
Chapter 174 Spiritual Demon Embryo Chapter Tao 6

Chapter 174 The Devil's Embryo (6) Tao Liu

Gui Xianggong and Jiu Niangzi went to Fengming Mountain eight years ago.

At that time, they had already stayed in Lucheng for several years, and Gui Xianggong's injury was almost healed, but the root cause was still not eradicated.In desperation, they thought of looking for the Jinling Tianshu to see if they could find a cure for the wound on the ghost.

Although Gui Xianggong and Jiu Niangzi belonged to the wizard sect of the Mingzu, they found a guide at the foot of Fengming Mountain.The guide was a middle-aged man named Tao Liu, who claimed to be from a family of tomb robbers.Along the way, he told them a lot about tomb robbery, which sounded mysterious, but when he got to Fengming Mountain, he took their money and Tao Liu ran away.

Tao Liu ran away, but he left behind a bunch of tools, such as ground ropes, umbrellas, white candles, hard steamed buns, copper coins and swords, and even a bag of small sparrows.

Without a guide, Gui Xianggong and Jiu Niangzi had to find their way according to the map handed down by their ancestors.Fortunately, the map was correct, and they found the entrance of the back tomb without much effort.

What is the back tomb?
When dignitaries, nobles and nobles choose their tombs, in addition to the passages for repairing the tombs, they will build another passage in the main tomb.This passage is very narrow, and sometimes it is difficult for even one person to enter, but this passage leads directly to the outside of the tomb, and at noon, the positive light can shine on the coffin of the main tomb through this passage, and there are generally various portraits engraved on the coffin , which symbolizes that the owner of the tomb can ascend to heaven through positive light.

The main entrance of the tomb was naturally closed, and the tomb guards naturally came out from the Ascension Gate.So when Gui Xianggong and Jiu Niangzi found Shengtian Gate, they also found a way to enter the ancient tomb.

Although the Ascension Gate is relatively narrow, it is not a problem for Jiu Niangzi and Gui Xianggong, because they have a unique skill, that is, the bone shrinking skill.

Bone Shrinking Kung Fu is actually a kind of acrobatics. Using internal strength to tighten the gaps between bones, coupled with joint dislocation with more practice, can make a 1.8-meter-large man shrink into a 1.5-meter-six small figure.Old Beijing used to perform flyovers and display various stunts, and the bone shrinking skill is one of them. There is also a ghost hand with it, called the Three Immortals Returning to the Cave.Until now, the successor of this magical skill is still alive.

Ghost Xianggong taught Jiu Niangzi the bone shrinking skill, and they got into the Ascension Gate, down the tomb passage, and came to Wu Qiudao's coffin.Unfortunately, before they opened the coffin and opened the door, the three stone statues guarding the coffin suddenly came back to life. If they hadn't slipped away so fast, they might have collapsed in Wu Qiudao's tomb.

After listening to the wine lady's words, I was a little depressed.Jiu Niangzi can shrink bones and can enter along the Ascension Gate, but I can't. According to her, the Ascension Gate can only accommodate a body of about one meter to enter. Even if I am a majestic seven-foot man, I will try my best. It's also impossible to get to one meter.

The wine lady saw my worry and said softly, "Don't worry, I have a way to let you in."

We started from Yucheng and got off at the junction of Yucheng and Ningcheng.This is a place called Tailin Town, originally such a big town, I am afraid that it will not be lively in a few lifetimes, but because it happens to be in the middle of Ningcheng and Yucheng, and the train has set up a small town there. In this way, people from Ningcheng and Yucheng have to pass through this small town.Those who don't want to take a direct train can get off at this small station and take other means of transportation.

The wine lady has been wearing a black gauze, which has attracted a lot of attention from us.The last time I was in Qing Ya Zhai, I asked the wine lady, and she said that the reason why she wore black gauze was a tradition of the wizard school.Before in Lucheng, because her identity was secret, she never wore a black gauze.But after her identity was revealed later, she was about to wear it.In this way, you can hide your true face, and secondly, if you meet other wizards, you can also reveal your identity.

I don't know what Jiu Niangzi thinks, but she can hide her identity by dressing up like this. If someone really looks for her, they can find her very quickly.

Jiu Niangzi said that the roads in Fengming Mountain are all mountain roads and difficult to walk, we need to find a means of transportation.The best way is to find someone familiar with Fengming Mountain to take us there.The last time she and Jiu Xianggong looked for Tao Liu, she remembered that Tao Liu's home was in Tailin Town.

Well, knowing that Tao Liu is a liar, why are you still looking for him?I proposed to change someone, but Jiu Niangzi said, I still need to find Tao Liu, let him go away last time, this time it will not be so easy.Besides, she felt that Tao Liu really knew something about tomb robbery.

Relying on her past memories, Jiu Niangzi came to a small alley, asked a few more people, and finally stopped in front of a house.

"Eldest sister, you are really amazing. It has been eight years, and you are not afraid that you will be gone." I looked at the house in front of me panting.

"No, Tao Liu said that Tailin Town is the place where he grew up. Even if it turns into ashes, he will sprinkle it here. Although he is talking about running trains, there are some things that he knows to be true as soon as he hears them. "The wine lady said, walked over and knocked on the door.

The person who opened the door was a child, who looked seven or eight years old, and asked with two round and big eyes, "Who are you looking for?"

"Didn't I say that you can't open the door without adults' permission." A man came out from inside.

When I saw this person, I knew it was Tao Liu.

The ancients looked at each other, the tricky ones had raised eyebrows, the honest ones had downcast eyes, the flirtatious women had thin waists, and the ruthless men had thin lips.This Tao Liu has sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, two eyes that roll like a mouse, especially with a tuft of goatee on his chin, he doesn't look like an honest master.

"Who are you two?" Tao Liu stared at me and Jiu Niangzi, looked up and down, and seemed unable to remember.

Jiu Niangzi pulled down the black gauze, "Tao Liu, don't be safe, remember me?"

The wine lady is actually very beautiful, with fair skin and a handsome appearance. She looks neither old nor young. Such a face will remain the same in a few years.People with a bit of memory will never forget it once, let alone someone like Tao Liu.

"Sister, why is it you? Oh, you said that ever since you and my elder brother went to Fengming Mountain, I have been offering incense to Bodhisattvas and praying to Buddha at home every day. I hope that one day I can meet you again. This is really true. Bodhisattva bless you." Tao Liu was taken aback, and immediately changed into a flattering smile.

"Stop talking nonsense." Lady Jiu put the black gauze back on and walked inside.

I picked up the child next to me, made him laugh, and looked at Tao Liu.

No matter how cunning Tao Liu was, when he saw me hugging his child, his eyes panicked.He began to hurriedly explain to Jiu Niangzi what happened back then.

"It's not that I don't go down to the tomb. You don't know. It's passed down from my grandfather's grandfather. We scumbags can't go in alone, or we will die. At that time, my wife was just pregnant, so I couldn't just leave her behind." They."

"Come on, keep on talking." Lady Jiu sat on a stool next to her and stared at Tao Liu.

"I really didn't. Yes, I did get cold feet back then, but didn't I also bring you to Fengming Mountain? Why didn't I see Big Brother?" Tao Liu suddenly looked back at me and asked suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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