Chapter 989
Dead woman!Hypocritical!Do you still want me to beg you to go to bed?Kindly treat it like a donkey's liver and lungs!Didn't hear clearly pull down!Young Master, I won’t say good things twice!

However, just as Jun Hexi turned around, a petite figure rushed in front of Jun Hexi like a little leopard.

"It's rare for you to realize your conscience for a while, young master San. If I don't give you face, wouldn't it be too ignorant? Young master third, the sofa is very comfortable. It's a long night, you can enjoy it to the fullest!" Su Mianmian quickly climbed onto the bed , while teasing him with an infuriating joke.

Jun Hexi glanced at the woman who was hugging Su Jin on the bed and washing Su Jin's face with saliva, and sat down on the sofa angrily, then pulled the thin blanket, shrunk her body, and lay down on the sofa.

Just as soon as he lay down, Jun Hexi regretted it. Just now he clearly saw Su Mianmian lying on it with ample space, why did he feel so restrained as soon as he lay down?
"Mommy, Su Jin has washed her face!" Su Jin pushed Su Mianmian's body while pouting to save herself.

Su Jin wiped the wet waxy face from her face, and lamented in her heart, Mommy is fine with everything, but she doesn't pay attention to hygiene!
Although Su Mianmian was disgusted by her son, but thinking of Jun Hexi's aggrieved sleep on the bed, she was in a good mood, and didn't care about anything, thinking that her son was really caring and cute.

However, Su Mianmian's thoughts were soon overturned by Su Jin's words.

"Mommy, I want to sleep with Dad!" The night was silent, and Su Jin's clear and crisp child voice was unusually clear.

"Why? Does Su Jin not like being with Mommy?" Su Mianmian was very hurt.The good mood just now was like a large dark cloud suddenly floating in the clear sky, completely covered.

"Father will be very sad sleeping on the sofa!" Su Jin heard that Su Mianmian was in a bad mood, and said in a low voice.

Jun Hexi, who was lying on the sofa, raised the corners of his lips slightly in the dark. His son is really his caring little padded jacket. It seems that these days, the little guy is not in vain!
"Could it be that Su Jin has the heart for Mommy to sleep on the sofa? Mommy will also be uncomfortable!" Su Mianmian held back her heartbreak, looked pitifully at Su Jin's little face and spoke in the dark night, her voice was filled with The lament of being abandoned.

"Of course Su Jin can't bear it. Mommy is a girl, how can she sleep on the sofa?" As soon as Su Mianmian's voice fell, Su Jin quickly refuted.

Su Mianmian's expression relaxed, and her wrinkled heart flaps stretched out just now, but she still used the pitiful tone just now, and said faintly: "But Su Jin just said that she wants to sleep with Dad. Together, Su Jin doesn't want to sleep with Mummy anymore, Mummy is very sad!" After Su Mianmian finished speaking, she also pretended to choke up twice to win sympathy.

"Mommy, it's not what you think. Su Jin wants to sleep with Dad, and also wants to sleep with Mommy!" Su Jin took Su Mianmian's hand, looking at Su Mianmian with big bright eyes. face, said: "This bed is so big, Dad can also sleep together!"

"No!" Su Mianmian didn't expect Su Jin to have such an idea, and immediately refused, her voice was uncontrollably sharp.

Jun Hexi, who was lying on the sofa in the suite, was also taken aback by Su Jin's words, his dark eyes blended with the night.

"But, the other children all sleep with their parents. Su Jin has never slept with them!" Su Jin flinched a little because of Su Mianmian's attitude, her tone was resentful, disappointed, and somewhat irritating. Distressed hope, suspected choked up.

"Son, this is not allowed!" Su Mianmian didn't expect Su Jin to say this, and felt sour for a moment, full of mixed feelings.

She thought that she loved him enough all these years, but now it seems that no matter how much maternal love she gave her son, it still can't replace the father's love. The young heart of the son is so longing for a normal family life!

"Why not?" Su Jin became stubborn, "I just want Mom and Dad to sleep with me! We are a family, why can't we sleep together? Su Jin obviously has a father and a mom!"

"But, Mommy and Dad are not married, only married people can sleep together!" Su Mianmian explained weakly.

"Then Mommy and Dad will get married right away, okay? Dad even said that he wants to marry Mommy!" Su Jin demanded persistently.

"Su Jin, Mommy won't marry Dad!" Su Mianmian patiently explained to Su Jin, "Only two people who like each other can get married. Dad and Mommy are not like that, do you understand?"

"I don't understand! Mommy is lying! You told Su Jin today that you like daddy, and daddy likes you too, you are lying! are lying! Su Jin doesn't care! Su Jin just wants daddy to be with you Mommy and Su Jin are sleeping together! Su Jin wants the family to be together forever, woo..." Su Jin's crying sounded in the darkness, with accusations, hitting a man and a woman under the cover of night.

Su Mianmian only felt that her whole heart was broken by Su Jin's crying. She hugged Su Jin and faced her son's accusation, she didn't know how to explain it. Children don't understand the world of adults, but they are also sensitive to notice When it comes to the disharmony of the parents, the instinctive fear.

Just when Su Mianmian's helpless eye circles were red, the other side of the bed sank, Su Mianmian's body froze, and before she could yell at her, she heard Jun Hexi's gentle voice as if she could wring out water. : "Son, daddy is here!"

Su Jin stopped crying, turned around and looked at Jun Hexi, a pair of clear eyes flashed a gleam of success in the scheme.

When Jun Hexi saw Su Jin's eyes, he knew in his heart that he had been fooled. He sighed in his heart, but he didn't expose Su Jin's tricks. He didn't need to think about it, which unscrupulous guy Su Jin was crying just now. It is a masterpiece, but even so, Su Jin's accusation just now stirred up layers of waves in his heart, making it difficult for him to calm down.

"Jun Hexi, you—" Su Mianmian didn't expect Jun Hexi to climb onto the bed, her hands and feet were so stiff that she didn't know where to put it.

"Su Ermian, do you have the heart to let your son cry all night?" Jun Hexi questioned in a cold voice.

"Of course not—Jun San'er, don't make excuses! Let me tell you—I...I..." Su Mianmian was a little angry and incoherent.

"Su Ermian, can you stop feeling so good about yourself? Don't worry, I only have my son in my eyes!" Jun Hexi's voice became colder again.

"Damn, you'll die if you don't tell the truth?" Su Mianmian muttered softly as her self-esteem was hit by Jun Hexi's words.

cut!See what that guy looks like?Su Mianmian cursed in her heart, as if she was a plague!Her market is not as bad as that, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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