Chapter 977 Let's die! (2)
"Why don't you and Yang Yang go and get the certificate first?" Ling Rui said suddenly.

"Ah? Boss, what do you mean?" Su Mianmian looked at Ling Rui in confusion and asked, but she had a bad premonition in her heart, and her heart sank!

The boss doesn't want to mess with the mandarin ducks, does he?
"Don't you get along well with the sheep? Besides, if Jun Hexi wants to give up completely, you have to strike first, otherwise, based on what I know about him, he won't let it go!" Ling Rui sighed helplessly, I already have a plan in mind.

"Boss!" Su Mianmian almost cried! "I and the sheep are brothers, how can I marry my own brother?"

This is what it is!What a mess!

Su Mianmian was almost speechless!Could it be that there were only these two choices left in her life?

"Emotions can be cultivated slowly!" Ling Rui said such a sentence in a ambiguous manner.

"Boss, I hate that person. If it wasn't for Su Jin, I would never want to see him in my life!" Su Mianmian said decisively and awe-inspiringly.

Her departure was firm and clear enough, right?
"Hey! Er Mian, I know that what you just said is true, and you have a deep understanding of the essence of Jun Hexi. I personally agree with your point of view, but since this matter is a private matter, It's better for you two parties to settle it privately!" Ling Rui said with a sigh.

"Boss! What do you mean?" Su Mianmian's scalp exploded when she heard Ling Rui's words!Instinctively, danger was approaching behind her again, she turned around abruptly, and saw that the guy who said she was using sinister tricks and was hiding a knife in a smile was walking gracefully, with his hands in his pockets, walking towards her in a slow manner, with a smirk on his face. Looking at that damn classic half-smile!

"Boss! You are dishonest! You betrayed me!" Su Mianmian wailed and accused Ling Rui!Seeing Jun Hexi's sinister and dangerous smile, Su Mianmian knew that this guy had heard the conversation between her and Ling Rui just now.

"Ahem! Ermian, what's the problem, you two open up and explain it. I can go back and have a business with the old man!" Ling Rui pushed the responsibility completely away with one word, which is what the old man meant , he was nothing more than an executive.

"Boss! I just remembered that I'm still sorting out the list of hackers you asked me to investigate last weekend. I'll go to work first!" Seeing that it was hopeless to ask Ling Rui for help, Su Mianmian immediately rubbed her feet and found a reason to leave. Like slipping away!
It's just that wishes are beautiful, but reality is cruel. As soon as Su Mianmian walked to the door, Jun Hexi blocked her. The man who was neither tall nor short nor fat nor thin happened to be in the middle of the door, blocking her movement. place.

"Third Young Master, excuse me!" Su Mianmian tried her best to adjust her facial muscles, and showed Jun Hexi a half-smile.

Jun Hexi didn't speak, but stood at the door and looked at Su Mianmian with a half-smile.

"Third Young Master, good dogs don't get in the way!" Su Mianmian knew that it would be difficult to be kind to this matter today, so she simply didn't bother to pretend to be polite.

"Su Mianmian, you called your son's biological father a dog, huh? Seeing that you can't tell, you really have a bad taste!" Jun Hexi said in a cool tone!
"Young Master Jun! Do you think you are so interesting? Since you are here today, I won't let you make a trip in vain. Don't talk about the marriage you mentioned! I won't marry you, You should die!" Su Mianmian said angrily, glaring at Jun Hexi.

If she really married this guy without a clear mind, she would probably be pissed off by this guy in a few days!
So Su Mianmian decided to cherish her life and stay away from Jun San!
"Are you so unwilling to marry me?" Jun Hexi didn't expect Su Mianmian to reject him so much, she leaned forward, as if to see the expression on Su Mianmian's face clearly, and asked in puzzlement.

After probing that night, he was sure that Su Mianmian had thoughts about him in his heart, and he didn't dislike Su Mianmian. Now, what's wrong with getting married?
"Third Young Master, how fresh is your question? Could it be that I didn't express it clearly enough? If so, then let me say it clearly again, Third Young Master, I don't want to marry you! Is it clear enough?" Su Mianmian said fiercely, gnashing her teeth.

"It's quite fresh!" Jun Hexi didn't expect that there would be a woman other than Tang Shishi who would reject his marriage proposal without hesitation. Even this woman was willing to bear children for him, but she showed that she was more afraid of marriage than he was. look!

It's just that the more Su Mianmian is like this, the more determined Jun Hexi wants to marry Su Mianmian. This will not only allow his son to have a sound family environment, but also reassure the elders in the family, and even make Ling Rui's stingy Don't worry about the vinegar bucket, and after he and Su Mianmian are married, the two can also not interfere with each other, and Su Mianmian will not pester him to death like a nympho, he will not allow Su Mianmian to refuse such a marriage that counts at one stroke. .

"Third Young Master, don't be confused. I know what you have in mind, but we are not suitable. If we are forced to be together, you are not afraid that I will mess up your family?" Su Mianmian She didn't know what was going on in Jun Hexi's mind, but now she resisted the urge to pry open Jun Hexi's head to see what was inside, and patiently reasoned with him.

"Su Mianmian, we are suitable, what's wrong with getting married?" It was the first time that Jun Hexi seriously discussed the issue of marriage with Su Mianmian.

"Third Young Master! You don't respect the facts when you say this! Where are we suitable?" Su Mianmian had nowhere to vent her anger, and finally laughed cheerfully, saying: "Third Young Master, what you want is Wuai A sexless marriage, is that still called a marriage? I can just pull out a comrade-in-arms from a sharp knife in this kind of marriage!" Su Mianmian saw that Jun Hexi's face turned cold when she said a loveless and sexless marriage, But now she is not afraid of him at all, in front of the boss, someone will be a witness, she will speak out what she wants to say, so as to save this Jun Hexi from pestering her inexplicably again in the future!
"What about you! What kind of marriage do you want?" Jun Hexi's face turned ugly for a moment, and soon resumed his signature movements, looking at Su Mianmian and asking.

"Third Young Master, the man I want to marry must be pleasing to each other. I love him and she loves me, just like our boss and sister-in-law. They love each other and are steadfast in each other. As for the rest, you can ignore it! "Su Mianmian deliberately took the relationship between Ling Rui and Tang Shishi as an example, just to let Jun Hexi fully understand that she is not a casual material woman!

"Fresh! Can love be eaten?" Jun Hexi retorted disdainfully.

(End of this chapter)

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