Chapter 978 Su Jin's Mission

"Third Young Master, what you say is against your will! It's not that you haven't loved before. Why don't you think about love when you are in love? Youdao is full of love and water, and there is no emotional foundation. It could be mutual torture! So, Third Young Master, I beg you to let me go, my little life cannot withstand your torture!" Su Mianmian begged for mercy.

"You—" Jun Hexi didn't expect Su Mianmian to expose her thoughts so unceremoniously in front of Ling Rui, her complexion suddenly changed, and she stared at Su Mianmian angrily, with a hostile look on her face.

Su Mianmian was overwhelmed by Jun Hexi's hostility, and her heart trembled with fright, and then she forced herself to stare at Jun Hexi fearlessly, with a stubborn look that she would rather die than obey!
Jun Hexi stared at Su Mianmian's stubborn big eyes, suppressed the anger in his heart, and took another step forward, watching Su Mianmian's body tremble obviously, but he tightly pursed his mouth and held his head stubbornly Unwilling to give in, his heart was suddenly hit hard by those eyes. Such eyes made him feel very familiar. In a daze, that woman also looked at him with such eyes that refused to admit defeat and refused to give in. Jun Hexi's hostility dissipated, and she glanced at Ling Rui who was watching the show with a smirk on her lips in silence, then gave Su Mianmian a fierce look, snorted coldly, turned and left!
"Hoo hoo! It's scary!" After Jun Hexi disappeared, Su Mianmian patted his little heart and let out a long sigh of relief, then caught a glimpse of Ling Rui who was smiling badly, and made an angry accusation : "Boss, you are so unjust, you just refused to save yourself!"

"Er Mian, if you want Jun Hexi to bow down to you, I can help you!" Ling Rui looked at Su Mianmian's playful opening, and a light of insight flashed across his eyes.

"Head, boss..." Su Mianmian froze in mid-air with her hand patting her heart, and looked at Ling Rui, stammering, with a guilty expression on her face.

Su Mianmian has been sent abroad!
In fact, it is not considered an expatriate, but Ling Rui, an unscrupulous boss, in order to achieve his ulterior motives, he can eradicate his love rivals and satisfy the elders. Su Mianmian fought a tough battle, resolutely taking down Jun Hexi's fortress with one fell swoop, and without hesitation pushed Su Mianmian into Jun Hexi's pit of fire without hesitation!

The sky in Saipan is very blue and the sea is beautiful, but Su Mianmian's heart is the same as the morning smog in Longyu Kingdom, it can't get clear no matter what.Especially looking at the back of Jun Hexi who was walking in front and hugging her son, Su Mianmian wanted to turn around and buy a plane ticket countless times to abscond back!But for the sake of her son, she gritted her teeth countless times and endured it.

"So what, Young Master San, what number do you book for the return flight?" Su Mianmian took a quick step, following in the footsteps of the father and son in front, and asked weakly.

"If you want to go back, you can leave now!" Jun Hexi carried Su Jin on his shoulders, and after hearing Su Mianmian's words, she turned her head and looked at her expressionlessly and said.

Su Mianmian looked at Jun Hexi with some frustration, and under the man's cold eyes, slowly lowered her head and looked down at her toes!

Damn!She, Su Mianmian, understood now that the boss didn't mean to help her at all, but to unite their family members to bully her alone!

Look at this man's cold, stinky face, as if he owed her 200 million!
She is the one who is forced, okay?
Surely she wouldn't dare to disobey the boss's order to go back, right?A bunch of black-hearted foxes!Bullish XX!Su Mianmian slandered dissatisfied all the way, followed Jun Hexi to the hotel entrance, took the room card and went upstairs.

It was only after going upstairs that Su Mianmian realized that there was only one room card in her hand, and Jun Hexi was waiting impatiently for her to open the door with his son on his shoulders.

"Where's your room card?" Su Mianmian asked puzzled.

"Isn't it in your hands?" Jun Hexi said coldly.

"But this is my room card!" Su Mianmian eagerly argued, as if something was wrong!
"That's the room card for the three of us!" Jun Hexi glanced at Su Mianmian, then took the room card in Su Mianmian's hand, and swiped the card to enter the room!
"Hey! What do you mean? Let me tell you! I won't live with you! Whether a man or a woman can kiss each other!" Su Mianmian stood at the door and screamed!
"Do you want to kiss? Where did the child come from? Do you think you are the Virgin Mary?" Jun Hexi's disdainful voice came: "Do you like it or not!"

Su Mianmian gritted her teeth angrily!Why is this man such an asshole!When she can't afford a hotel here?joke!
Su Mianmian angrily ran downstairs, went to the front desk and asked for another room card to open a new room, but the person at the front desk told her that there were no vacancies here a week ago!
"Nonsense! The air ticket and the room we reserved just yesterday, how could it not be available a week ago?" Su Mianmian asked, then took out her gold card and said, "I have money!".

"Are you a guest of 306?" The front desk lady still smiled politely and said, "Your husband is a friend of our boss, so no matter when he comes, he can stay!"

Su Mianmian stared at the front desk lady for a long time, and finally, like a deflated ball, took back her bank card embarrassingly, and left with heavy steps!
Damn!Also bring this!

Su Mianmian, who had money but couldn't spend it, was appointed to climb upstairs, went to 306 and knocked on the door, and had no choice but to succumb to the evil forces again.

"The door is not closed!" Jun Hexi's lazy and emotionless voice sounded from the room.

After Su Mianmian heard this, she gritted her teeth angrily, this stinking bastard just decided to eat her, knowing that she would definitely compromise and come back, right?The door is too lazy to close!
The dejected Su Mianmian tugged at her cheeks vigorously, cheered herself up for a while, pushed open the door and walked in.

"Mummy, where have you been? Come and see this side, it's so beautiful!" Little Su Jin was sitting by the window, and when she saw Su Mianmian coming in, she excitedly waved at Su Mianmian.

Seeing her son's happy smiling face, Su Mianmian dissipated some of the gloom in her heart, walked to the other side of Su Jin, sat down like the two of them, and looked at the blue sky and sea outside.

"Su Jin, are you happy?" Su Mianmian patted Su Jin's head and asked.

"Happy! Su Jin is so happy!" Su Jin replied repeatedly.

Su Mianmian breathed a sigh of relief, and showed a loving smile on her face: "It's as long as Su Jin is happy!"

Forget it, as long as the son is happy, as for her, just bear with it.Su Mianmian comforted herself in her heart, what is more important than her son being happy?

"Don't put on a heroic appearance, you don't have any interest even if you take the initiative to sacrifice yourself!" Jun Hexi looked at Su Mianmian's reluctant and displeased cold snort.

(End of this chapter)

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