Chapter 984 Cheapskate! (2)
Su Mianmian glanced at Su Jin, who was playing with the four-wheel drive on the carpet in the suite, turned her head, looked at Jun Hexi with a mocking face, and said in a low voice, "Why? Jun Hexi, what do you mean? Why should I? Because I resolutely chose to keep him when I was unmarried and pregnant! Because I was pregnant in October and gave birth to him! After the caesarean section, I fed him shit and urine alone! Because I gave him life People! I am the one who gave all my love to him! I am his mother!" Su Mianmian looked at Jun Hexi emotionally, with accusations in every word, and said aggressively: "And you? You It was just one of the thousands of sperms wasted by drunkenness. Besides, what did you give him? Where were you when he almost miscarried several times in my stomach? He was in the hospital after he was born Where were you when he was hungry, crying and hoarse? After he was born, he was weak and often went to the hospital due to illness. Where were you? Jun Hexi, where are you? What are you doing? Are you here? You are playing Huazhu, you are rolling in the crowd of women, you are planning meticulously, step by step! You are like this, why do you now divide our mother-child relationship and compete with me for him? Why are you? Why are you?!"

Su Mianmian growled in a hoarse voice, and stared at Jun Hexi with red eyes, as if looking at an enemy, wishing to kill Jun Hexi with her eyes!
Jun Hexi didn't expect that it was just a joke, which would cause Su Mianmian, who has always had a good self-control, to lose control. The mocking expression on his face that hadn't come back was completely frozen, his eyes were slightly sad, and he watched Su Mianmian, who spoke fiercely in front of her and looked angry, lost her voice.

Facing Su Mianmian's accusations that were tearful and bloody, for the first time, Jun Hexi couldn't hold up his half-smile pretense in front of Su Mianmian.

But Su Mianmian didn't intend to let Jun Hexi go. She thought that since the two of them had talked about this, they had to take this opportunity to explain everything they said today, so as to save trouble in the future.

"Jun Hexi," Su Mianmian took a deep breath, called her by name, looked at Jun Hexi and said, "A man like you, as long as he waved his hand, all the women in the Dragon Feather Kingdom would want to get pregnant just by looking at you." , as long as you want, you can have as many children as you want, and I only have Su Jin, so please be a noble hand, don't hit Su Jin again, let me tell you this, Su Jin, he is My life, if you want to insist, I will definitely fight you! If you don't want your child to hate you in the future, you'd better let go!" Su Mianmian said softly and forcefully, half threatening and half compromising.

Jun Hexi raised her beautiful eyebrows, then narrowed her enchanting phoenix eyes slightly at Su Mianmian, looked at Su Mianmian carefully, and remained silent for a long time, as if she was thinking about what Su Mianmian said. general reliability.

Su Mianmian's body was tense all the time, she thought that after hearing her words, Jun Hexi would get angry, get angry, and retort that Su Mianmian was useless, so every cell in her body was on emergency alert , ready to take the move at any time, and fight to the end with Jun Hexi, you will die.

However, Su Mianmian never dreamed that after Jun Hexi was silent for a while, she suddenly lowered her eyes slightly and said to Su Mianmian, "I'm sorry! I have been wronged so much, I am wrong! I apologize!" Then he paused slightly, glanced at the little cute figure in the suite, and said, "Thank you too, no matter when, I never thought Had to abandon him!"

Su Mianmian was taken aback by Jun Hexi's unexpected attitude change, and when she came back to her senses, she was about to tell Jun Hexi that no matter what tricks he played, she would never leave Su Jin, when she heard Jun Hexi say: "I never thought of taking Su Jin away from you!"

After Jun Hexi finished speaking, he turned and went into the bathroom.

Su Mianmian stared blankly at Jun Hexi's back, her mind was completely confused for a moment, why did this guy react so strangely today?Is it because of a guilty conscience?Not like it!

At this moment, the cell phone rang, as if it was specially for Jun Hexi to save the scene. Su Mianmian took out her cell phone, glanced at the direction of the bathroom, and at the pile of spoils she brought back, walked to the window Side, answer the phone.

"Er Mian, is it going well?" Ling Rui's unscrupulous voice came from the other end of the phone, making Su Mianmian's teeth itch with hatred and his face distorted.

"Boss, I don't want you to be so black-hearted!" Su Mianmian said, grinding her teeth.

"Er Mian, Saipan is definitely suitable for nurturing women, you have to seize the opportunity!" Probably hearing Su Mianmian's teeth grinding, Ling Rui's voice became serious, with a serious look, but he was actually on the sofa Hugging Ling Ziqi, the little princess of his family, winking.

"How is it? Are the two of you making progress?" Tang Shishi, who was snuggling up to Ling Rui's other side, asked Ling Rui anxiously in a low voice.

Ling Rui gave Tang Shishi a small look that you should not worry, and then said to Su Mianmian pretending to be serious: "Er Mian, you have to hurry up to explain your matter!"

"Boss, it's better to handle my private affairs by myself. I'll take Su Jin back to China tomorrow, so I'll hang up first!" Su Mianmian said, before Ling Rui could speak, she quickly cut off the call.

Ling Rui on the other end of the phone, listening to the beeping sound from the phone, looked at the phone with a gloomy expression.

"What's the matter? Did Xiaoxi make Mianmian angry? Weren't the two of them fine when they left? Why did something happen just after arriving there?" Ling Yue, who was sitting on the opposite sofa, looked at Ling Rui's expression Not good, asked impatiently.

"This brat! Why are you so ignorant? I'll call him!" Jun Zeyu angrily picked up his phone and was about to call Jun Hexi.

In the matter of Jun Hexi, Ling Yue played the role of a loving mother, while Jun Zeyu played the role of a strict father, which was exactly the opposite of the situation with Ling Rui.

"Dad, don't you look for a sense of presence in him, okay?" Ling Rui unceremoniously exposed Jun Zeyu's desire to take the opportunity to call Jun Hexi to bicker.

Every time these two quarreled, it disturbed the family.

"Stinky boy! If the matter between San'er and Mianmian goes wrong this time, it's all your responsibility!" The silent old man glared at Ling Rui and said.

"Grandpa, you all came up with this bad idea, why should I bear the responsibility?" Ling Rui protested.

"Who made you, monkey spirit, have so many twists and turns in your heart!" Mr. Jun reprimanded Ling Rui with a feigned anger.Don't think that as he is getting older, he doesn't know the infighting at home. It's not because Jun Hexi and Su Jin hang around the girl Shishi and baby Ziqi at home every day, that he deliberately pretends to be a public servant for personal gain. People are driven so far away?

(End of this chapter)

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