
Chapter 173 Spiritual Demon Embryo Chapter Wu Qiudao

Chapter 173 The Devil's Embryo (5) Wu Qiudao
The wine lady's words overturned many things at once.

If Baili Changkong is not the person in charge of the evil spirit society, then who is the person Chen Mu has been following?

In other words, the person Fu Bo and the others identified was not Baili Zhangkong, but the supreme real person.

These questions make the mystery in my heart bigger and bigger, and I need to solve this answer immediately.

After chatting with Jiu Niangzi, I left her address and went to Zheng's house with Hou San.

Now that Du Cheng and Uncle Fu are gone, Zheng Jue is probably the only person who knows the history of the Spirit Returning Society and the Evil Spirit Society.

Zheng Jue was very enthusiastic about our arrival.I got straight to the point and talked about the matter of the sky.

Zheng Jue seemed a little surprised, but he said it anyway.

Baili Changkong's original name was indeed Wu Qiudao, and Baili Xianren was also his dharma name.At the beginning, he was suppressed by Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties at the bottom of the cold coffin under Fengming Mountain, and since then, he has disappeared.

As for the evil spirit society, Zheng Jue didn't know much.For more information, of course Forber told him.However, Baili Changkong once came to Zheng's house while possessing Dr. Huang before, and I was also present at that time.So Zheng Jue naturally believed that Baili Changkong's identity was false.

"Could it be that supreme real person who deliberately sent someone to pretend to be Baili Changkong, and then come to confuse our sight." Hou San said another possibility.

"Maybe that wine lady is lying." Zheng Jue said.

What exactly is going on?

I'm caught in a huge maze.

In addition to the doubts we have spoken of before me, there is an even bigger doubt in my mind.When I was in Ningcheng, I fought against Baili Changkong, and he asked me three questions.

What is good and evil?

What is right and wrong?

What is true and false?

The insane Taoist answered him, good and evil are free to act and deed, right and wrong are free to the heart, true and false are free to the facts. "The insane Taoist struggled and said.

But Baili Changkong said, knowing that his actions are wrong and people's hearts are sinister, the facts may not necessarily be true.

Regarding Uncle Geng's death, he even said that Uncle Geng had died before Chen Mu.

The Zombie Curse of the Mingzu, the resentful ghost that turned into glue in Zheng Lanxi's house, the glue figure in Chen Mu's house when Uncle Geng had an accident, what does all this have to do with the supreme real person of the evil spirit society?
What is the truth?
I don't know, I tossed and turned all night and couldn't sleep.At dawn the next day, I followed the address to find Jiu Niangzi.

She told me some things about Wu Qiudao and Jinling Tianshu.

The reason why Gui Xianggong and Jiu Niangzi were able to know the way to break the Nadir Zombie Curse was that by chance, they saved a person who told them the secret before he died.As for the Zombie Curse of the Mingzu, it was originally a sinister thing, and the ancestors of the Mingzu had always forbidden it to be used. Unfortunately, it was found by the Witch Sect and used it.The way to break the Zombie Curse is a Jinling Tianshu in Wu Qiudao's tomb, which records the spell to break the Zombie Curse.

Jinling Tianshu, in addition to possessing the spell to break the Zombie Curse, also has a magical function, which can answer any questions in the world.

Wu Qiudao's tomb is on Fengming Mountain.

"On Fengming Mountain?" This surprised me again, because Baili Changkong was imprisoned in a cold coffin at the foot of Fengming Mountain before. Could this Baili Changkong be talking about the same person as Jiu Niangzi?
There is not much time given by the Wuzu Clan, and the wine lady has to leave immediately.I proposed to go to Fengming Mountain together with her, she just wanted help and needed help.Maybe it was because of my sincerity that she talked about something deeper.

There are three types of tomb robbery, the compass to determine the direction, the Luoyang shovel to dig the robber's hole, and the black donkey's hoof to prevent the corpse from changing.The first two things are irrelevant to Jiu Niangzi, because she has been to Wu Qiudao's tomb before, and the only thing she needs is a black donkey's hoof.

The matter was urgent, and Jiu Niangzi and I went to Qingyazhai to take away the black donkey's hoof, and for safety's sake, I also took the compass and Luoyang shovel along the way.Cheng Feng was the only one in Qingya Zhai, and Hou San and Zhao Shan didn't know where to go.I told Cheng Feng to tell Hou San and Zhao Shan that I went to Fengming Mountain with Jiu Niangzi to look for Jinling Tianshu.

On the way, Jiu Niangzi told me some details.

Many years ago, the man rescued by the ghost minister was actually Wu Qiudao's tomb keeper.At that time, he was hunted down and fled to the Mingzu.At that time, the Ming clan had not yet been assigned, and the ancestor of Gui Xianggong was the high priest of the Ming clan. The tomb guard saw that he was a person worthy of entrustment, so he told Wu Qiudao's secret and gave him the method to break the zombie curse.And tell him that if one day, he loses the method of the Zombie Curse, he can go to Wu Qiudao's tomb to find the Jinling Tianshu, where there is the secret to undo any curse.

Gui Xianggong's ancestors passed this secret down from generation to generation.Later, the Mingzu sect and the Witch Extermination sect obtained the Zombie Curse. Ghost Xianggong and Jiu Niangzi once went to Wu Qiudao to look for it, but unfortunately that time was too hasty and not ready, and did not get the Jinling Tianshu.

The reason why I am willing to go to Jinling Tianshu with Jiu Niangzi is because of another function of Jinling Tianshu, it can answer any question.

This naturally includes the cause and truth of Uncle Geng's death.

Fengming Mountain is located at the junction of Yucheng and Ningcheng.

In terms of Feng Shui, Fengming Mountain is located at the junction of the two cities, and it got its name because the shape of the mountain resembles a phoenix with its head raised.There was originally only one river under Fengming Mountain, but in order to connect the two cities with water, a river was connected through the middle of the mountain, thus forming two dragons encircling the mountain, and the phoenix raising its head, which is rare in the world.

Wu Qiudao is a person who practiced the law. He was the second in command of the Soul Rehabilitation Society and had a stable relationship with the court, so he naturally chose a place with good geomantic omen.

Thinking about it, the position of two dragons and a phoenix must have been the place he had been looking for for a long time.If it is the mausoleum chosen by the emperor, it is natural for two phoenixes to lift the dragon seat, or a coiled dragon to press the tiger seat, showing the majesty and majesty of the emperor.But Wu Qiudao's status is limited, and he has no luck as an emperor, so at best he can only find a position of two dragons and a phoenix.

I actually don't know anything about tomb robbery feng shui. I read some feng shui books in Qingya Zhai before, but there are some superficial things in it.The night that Ah Liu gave Chen Wu the spirit guard, I chatted with him for nothing, but Ah Liu told me about it.Later in Lingbing Cave, Master Tu told me a lot of rules and knowledge about tomb robbery. Unfortunately, I didn't listen carefully at that time, and only remembered some scattered details.

The wine lady and his wife hadn't succeeded before, because they didn't know much about the situation in the tomb, they were not prepared enough, and they were almost trapped inside.

What she said aroused my interest. I asked, and the wine lady sorted out her thoughts, and told me about their previous affairs...

(End of this chapter)

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