling Rui was silent, Su Mianmian began to complain again.

(End of this chapter)

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