Chapter 982 Su Jin’s Complaint (2)
But what Su Mianmian didn't expect was that the people at the party showed a lot of interest in her, especially men.

Su Mianmian's height is 1.6 meters [-], which is considered an average height in Longyu Country, but compared with foreigners, her size can only be described as petite.Because she was not interested in such a party, and besides Angus, who she had known for only a few hours, she didn't know anyone at the party, so she always behaved very quietly, giving people A very indifferent feeling, standing with the aristocratic Angus, it makes people feel that the mix and match is perfect, and there is a feeling of a golden boy and a jade girl.

"Angus, I really have you. You actually invited this oriental doll to be your girlfriend!" As soon as Angus and Su Mianmian entered the party, a blond man with a baby face came over to say hello. Angus punched on the shoulder. Obviously, the two had a good relationship and were very familiar with each other. Then he turned around and stretched out his hand to Su Mianmian, introducing himself, "Hi, baby, I'm Eric!"

The smile on Eric's face was brighter than the blond hair on his head, so Su Mianmian couldn't refuse, so she smiled slightly and stretched out her hand: "Su Mianmian."

Eric held Su Mianmian's hand, lowered his head slowly, and was about to give a kiss.

But when Eric lowered his head, Su Mianmian quickly withdrew his hand, then looked at Eric who didn't know why and nodded awkwardly.

Su Mianmian couldn't accept the enthusiasm of foreigners. Although she knew that the other party had no other intentions, it was just an ordinary way of greeting, but shaking hands was Su Mianmian's limit. Kissing hands, sorry, she is not used to it.

Eric didn't mind either, with the same sunny smile on his face, he shrugged his shoulders at Su Mianmian and Angus, and it happened that someone greeted him, so he said that and left.

"Let's go over there to get something to drink, you haven't replenished water for a long time!" Angus said and joked: "This time I will take you to get it in person, you should feel at ease to drink some, right? "

Su Mianmian smiled awkwardly, it turned out that her defense was so obvious.

Because of the training she received since she was a child, Su Mianmian has never touched things of unknown origin casually, and she suffered a loss under Qian Dashao a few years ago, so she is extremely defensive.

However, Angus is really hard to hate.Su Mianmian followed Angus to get drinks.

Then poured a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, and Angus sat on the chair quietly watching the men and women at the party.

Jun Hexi, who was standing in the distance, watched Su Mianmian and Angus enter the party, wondering what funny things Angus said to Su Mianmian, Su Mianmian smiled at Angus Looking like a nympho, the anger in his heart is even greater!

He obeyed his family's arrangement, and Su Mianmian and Su Mianmian took their children abroad for vacation in order to cultivate their relationship. Although he felt that he came here purely for coping purposes, he never thought that Su Mianmian, a woman, would dare to defy him openly. Order, under his nose, followed another man out and about, talking and laughing happily!

This woman, is this the rhythm of having an affair?Who gave her the guts? !
Or, did she think she could get his attention by doing so?Want to use Angus to stimulate him?How childish!Sooner or later, Su Mianmian, you will find out what a serious mistake you have made!

Jun Hexi took a cold look at Su Mianmian who was attracting bees and butterflies at the party, snorted coldly, walked slowly back to the hotel.

Su Mianmian felt that the line of sight that had been staring at her was gone, so she relaxed. For some reason, although they were separated by a long distance, she could feel the two beams of Jun Hexi falling on her body. The cold and mocking gazes made Su Mianmian very uncomfortable, but at the same time she was childish and refused to give in. Originally, she wanted to bid farewell to Angus and go back to the hotel to take care of the children, but because of Childishly angry with Jun Hexi, she sat on the chair boredly, drinking every sip of the drink, and her nerves were tense. It was not until Jun Hexi left that she felt that she was a real person. It was relaxing, but after relaxing, there was an indescribable loss in my heart.

She really shouldn't be delusional.

"Su, why don't we go for a walk? The scenery here is nice, and there are some small shops where you can browse. There are many gadgets that girls like." Angus saw that Su Mianmian was absent-minded, and eagerly wanted to be a guide .

Su Mianmian originally wanted to refuse, but when she saw a few men not far away pointing at her, with scrutiny and judgment in their eyes, after seeing them, she toasted to her, There were even two people walking towards this side, and it seemed that they wanted to come over to say hello and chat. These foreign men were bold and unrestrained. Su Mianmian didn't want to be embarrassed like Eric again, so she agreed to Angus's proposal.

The customs and customs of Saipan are completely different from those of Longyu Kingdom. Angus is indeed a very good guide. Even though Su Mianmian came here for the first time, with Angus' guidance, she unexpectedly lost interest at first. I was so absent-minded that I became interested in shopping. I even bought a few interesting gadgets and prepared to give them away when I returned home.

"Su, you should smile more, you look beautiful!" Angus has been patiently accompanying Su Mianmian to choose gifts. He is a noble and elegant gentleman, but he does not give people a sense of distance. When Mianmian hesitates, she will give Su Mianmian reasonable suggestions, which are careful and thoughtful.

Su Mianmian smiled sincerely at Angus, and said, "Thank you!" This Angus is really disgusting!

"Which of these two mirrors is better?" Su Mianmian asked Angus for his opinion while holding two finely crafted cosmetic mirrors.

"I don't understand this kind of personal gadgets for women." Angus looked at the two small mirrors and shook his head honestly.

So Su Mianmian put the two mirrors in her hands and carefully selected them. After a while, she put down one mirror and took a makeup mirror with western classical patterns in her hand. She opened it to look at it, and then took a picture of her own face. The upper lid smiled at the salesperson and said, "That's it."

After checking out and leaving, Su Mianmian looked at Angus's hand and the shopping bag in her hand, smiled gratefully at Angus and said, "Angus, thank you, I am very happy today!"

"Su, it's my pleasure!" Angus smiled kindly and gracefully, with a pair of azure blue eyes emitting a charming light.

"In the future, if you have time to go to Dragon Feather Kingdom, I will also be your guide!" Su Mianmian said sincerely, reciprocating courtesy.

"Su, it's a deal!" Angus replied quickly as if he had received a great reward, for fear that Su Mianmian would go back on his word.

(End of this chapter)

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