
Chapter 141 The Death of the Western Emperor

Chapter 141 The Death of the Western Emperor (15)

Something dripped down the mortuary bed and landed in front of my eyes. I took a closer look, and it turned out to be a few drops of bright red blood.

I was stunned, what the hell is this man doing?

Not long after, the man finished everything, he put the shroud back on, and then tiptoed away.

I immediately got out from under the bed, took a look at the shroud, and found that the neck of the corpse on the bed had been cut open, bloody and bloody.

The man just now cut the corpse's neck.

Could that person be Huang Dong?

I pondered for a few seconds, walked out of the room, and followed.

I dare not follow too fast, for fear that the other party will notice.Judging from the back, it seems to be somewhat similar to Huang Dong, but I can't be sure without seeing the front.I followed him out of the laboratory building and came to a woods behind the laboratory building.

For some reason, almost every university has a grove.This grove is said to provide a quiet environment for morning students, but it has always been a place for couples to date.I followed that man through the woods, and from time to time there were the laughter of couples on a date by the side of the road.

I followed the man to the back of the woods.Behind the woods is a mountain road, and after walking up, there is still a forest.However, this forest has a completely different feeling from the forest below. The first thing that greets us is a stench, and then the ground is uneven and full of potholes.

The man seemed to be familiar with the way and walked so fast that I almost fell to the ground a few times.When I managed to keep up, I saw an amazing scene.

The moonlight shone in through the woods, and the woods ahead were hung with things, and those things were dead cats.The stench blown by the night wind was naturally the rotten smell of these dead cats.The densely packed corpses of dead cats almost covered the entire forest.The man was walking among the bodies of these dead cats.

This is the cat mound forest.

I've heard people say that cats are spiritual animals, and they must not be buried after they die, but must be hung on a tree.So there is a saying that a dead cat hangs from a tree, and a dead dog flows with the water.For fear of attracting unclean things.

I really didn't expect that there is Maozhong Forest behind Yucheng University.

In order to find out what the man was going to do, I had to walk through the dead cats and into the woods.Some of the cat corpses on both sides have been air-dried, and some have just rotted, making people feel as if they have come to hell.Holding my breath, I walked quickly through the woods and saw the man holding a jar and pouring it into the mouth of a dead cat above.The liquid in the jar was red, and from a distance, it looked like the cat was drinking blood.

Did that person go to feed the cat with the blood of the dead body just now?An answer suddenly flashed through my mind.

Meow, the dead cat screamed suddenly and jumped down from the tree.

The man raised his head, and the moonlight shone on his face. Although it was a bit dim, I could still see his appearance clearly. He was indeed Huang Dong.

I took two steps forward, trying to get a better look.As a result, the cat suddenly turned around and stared at me. The cat's beard was still stained with blood.

I drew out the Taixu Divine Sword and slashed at it with my hand. The cat didn't know how powerful it was, so it bumped into it with its head. As a result, its body was cut in half instantly.

The cat meowed twice and didn't move.

At this time, a wind suddenly blew up in the woods, and the dead cats that had been hanging on the woods fell to the ground one after another.

Huang Dong yelled suddenly, as if waking up from a big dream, he slumped on the ground, looking at everything in front of him in horror.

The dead cats that fell on the ground got up one by one, some had only a skeleton, some were half-dead and half-skeleton, and they all began to besiege us.

I swiped the Taixu Divine Sword forward, and the golden light rushed over in an instant, knocking back the revived dead cats for a few meters.Then I ran up to Huang Dong and pulled him forward.

Huang Dong was a little dazed, and let me drag him away from Maozhong Forest.We finally came to a hill behind and ran down a mountain road next to it.Finally escaped the pursuit of those cat corpses.

"Just now, what happened just now?" Huang Dong finally came to his senses and asked me tremblingly.

"You don't know?" Now it's my turn to wonder.

"I, of course I don't know." Huang Dong shook his head repeatedly.

"Don't you know what you did?" I asked.

"I don't remember, but I seem to have had a dream before and came here. But it was just a dream." Huang Dong rubbed his head and said.

"Besides here, have you ever dreamed of other places? Like the laboratory building of the Faculty of Medicine?" I asked.

"Yes, yes. How do you know? Who are you?" Huang Dong suddenly looked at me vigilantly.

"What you're dreaming is not a dream, it's real. When did you find yourself having these dreams?" I said.

"I just remember having these strange dreams after having dinner with my girlfriend's father. But, it shouldn't be." Huang Dong said in a daze.

"Your girlfriend's father? What's your girlfriend's name?" I felt more and more strange.

"Zhao Shan." Huang Dong said.

Sure enough, it was Zhao Shan. Wasn't the father of the girlfriend that Huang Dong said was Uncle Geng?

"Oops, I have an appointment with Zhao Shan for the festival. I, I have to go." Huang Dong suddenly remembered something, and ran forward in a hurry.

"Hey, don't leave yet." I was thinking about Uncle Geng's meeting with Huang Dong, and by the time I realized it, Huang Dong had already gone far away.

I sighed, Huang Dong's car accident happened on the previous Christmas.Huang Dong's departure is bound to lead to the gate of hell.This is unchangeable history, and there is nothing I can do about it.But he left me with some questions.

Just when I was about to leave, I suddenly felt someone watching me from behind.When I looked back, I froze there.

The person behind is Uncle Geng.

I forgot that Uncle Geng was dead.

I forgot that I was there for a while.

Uncle Geng in 1999 certainly didn't know me.

"Why did you break the cat corpse array? Who are you?" Uncle Geng asked me.

"I..." I hesitated to speak, not knowing what to say.

"I think you are sneaky, so you must not be a good person." Uncle Geng slowly took out his spiritual bone fan, and Zhong Kui Fumo faced me, emitting a dazzling white light, which I found particularly dazzling.

"Broken." Uncle Geng roared, and the nine black dog-tooth fan bones on the spiritual bone fan flew towards me in an instant. Before I could dodge in time, all nine fan bones were nailed to my body.

I felt as if nine sharp knives had been pierced into my body at the same time. Uncle Geng walked towards me and turned his spiritual bone fan.

Of course I know the usage of the spiritual bone fan. The nine black dog-tooth fan bones restrain the spirit body, Zhong Kui subdues the demon face to trap the spirit body, the black dog-tooth fan bones retract, and the spirit body falls to the ground.

"Uncle Geng." The moment the nine black dog teeth were retracted, I felt as if my body had been pulled away. The severe pain made my eyes go dark. In a trance, I yelled at Uncle Geng.

It's a pity that Uncle Geng looked blank and didn't know who I was at all.

(End of this chapter)

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