Chapter 990
"It seems that you are still expecting me to be interested in you? Or I'm reluctant..." Jun Hexi heard Su Mianmian's muttering, and said in a deep voice.

"Don't! Don't! Don't wrong your lord! We don't get along, it's better to keep a distance!" Su Mianmian interrupted Jun Hexi angrily, rolling her eyes angrily!

"Father, Mommy, are you arguing?" Su Jin asked weakly and cautiously, interrupting the two people who were bickering.



This time, the two had a rare aspiration to be together, and chose to whitewash the peace in front of their children.

"That's good! Su Jin is so worried!" Su Jin's voice sounded relieved, but her small mouth was pouted under the cover of night.

It's obviously a quarrel, adults love to lie to children!
Su Mianmian touched Su Jin's head lovingly, the little guy is really sensitive!
"Mommy, would you like to let Dad sleep next to Su Jin?" Su Jin was afraid that Su Mianmian would disagree, so she asked weakly.

Su Mianmian stared at the sky speechlessly, everyone climbed up, how could she disagree?
"As long as Su Jin likes it." After inhaling and exhaling hard for three rounds, Su Mianmian choked out six words with difficulty!

"Mum, I knew you were the best! Su Jin loves you the most!" Su Jin got Su Mianmian's approval, and said coquettishly with her small mouth as if she had been smeared with honey.

"Little sycophant!" Su Mianmian said angrily, but the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up.

For the sake of my son, just endure for a night!
"Dad—Mummy—" Su Jin's face flushed with excitement, she held Jun Hexi's big hand in one hand, and Su Mianmian's small hand in the other, and put her parents' hands on her chest, sighing in satisfaction Said: "Su Jin is so happy! This is Su Jin's happiest day!"

Su Mianmian didn't expect Su Jin to make such a move. When her little hand touched Jun Hexi's warm big hand, she subconsciously wanted to break free from Su Jin's little hand, and she felt that the other party was just like her. Curling her fingers politely, but after hearing Su Jin's words behind her, Su Mianmian couldn't bear to spoil Su Jin's good mood after all, so she just shrank her hands back, but even so, it was inevitable to talk to Jun He. West's hand touched.

So, for the first time, the hands of the two adults made an intimate contact in this awkward way because of the little person they loved in their hearts.

But Su Jin, who succeeded in his scheme, had a pair of eyes like shining stars in the darkness, full of excited lights.

snort!The little uncle also said how arduous and difficult this task is, saying that Su Jin will definitely not be able to do it, it is so easy!Tomorrow, you must call and tell your little uncle that Su Jin is a smart little man!

Su Jin woke up early the next morning and found that Jun Hexi and Su Mianmian were sleeping beside him. He happily kissed Su Mianmian, and then hugged Jun Hexi and kissed again, his happiness was indescribable.

Jun Hexi looked at his son's satisfied little face, touched his head, and then got up.

When Su Mianmian looked at Jun Hexi stretching her waist, her body was a little stiff, and her heart was slightly moved. In fact, after Su Jin fell asleep last night, Jun Hexi quietly slipped out of bed and continued to go to the living room of the suite She went to sleep on the sofa, but only returned to the bed when she realized that Su Jin was about to wake up early in the morning.

The first thing Su Jin did after getting up and washing up was to call Ling Rui to report to her work. Su Mianmian looked at Su Jin's excited look on the phone in the living room of the suite, and shook her head helplessly. Why did she feel that the boss A family, are they all evil spirits?

With Ling Rui's remote control across the country, and Su Jin, a villain, playing tricks and making adjustments, Jun Hexi and Su Mianmian had a rare breakfast without gunpowder.

It's just that after breakfast, the happy atmosphere was still fermenting, but it was broken up by the sudden appearance of Angus.

In fact, Angus' appearance was not sudden. After all, Su Mianmian promised Angus last night that he would go shopping together today.

"Mummy!" Su Jin instinctively rejected Angus, seeing Angus approaching from afar, she subconsciously grabbed Su Mianmian's clothes.

"Su, I parked the car outside, shall we go?" Angus smiled politely at Su Mianmian, with a perfect and impeccable smile.

"Angus, I..." Su Mianmian had promised Su Jin last night that she would not go shopping with Angus today, but since there was no phone call from Angus, she had no way to inform Angus yesterday. I told Angus about this after breakfast, but I didn't expect that Angus was ready, and I didn't know how to say no for a while.

"Su, did you not take anything? It's okay, I'll wait for you below!" Angus glanced at Su Mianmian who was embarrassed, and found that her hands were empty, he said with comprehension.

"No, Angus, I..." Su Mianmian said apologetically, but before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by a question: "Angus, this is the oriental doll you mentioned?"

Su Mianmian looked at the source of the sound, a flash of light flashed across her eyes, she smiled and said to Angus, "This is..."

"Bill! My friend, come with us today, there are many people outside, let's have fun together." Angus said, pointing to the outside of the hotel.

Su Mianmian looked at Angus' fingers, and sure enough, there were a few cool sports cars parked outside, and men and women in fashionable and fancy clothes waved to the people in the hotel.

"Hi! Oriental Doll!" The man named Bill greeted Su Mianmian with a sunny smile, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

Su Mianmian smiled slightly, and then said to Angus, "Wait for me, I'll go back to my room to get my bag and mobile phone."

"Mummy!" As soon as Su Mianmian's words fell, Su Jin yelled in disbelief: "Mummy, you promised me!"

"Hey, you are with Dad today, and Mommy will buy you a lot of fun toys, okay?" Su Mianmian knelt down and patted Su Jin's head comfortingly.

"Su Mianmian!" Jun Hexi warned Su Mianmian in a cold voice when he heard that Su Mianmian wanted to go out with Angus and the others regardless of Su Jin's objection, and was so dishonest to the child.

"Su, it seems that you still have some things to deal with. We'll wait for you in the car!" Angus looked at the gloomy Jun Hessie, shrugged his shoulders, and said to Su Mianmian, and then went with Bill out of the hotel.

"Mommy, Su Jin doesn't like that blue-eyed uncle!" As soon as Angus left, Su Jin raised her small face to look at Su Mianmian and begged, "Mommy, don't go with the blue-eyed uncle." How about a date? Dad can also take us shopping! Yesterday Dad said he would take us to play today!"

(End of this chapter)

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