Chapter 983 Cheapskate! (1)
Su Mianmian didn't know why, but she suddenly regretted what she just said, but it's hard to get back, so it's hard to talk back.

Angus kept sending Su Mianmian back to the hotel. When Su Mianmian got to the hotel door, Su Mianmian wanted to take the things from Angus's hand, but Angus said, "Su, I'll help you send it up."

"No need!" Su Mianmian refused without even thinking about it. She didn't want Angus to know which room she lived in. Although she and Angus had a good chat, Su Mianmian always regarded Angus as a Friends who have just met, they are not familiar enough to go back to the room to drink tea or coffee.

Angus saw Su Mianmian's vigilance, smiled indifferently, and waved to a waitress in the hotel.

The waitress came over quickly and asked with a smile, "Boss, what's your order?"

"Help me deliver this lady's things to her room." Angus ordered.

The waiter took the things from Angus's hand respectfully, and made a gesture of invitation to Su Mianmian who was a little dazed.

"Angus, you are the owner of this hotel?!" Su Mianmian said in disbelief.

Angus smiled gracefully.

"Angus, is there any room available here? I want to open another room." Su Mianmian looked at Angus hopefully and asked.

She really didn't want to go back and face Jun Hexi's arrogant face, she didn't want to make trouble for herself, she came here to travel and relax, not to be a doormat.

"Not for the time being!" Angus didn't expect Su Mianmian to have such a request, and said with a embarrassed face.

A trace of disappointment flashed across Su Mianmian's face.Looks like there are really no vacancies.

"However, there is a guest who will check out the day after tomorrow. If you need it, I can stay in advance for you." Angus couldn't bear to see the smile that had finally gathered on Su Mianmian's face fade away, and he thought for a while and said .

"Okay, I'll contact you when the time comes!" Su Mianmian smiled gratefully at Angus, and went upstairs with the waiter.

Su Mianmian just asked the waiter to help her deliver her things to the door, and then let her leave. After looking at the sect number, she took a deep breath and adjusted herself, like a soldier about to go to the battlefield. After fully armed with emotions, he knocked on the door.

It was Su Jin who came to open the door. When he saw Su Mianmian at the door, he plunged into Su Mianmian's arms like a little leopard, hugged Su Mianmian's legs and said, "Mum, you're back, I thought You are angry with Su Jin, you won't come!"

"Why is Mommy angry with Su Jin?" Su Mianmian touched Su Jin's head, knowing that Su Jin was apologizing for that "unreasonable" sentence, her heart warmed up, she carried all her things into the room, He said happily: "Mommy bought you a present!"

How could she get angry with her son just for one word?On the contrary, when she was outside today, she also reviewed herself and found that her performance in front of the child was indeed a bit bad. No, she bought a gift to make her son happy.

"Ouye! Mommy bought me a gift!" Little Su Jin happily showed off to Jun Hexi with the new four-wheel drive racing car in her hand, and said, "Dad, look, Mommy didn't blame me, but still Bought me a present! She is not the stingy woman you said!"

A petty woman?After hearing Su Jin's words, Su Mianmian immediately looked at Jun Hexi with eyes burning with anger.

That's how this bastard provoked her relationship with her son, right?That unreasonableness is also what he taught his son, right?No wonder my son has become more and more unfamiliar with her recently, it turned out that he was behind the scenes!
Jun Hexi, you are so scheming!
Jun Hexi was taken aback when he heard Su Jin's words, remembering that when he returned to the room from the beach, Su Jin was very disappointed to see that Su Mianmian didn't come back with him, and kept clamoring for Mommy, but he couldn't help it His son was indeed worried about what might happen to Su Mianmian, who was unfamiliar with the place where he was born, so he took his son to look for Su Mianmian on the beach, only to find that Su Mianmian and Angus had gone somewhere, and Su Jin couldn't find them. When it came to Su Mianmian, she was so worried that she was about to cry, but she always remembered to be a little man. If she bleeds but does not shed tears, she held back her tears and asked him if it was because he said bad things about Mommy and hurt Mommy's heart. , so Mommy is gone, don't want him?

Jun Hexi touched Su Jin's head and joked with him that Mommy is a cheapskate, and she is still angry!In the end it took him a while to calm down his stubborn son and bring him back.Unexpectedly, Su Jin memorized the phrase cheapskate!Jun Hexi is really funny and helpless, this kid can really bring hatred to him!

Jun Hexi looked at Su Jin helplessly, then turned to look at Su Mianmian. When she noticed the anger and hatred in Su Mianmian's gaze, Jun Hexi swallowed back what she wanted to explain.

Jun Hexi glanced at Su Mianmian, who was standing at the door with fire-breathing eyes, then his eyes fell on Su Mianmian's pile of spoils, and he snorted coldly.

Did she buy these things when she went shopping with Angus?Angus helped her send such a lot of things, right?
This woman, who left her child and went out with a man she hadn't known for a long time, went crazy for a long time, didn't even have a phone call, how dare she show him face when she came back? !

Su Mianmian was not mistaken about the momentary expression on Jun Hexi's face when Su Jin said that cheapskate just now, and she naturally understood Jun Hexi's expression as a guilty conscience. Being ridiculed again, the anger accumulated in Su Mianmian's heart is like a volcano that has accumulated strength for ten thousand years, and it will no longer erupt uncontrollably!

"Third Young Master, I will bring Su Jin back to China tomorrow. From now on, I hope you will appear in front of our mother and son as little as possible. Of course, it would be best if you never appear in front of our mother and son!" Su Mianmian could I can endure Jun Hexi's arrogance, I can endure Jun Hexi's mocking and humiliation, I can endure Jun Hexi's domineering, but I can't bear Jun Hexi's intention to divorce her and Su Jin's mother-child relationship, and take Su Jin as his own !

She originally thought that it was reasonable and humane for Su Jin to recognize her biological father, but if the cost of losing Su Jin was the price of such a reasonable human relationship, then she would rather not!

Su Jin was born by her, it was her life!If anyone robs her of a child, she will fight desperately!No matter who the other party is or what their identity is!
"Su Mianmian, why are you crazy? It's reasonable for you to go out and hook up with men and ignore the children for a long time? Su Jin is my son, why do you say you won't let me appear in front of Su Jin?" Jun Hexi didn't expect Su Mianmian If the exit was such a rupture, the anger also came up, but in front of Su Jin, no matter how angry he was again, no matter how tense his relationship with Su Mianmian was, it was impossible for Su Jin to notice it. Regarding this point, he and Su Mianmian tacitly maintained the same.

(End of this chapter)

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