Chapter 985 Overprepared! (1)
"Grandpa, don't wrong me!" Ling Rui retorted confidently, with no sign of guilt on his face.

"Hmph! Anyway, since you have your hands on this matter, you will be responsible to me to the end!" Mr. Jun didn't care if Ling Rui was wronged or not, he directly pushed the matter to Ling Rui. It's not easy to show up, so as not to leave a bad impression on granddaughter-in-law as old and disrespectful. It's safest for kid Rui to show up.

"Grandpa, don't worry, you just wait to observe that guy's bridal chamber!" Ling Rui couldn't refuse, so he simply took care of everything, anyway, if he packed Jun Hexi out earlier, he would have packed the whole thing up sooner rather than later. Put your heart into practice!

As soon as Su Mianmian hung up the phone, Jun Hexi came out of the bathroom. The two of them glanced at each other, and quickly turned their eyes away in tacit understanding. Su Mianmian's mood has stabilized now, although she was a little embarrassed by the loss of control just now, but What she said were all true thoughts in her heart, and she would not regret it!

After Jun Hexi moved his eyes away, he turned his head to look at Su Mianmian again. After realizing the uneasiness on Su Mianmian's face, the corners of his mouth slightly raised again, showing his signature smile that seemed to be a half-smile, but this time In the smile, there is no mockery, but a little more truth.

Su Mianmian noticed Jun Hexi's gaze, and immediately erected her defenses like a little hedgehog, and quickly turned around to watch Jun Hexi prepare to fight, but unexpectedly saw Jun Hexi's smile, she He froze for a moment, then turned his eyes away in embarrassment, and slandered in his heart, this girl won't be called stupid by himself, right?

Laugh like an idiot!
"Su Jin!" Jun Hexi gave the awkward Su Mianmian a funny look, knowing what she was thinking without asking!
"Here!" Su Jin, who was playing with toys, heard Jun Hexi's cry, immediately put down the toy in her hand, stood up, and saluted Jun Hexi. Su Mianmian saw that serious appearance Can't help laughing.

This brat, when did you learn this?
"Su Jin, it's time to eat!" Jun Hexi also gave an order to Su Jin with a serious face: "Go and call your mommy, let's go down to eat."

"Yes!" Su Jin straightened her body, then looked at Su Mianmian standing by the window, her big phoenix eyes were puzzled, and asked, "Dad, why didn't you ask Mommy to come with you?" Mingming's father Is it closer to Mommy?
"Because your mommy is a cheapskate, and she's still angry with Dad!" Jun Hexi looked at Su Jin helplessly, deliberately biting the word cheapskate very hard.

Su Mianmian clenched her fists angrily!This guy, who never changed after repeated admonitions, deliberately smeared her image in front of his son!
"Dad, don't call Mommy a cheapskate! Didn't you tell me that it's impolite to speak ill of Mommy, and it will hurt Mommy's heart? Why did you speak ill of Mommy again? Su Jin is angry!" Su Jin finished speaking , staring at Jun Hexi angrily, with bulging cheeks, like a bulging little frog, very cute.

Su Mianmian was stunned, she turned her head to look at Jun Hexi in surprise, wondering in her heart, did he really teach her son like this?
Su Mianmian looked at Su Jin's taut little face, which was seriously competing with Jun Hexi, and then at the man who looked like an enlarged version of Su Jin, and suddenly felt a little sore in her heart. !
Su Mianmian walked quickly in front of Su Jin, bent down and hugged Su Jin tightly.

"Mommy, don't hug me so tightly. I'm a boy and you're a girl. If you're like this, Su Jin will be shy!" Su Jin struggled to say while covering her little face in Su Mianmian's arms. , that looks like she is really shy.

Su Mianmian was in a good mood for a while being amused by Su Jin's cute appearance, and kissed Su Jin hard on the cheek.

"Mommy, boys and girls are not allowed to kiss casually. Although I am still young, don't worry, I will take responsibility for you!" Su Jin blushed, looked at Su Mianmian and said seriously.

Su Mianmian was taken aback for a moment, then laughed and kissed Su Jin's other cheek again. Her son is such a treasure, so tender!

Seeing the smile on Su Mianmian's face, Su Jin hugged Su Mianmian's neck joyfully, and softly asked Su Mianmian, "Mum, don't leave Su Jin alone again, okay? Su Jin I can't find you, I'm very scared, very scared!"

"No! Mommy will never do it again!" Su Mianmian pressed her forehead against Su Jin's and assured her, her voice was a little hoarse, and her eyes were uncontrollably moist.

Su Jin became happy, looked at Jun Hexi behind him who looked at them with a smile, and said seriously: "Father, don't call Mommy a cheapskate from now on, don't hurt Mommy's heart anymore, okay? "

Jun Hexi, who was suddenly named by his son, was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and felt that Su Mianmian, who was holding Su Jin, tensed up again, full of vigilance. Jun Hexi suddenly felt funny and couldn't help laughing at himself. His previous image of a villain has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Although Jun Hexi only lagged for a little while, Su Mianmian had already caught Jun Hexi's reluctance keenly. Just when she was about to coax her son to change the topic, she heard Jun Hexi A low but sure voice: "Good!"

Although there was only one simple word, it surprised Su Mianmian. She couldn't help but hugged Su Jin and turned around to look at Jun Hexi. When she saw Jun Hexi with a pleasant smile on her face, she didn't notice a trace of it. When he was reluctant, Su Mianmian sighed secretly, this guy's ability to deceive people has greatly increased again!

San Shao, don't force yourself, let alone lie to your children.

How do you know I'm lying?What if I'm serious?

You - duplicity!

I take this as a compliment!

You - how could you do that!

whatever you think!
After all, Su Jin is a child, how could he understand the turbulent undercurrents between adults, let alone that it was just a moment of eye contact, his father and mother had already confronted each other several times, and at this moment, he was the only one who wanted to get Jun Hexi. Rejoice!
"Oh! That's great! Dad, you have to do what you say!" Su Jin said happily, clapping her little hands.

"Hmm!" Looking at Su Jin's smiling face, Jun Hexi felt warm in his heart, and suddenly felt that everything he did was worthwhile if he could see his son's smile.

"Father, Su Jin admires you the most! You are the male god in Su Jin's heart!" Su Jin clasped her hands together, making no effort to hide her admiration, and told the story she had heard from her second aunt Mo Youyou two days ago. The trendy vocabulary that arrived has been learned and used flexibly.

Jun Hexi raised her phoenix eyes slightly upwards, revealing a great sense of satisfaction.

"Cut!" Su Mianmian glanced at Jun Hexi, who was smiling so obtrusively, and cursed in her heart, she's still a god!hypocrite!Don't even look at your own virtue!
(End of this chapter)

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