
Chapter 140 The Death of the Western Emperor Zhao Shan's Past

Chapter 140 The Death of the Western Emperor (14) Zhao Shan's Past
I pinched my arm, it hurt so much, it wasn't in a dream.

I touched my body, and the magical artifacts were still there.I tried to pick up a piece of talisman paper, launch a decision, and lift into the air, but unfortunately it didn't work.This means that I have come to a strange space, and the talisman paper cannot work.

I picked up the demon-killing banner again and found that it couldn't get up at all. I tried the Taixu Divine Sword again, but luckily the Taixu Divine Sword defended myself.

However, now it seems that this one-off formation is really powerful, and all magic weapons can't be used. How can I break the formation?
At this time, the gate of Yucheng University was about to be locked.The doorman asked if I was still going back to school?I nodded and walked in immediately.I came directly to Yucheng University from Evil Ghost Valley, so if I want to go back, I must also go from Yucheng University.In addition, the time now is 1999, so I dare not run around.

Guoyi's formation is mainly aimed at people's past, why did I come here?

I walked on the playground with my head down, thinking about how to break the formation.But I didn't think about it after thinking about it, because in 1999, I was still in my hometown and never came to Yucheng, let alone Yucheng University.

Walking out of the playground, I came to the laboratory building behind, where several students were doing pictorials.They seem to be students of the art department. A girl wrote on it. She traced the same few words with different chalks.After everything was written, she got off the stool.

I saw a few words written by the girl.

Happy Christmas and looking forward to the future.

Christmas 1999.

A flash of light suddenly flashed in my mind, and I immediately understood.

On Christmas Day in 1999, Zhao Shan encountered the first setback in her life.

Her boyfriend was in a car accident.

I did come to the past, but this is not my past, this is Zhao Shan's past.

About Zhao Shan's boyfriend, Zhao Shan told me something one night after Uncle Geng's death.All I know is that his boyfriend is an art student, very handsome, because he wanted to surprise Zhao Shan for Christmas, but he got into a car accident.

But what is the name of Zhao Shan's boyfriend, I don't know.

"Student, do you want to help me?" The three busy students in front saw me, and one of them yelled at me.

I froze for a moment and walked over.

"Just hand us this thing." A boy standing on the top pointed to a bucket of red dye below. He was wearing a camouflage uniform, with a thin body, long hair, and covered his eyes.

"Okay." I carried the bucket of dye to the stool in front of me.

"Which department do you belong to? Why are you still outside so late?" The girl asked me while writing a new line.

"I, I'm from the history department." I didn't know what to say, so I made it up.

"Not bad, they are better than our art department." The other boy was a bit fat, and he was responsible for drawing the outline of the girl, speaking in a low voice.

"It's all the same. By the way, I'll ask you guys something." Suddenly, I decided to ask the three students if they could find Zhao Shan's boyfriend.

After half an hour passed, I helped three people complete the work.After some conversation, I also became familiar with them.The camouflage boy is called Guan Qian, and his family hopes that he can manage the family’s money in the future, but unfortunately he can’t even manage his own money now. The girl’s name is Peng Jie, and the other fat guy’s name is Wang Lufei.

As for the people I proposed to fall in love with students from the Department of Fine Arts and the Criminal Police Academy, they collectively point to a person named Huang Dong.This person is introverted and usually never talks to people.Always do things alone.

Could it be that Huang Dong is Zhao Shan's boyfriend?

At my request, Guan Qian and Wang Lufei helped me to find Huang Dong.It's a pity that Huang Dong is not here. In front of Huang Dong's bed, I saw Zhao Shan's photo.Zhao Shan in the photo is still very young, wearing a floral skirt and smiling all over her face.

Sure enough, Huang Dong was Zhao Shan's boyfriend.

Huang Dong's roommate said that Huang Dong often stays out at night, and his personality is rather strange, so people usually don't ask about him.But one time Huang Dong's roommate saw Huang Dong mysteriously go to the laboratory building of the medical department.

Maybe it's because everyone guesses a lot about Huang Dong at ordinary times, and everyone has said a lot about each other.

After listening to these words, I feel that Huang Dong is not simple.

Many people have seen him go to the laboratory building of the medical department. There are all the things used in the laboratory courses of the medical department. Except for the corpses, which are specimens, most people are unwilling to go there during the day, let alone at night.

Coming out of Huang Dong's dormitory, I decided to go to the laboratory building of the medical department, maybe I could meet Huang Dong.I saw a picture of him in his dormitory, he looks really handsome, but looking at his brows, I always feel a little gloomy.

The laboratory building of the Department of Medicine is located on the east side of the Yucheng University campus. It is a lonely building, separated from other buildings, as if it is a lonely grave.Walking from the building in front, no one can be seen around.It seemed that what they said was true, this night looked unusually quiet, terrifying and eerie.

The first floor of the laboratory building is a hall. After walking through it, the voice-activated lights turned on one by one, and then turned off by themselves after a while.There was an old man sleeping in the duty room next to the first floor. I called him, but the old man didn't hear me.So, I went straight in.

As soon as I got to the second floor, I could smell the smell of formolamine. The lights on the second floor were also on, and there were classrooms next to each other.When I was hesitating about which room I should enter, there was a sudden sound of footsteps in front of me.

I immediately pushed open one of the doors and ducked in.

What I didn't expect was that the room I got into turned out to be a mortuary room. There were six mortuary beds in the house, two of which had two people lying on them, covered with a white cloth, which seemed to be for students to attend classes. of.

The sound outside was getting closer and closer. I took a glance, and immediately got under the mortuary bed, looking at the door vigilantly.

Finally, the footsteps stopped outside the door, and with a creak, a black figure walked in.

I peeked out from under the mortuary bed, and all I could see was a pair of black trousers and black leather shoes.

Could this person be Huang Dong?
Just as I was muttering in my heart, that person suddenly came to the mortuary bed where I was hiding, and then uncovered the white cloth on the corpse.

Whew, wheeze, that person was panting heavily, like an athlete who just ran a marathon.

The shroud he uncovered was hanging right in front of my eyes. I couldn't see what he was doing, I could only rely on my hearing.

At first, he was just panting, but later, I heard him seem to lie on the corpse, making a strange sound from his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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