Chapter 979
"Evil bastard!" Su Mianmian couldn't help but cursed softly in a voice she could hear. She was really going to be pissed off by this poisonous man!
"What did you say!" Jun He asked in a raised voice suddenly.

"What did I say?" Su Mianmian spread her hands pretending to be innocent, looked at Jun Hexi's black face, but couldn't help calling Jun Hexi a jerk in her heart!
"Mommy said you bastard!" Su Jin's little friend sitting between the two adults obediently assumed the responsibility of passing the microphone.

"Su Jin! Don't talk nonsense!" Su Mianmian angrily reprimanded Su Jin, this little bastard who turned his elbows outward!

"Mommy, Su Jin didn't talk nonsense! Su Jin is an honest and good boy!" Su Jin looked at Su Mianmian without knowing why, her small face was full of grievances, and tears glistened in her eyes. Mommy is so fierce, she used to He has never been so cruel to himself, maybe Mommy doesn't love him anymore.

"Su Mianmian! You're going too far!" Jun Hexi saw that Su Jin had tears in his eyes, and immediately felt distressed, and sternly yelled at Su Mianmian.

"I..." Su Mianmian realized her mistake, and was so distressed that she just wanted to hug Su Jin in her arms to comfort her, but Jun Hexi did it one step faster than her.

"My dear son, a man won't cry!" Jun Hexi softly coaxed Su Jin with her head against Su Jin's.

"Su Jin didn't cry! Su Jin said she wanted to be a man!" Su Jin sniffed, holding back the tears in her eyes.

Seeing Su Jin's appearance of crying or not, Su Mianmian felt sore and uncomfortable for a moment, stretched out her hand to hold Su Jin's little hand and said, "Baby, it's Mommy's fault! Mommy is wrong! Don't be angry with Mommy! "

"Su Jin is not angry with Mommy, Su Jin knows that Mommy is in a bad mood!" Su Jin turned her head, looked at Su Mianmian, her big eyes sparkled, and said seriously.

"No, Mommy is in a good mood. As long as she is with Su Jin, Mommy is in a good mood!" Su Mianmian didn't expect Su Jin to be so careful and sensitive at such a young age, so she immediately comforted him.

"Su Jin knows! Su Jin knows that Mommy doesn't like Dad!" Su Jin said, her mouth was flattened, and she looked like she was about to cry again, but because Jun Hexi's man didn't cry, she tried her best to bear it. Stopping, sobbing, she asked Su Mianmian pitifully, "Mum, Su Jin likes Dad, and you like him too, okay?"

Uh!Su Mianmian didn't expect that Su Jin would make such a request to her, and for a while she didn't know how to answer, looking at Jun Hexi's tense face, she didn't know what to say to reject Su Jin without hurting Su Jin. In the heart of his son, he was so embarrassed that he wanted to run away.

"How does Su Jin know that Mommy doesn't like Dad?" Su Mianmian touched Su Jin's head, gave Jun Hexi a hard look from an angle Su Jin couldn't see, and said, "Daddy doesn't like Mommy either. Woolen cloth!"

"No way!" Su Jin puffed up her cheeks after hearing Su Mianmian's words and said, "Su Jin likes mom, and dad likes mom too. Dad said, as long as Su Jin likes, he likes it!" Su Jin finished speaking , turned his head triumphantly, put his arms around Jun Hexi's neck, and asked, "Is that right, Dad?"

Jun Hexi, who was still complacent just now, did not expect the situation to turn around immediately. He looked at his son's confident and expectant face, and finally took a last look at Su Mianmian, who was not knowing what he was complacent about, and replied: " Yes! As long as Su Jin likes it, Dad likes it!" Jun Hexi said without hesitation, and then gave Su Mianmian a meaningful look.

Su Mianmian's face blushed uncontrollably. Although she knew that Jun Hexi was "coerced" by her son to say such words, she was still hopelessly agitated when she heard Jun Hexi say this.

"Mummy, did you hear that? Dad likes you, and you like dad too, okay?" Su Jin turned to ask Su Mianmian's opinion again, like Xiaoyue.

"This..." Su Mianmian hesitated, she is not the kind of Jun Hexi who just talks about liking, love and love at will, this is really embarrassing for her.

"Mummy, are you okay?" Su Jin took Su Mianmian's hand and shook it, with a hint of coquettishness.

Su Mianmian looked up at Jun Hexi, was silent for a while, finally gritted her teeth, and said, "Okay, everything is for my son!"

Seeing Su Mianmian's awkward look, Jun Hexi snorted coldly, thinking that liking me makes you feel wronged like this?

Don't think I'm sincere, I'm completely forced, since I'm trying to make my son happy, let's forget it if everyone has heard it!Su Mianmian met Jun Hexi's eyes without flinching.

Count your wits!

each other!

"Oh! Dad likes Mommy, and Mommy likes Dad too!" Little Su Jin didn't know the smoke between the two adults at all, clapped her hands and shouted happily: "I have completed the task, I can hug you when I go home!" Sister Ziqi is gone!"

"What? Su Jin, what task have you completed?" Su Mianmian immediately felt calculated after hearing Su Jin's words.

"It was arranged by uncle! Uncle said that as long as I make mommy like daddy and daddy like mommy, I can play with sister Ziqi when I get home!" Su Jin told Ling Rui before going out without any scheming. His mission was confessed.

Su Mianmian gritted her teeth and let out a wail.

Jun Hexi glanced at Su Mianmian expressionlessly, then turned to look at Su Jin, and asked, "Su Jin likes to play with sister Ziqi?"

"Well! Sister Ziqi is so small, her hands are so soft, she can spit bubbles and smile at me! I like sister Ziqi the most!" Su Jin's eyes sparkled when Jun Hexi mentioned Ling Ziqi , happily shared his discovery with Jun Hexi, just like a little nympho.

"What about Zimo Zixuan and the others?" Jun Hexi asked.

"What's so interesting about them!" When Jun Hexi mentioned Ling Zixuan and Ling Zimo, he pursed his lips in displeasure, and the expression on his face showed that he didn't want to be seen.

"Why?" Su Mianmian couldn't help but interjected and asked.In her opinion, the baby of the boss's third brother was carved out of the same mold, and all the clothes that the boss gave the baby were very similar, and it was impossible to tell which was which. Especially friendly to Ling Ziqi?She felt that Su Jin couldn't even tell who was Ling Ziqi!

"Because Su Jin is a boy! Boys can only like girls!" Su Jin replied proudly.

Jun Hexi and Su Mianmianmo!Does this kid know the difference between men and women so quickly?
"Who told you all this?" Jun Hexi asked while touching Su Jin's head.

"I figured it out myself!" Su Jin proudly showed off.

"Think of it yourself?" Su Mianmian was very surprised when she heard this.

(End of this chapter)

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