Chapter 988
Really, she, Su Mianmian, is not just a casual person!
"Hehe, heh, it seems that you and Su haven't reached an agreement yet!" Angus saw Su Mianmian staring at Jun Hexi, and his face returned to his usual calm and elegant.

"It's just a matter of time!" Jun Hexi said calmly, with a determined face.

The anger in Su Mianmian's heart came up again, and she said that this guy is inconsistent, and his nature is hard to change!He thought that if he changed his gentle way and said one or two nice words, she would be so foolishly coaxed by him that Su Mianmian would be dizzy, let him do whatever he wanted, and fall into the grave of marriage, acting with him for the rest of her life ?
joke!She is not that stupid!
"Angus, I'm too tired today, let's go to the store you mentioned tomorrow." Su Mianmian smiled and agreed to Angus' invitation, and after speaking, she glanced at Jun Hexi proudly , with provocative eyes, like a child angry.

Jun Hexi glanced at Su Mianmian, and there was an inexplicable gleam in his eyes, but he didn't say anything, and started eating again, treating Su Mianmian and Angus beside him as air.

"Okay, then we'll see you tomorrow!" With Su Mianmian's consent, Angus didn't stay any longer, and left with a smile.

"Mum, it's wrong for you to do this!" After Angus left, Su Jin pouted her small mouth and looked at Su Mianmian's disapproving opening: "How can you date a boy other than your father? If you are like this, your father will sad!"

"He won't!" Su Mianmian touched Su Jin's head, with a bright smile on her lips, covering up all the far-fetched feelings in her heart.

"Father is angry!" Su Jin pouted her lips and looked at Su Mianmian, and said, "Mommy, it's wrong to be half-hearted. You promised to be responsible to Dad!"

"When did I say that I would be responsible to him?" Su Mianmian looked at her son suspiciously, she was absolutely sure that she never said such a thing, never!

What's more, that man doesn't care about being responsible or irresponsible!

"Mommy, you said that Yao likes Dad, and if you like someone, you have to be responsible for that person! You can't go on a date with that blue-eyed uncle, Su Jin doesn't like it!" Su Jin's small mouth was already pouted. Hang up two soy sauce bottles.

Su Mianmian was embarrassed, looking at Su Jin quite speechless, after a long time, she glared at Jun Hexi angrily: What did you say to your son?Is this how you teach your children?Now I'm full of words like whether I like it or not, whether I'm responsible or not!

Jun Hexi glanced at Su Mianmian indifferently, then picked up the juice in front of him, and took a sip lightly, not paying attention to Su Mianmian's anger at all.

However, Su Mianmian finally agreed to Su Jin and canceled the date with Angus. Seeing that Su Jin was like a grown-up with a satisfied smile on his face, Su Jin suddenly felt that this little guy had become a little housekeeper. !However, having such a son, Su Mianmian thought it was great!
Because originally, she didn't intend to agree to Angus' invitation, but she was irritated by Jun Hexi's attitude, so she agreed on the spur of the moment.

The three of them had dinner and walked around the beach again. Su Jin was still riding on Jun Hexi's shoulders, and Su Mianmian walked side by side with the father and son, because there were children's words that Su Jin popped up from time to time as seasoning , the atmosphere of the three of them is quite harmonious.

There are not many words between Jun Hexi and Su Mianmian, especially Jun Hexi, after knowing Su Mianmian's defense against him, he kept talking to Su Jin and seldom chatted with Su Mianmian, which made Su Mianmian who was always tense Mianmian relaxed a lot, the soft light stretched the shadows of the three people very long, Su Mianmian looked at Jun Hexi's side face flickering in and out of light, and found that his eyelashes were so long and slightly twitching. He was tilted upwards, with a graceful silhouette falling down, and the gentle smile on his face has never ended since he left the hotel. Su Mianmian looked at the talking and laughing father and son with a look of relief on his face smiling, relaxed and calm.

After returning to the hotel, Su Jin clamored to call Ling Ziqi, took Jun Hexi's mobile phone and went to the living room of the suite, and repeatedly emphasized that Su Mianmian and Jun Hexi were not allowed to eavesdrop.And Su Mianmian looked at the only big bed in the room, knowing that this bed was not meant for her, took out her change of clothes from the salute, and said, "I'm going to take a shower first!"

Jun Hexi nodded, seeing Su Jin whispering this with a mysterious face while holding the mobile phone, she shook her head amusingly.

He knew that his son's claim to call Ling Ziqi was a lie, and it was true to report to someone, but seeing Su Jin's shrewd and shrewd eyes, his heart softened, and he didn't intend to expose it.

"Little uncle, a man with blue eyes asked Mommy to go shopping today." Su Jin whispered into the phone, but her pair of little ingot ears perked up vigilantly, listening to the movement in the room.

"Then did your mommy agree?" When Ling Rui heard that someone was dating Su Mianmian, he immediately perked up, with a look of excitement on his face after watching a good show!
"At first I agreed, but I disagreed. In the end, Mommy promised me not to go!" Su Jin said proudly, her tone full of pride.

"Su Jin, well done!" Although Ling Rui felt a little pity in his heart, he still praised Su Jin for what he did, because Su Jin was strictly following his orders!
"Little uncle, what should I do if that blue-eyed person comes to look for Mommy again?" Su Jin asked distressed.

"Little uncle told you..."

After Su Mianmian took a shower and prepared a change of clothes for Su Jin, she consciously went to the sofa in the suite and prepared to go to bed.

After Jun Hexi and Su Jin came out of the shower, they saw Su Mianmian lying on the sofa and squinting his eyes and about to fall asleep. The father and son looked at each other, one with a slight frown, and the other with an unknown reason. .

After Jun Hexi put Su Jin on the bed, she walked to the living room of the suite, stood in front of the sofa and looked at Su Mianmian in the sofa.

Su Mianmian was alerted that someone was looking at her, and immediately opened her eyes on guard, looking directly at Jun Hexi, as if she was ready to fight back at any time.

"Cough! I'm sleeping on the sofa!" Jun Hexi looked at the thick and undisguised guard on Su Mianmian's face, put his fist by his mouth, and cleared his throat and said.

"Xiami?" Su Mianmian blinked her eyes twice in confusion, and asked suspiciously, "Third Young Master, did I hear correctly?"

This guy would be so kind?Su Mianmian was 12 suspicious!She still remembers what happened in his bedroom that night!

What is this guy thinking again?
In just the blink of an eye, Su Mianmian's little head has twists and turns.

"You heard me wrong!" Jun Hexi turned cold, and turned to go back.

(End of this chapter)

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