
Chapter 23 Brass Bell Lock Corpse Chapter Pagoda tree attracts ghosts

Chapter 23 Copper Bell Locking the Corpse (4) The Sophora Tree Calls Ghosts

Ah Liu held a funeral for his uncle at home.

Because of the cause of death, I dare not speak out.

As Chen Wu's only relative, Ah Liu kept his filial piety for him.

Uncle Geng asked me and Hou San to bring some things over to help.

When we arrived, we found out that the so-called funeral was very simple because there was no corpse.The Buddhist hall where Chen Wu usually chanted scriptures became a mourning hall. A black and white portrait was placed in the middle of the table, and Ah Liu put a brazier on the ground and burned some yellow paper.

We are the only guests.

The three of them sat together in silence.

Hou San asked Ah Liu if he had dreamed again in the past two days.

Ah Liu shook his head, his eyes were red.

In fact, Uncle Geng asked me and Hou San to come here because he was afraid that something would happen to Ah Liu again.The wake in Yucheng was actually quite terrifying. The deceased lay beside him with his body propped up, surrounded by relatives.In the past, after a relative of Chen Mu died, several sons gathered around to fight the landlord, but no one saw it, and a black cat got in and jumped over the corpse.Then the corpse got up, everyone was frightened, only the son whose back was facing the corpse didn't know what was going on, when he found out, he was hugged tightly by the corpse, and when people rushed over, he was already dead warped.

However, Chen Wu didn't have a dead body, but the portrait on the table was so sinister, it made me feel terrified, and I couldn't help turning my head away.

Seeing this, Ah Liu said that we can go to the next room to rest instead of staying here.

Hou San and I looked at each other, and we agreed.

The room we lived in was Chen Wu's before, and there was nothing in it, only some simple furniture.It was a long night, and we couldn't sleep.Hou San simply told me some past events between him and Uncle Geng.Only then did I know that Hou San was just a peddler selling antiques before.Once I received a strange wooden sign. It was very old, but the texture was good and the pattern was exquisite.The other party did not ask for a high price.However, after Hou San transferred the wooden sign, the buyer came to return the product the next day.Hou San asked why, but the other party didn't say anything.The wooden sign was turned twice, but was returned.Hou San, who didn't know the reason, had no choice but to put away the wooden sign.As a result, at night, weird things happened. When Hou San entered the room, he saw a figure passing by. When he was sleeping, he felt that someone was in the room, and when he went to the toilet, he felt that someone was following him.

Later, Hou San found Uncle Geng.After listening to Uncle Geng, he analyzed that it might be because of the wooden sign.Hou San took out the wooden sign, Uncle Geng smelled it, looked at it again and said, "You dare to accept this Yin sign of pagoda tree wood, it doesn't look like it's alive."

The locust tree belongs to Yin, and it is the easiest to attract ghosts and spirits.

Only then did Hou San understand that it was the first time he had dealt with Uncle Geng that time.Uncle Geng also felt that Hou San had a bad card and was fine, so he appropriately introduced him into the job of eliminating spirits.In fact, Uncle Geng is not very advanced in the job of removing spiritual masters. For example, Uncle Geng almost killed Uncle Geng in seconds.However, most spiritual masters have treasures in their hands, such as Uncle Geng’s spiritual bone fan, which is made of nine black dog teeth, and the fan surface is Zhong Kui’s painting of demons. This spiritual bone fan is Uncle Geng’s. The one passed down to him by his ancestors is full of aura, and can basically deal with ordinary wraiths.

Hou San's peach wood sword was begged by Uncle Geng for him. Of course, it was not an ordinary peach wood sword, but a branch cut from a peach tree that had grown for hundreds of years.

"I don't seem to have one!" I said.

"Haha, in fact, you are the happiest kid. The Xuanwu God Chain in your hand is a very powerful treasure. But Uncle Geng didn't know how to use it, so he didn't tell you. When I went to Fubo with him, he once mentioned The baby who passed you. Maybe he is also thinking of a way." Hou San laughed.

It was already midnight, and I was a little sleepy.Through the window, you can still see Ah Liushou's shadow in the mourning hall.Hou San turned over and soon fell asleep.

I picked up the Xuanwu God Chain in my hand and looked at it carefully, but I really couldn't see anything special about it.When my mother came back from other places, she put it on my hand for the first time. The only feeling is that in summer, the jade tortoise on it feels cool to the bone.

It was windy outside, the windows were blown up and rang a few times.I got out of bed and tried to open the window.At a glance, he saw Ah Liu standing up on the opposite side. He looked a little strange, as if he was being pulled over by someone.Then, he started walking in the mourning hall, back and forth, as if playing a game.

I looked at Ah Liu strangely, not understanding what he was doing?
Ah Liu walked for a while, stopped, and then I saw a shadow coming out from the side, that shadow was pitch black, like a smooth leather coat, maybe it sensed that I was watching, and turned its face He turned sideways and looked back.It looks like a person, but it doesn't look like it. Its body is curled up under the shadow, only revealing two red eyes.

"Third Uncle, Third Uncle, get up quickly." I yelled loudly.

"What's wrong?" Hou San woke up.

"Ah Liu has something to do." I raised my eyes again, and the figure had disappeared, leaving only Ah Liu sitting on the ground alone.As if the scene just now was my hallucination.

"Aren't you all right?" Hou San looked out the window suspiciously.

I was stunned for a moment, I clearly saw that shadow just now, but why did it disappear in an instant?Also, Ah Liu was still standing just now, but now he is sitting there.

"If you don't worry, we'll go and stay with him." Hou San said.

"Forget it." I waved my hand.

Full of doubts, I fell asleep in a daze.This time I fell asleep until dawn.When I woke up, Hou San was already up, and he and Ah Liu were helping to pack things.They were already packed when I went over.We left together.

Sitting in the car back to Yucheng, I wanted to ask Ah Liu several times, but I swallowed the words again.

I didn't expect that when I saw Ah Liu again, it was at the police station.

Last time Uncle Geng asked me to take the red string copper money knot to Zhao Shan, but I couldn't find her.Under Uncle Geng's urging, I had no choice but to go to the police station to find Zhao Shan.As a result, Zhao Shan was arguing with a forensic doctor in a white coat.Both of them held their faces, and the people next to them didn't dare to persuade them.

"You yellow-haired girl, I eat more salt than your rice, what do you know?"

"According to what you said, someone really killed someone in a dream. Every criminal said that he killed someone in a dream, so that's okay." Zhao Shan did not show weakness.

"From the perspective of professional knowledge, the wounds on the deceased's body are of an irregular type, which are somewhat different from ordinary stabbing wounds. So I suggest that you give the suspect a psychiatric evaluation." The forensic doctor dropped this sentence and left.

At this time Zhao Shan saw me, and I didn't dare to ask more questions, so I hurriedly gave her the copper coin and red string.

Zhao Shan didn't say anything, and put the copper coin and red string into her pocket.

Seeing that Zhao Shan was in a bad mood, I didn't stay any longer.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned around, he heard a noise coming from the front.I turned my head and took a closer look. The old forensic doctor who had quarreled with Zhao Shan just now was actually held hostage by a man.

Zhao Shan and other police officers surrounded her.I also followed.

That man turned out to be Ah Liu.

"Ah Liu, release Doctor Chen soon." Zhao Shan shouted at the man.

But Ah Liu didn't seem to be able to hear it at all. The knife in his hand was shining coldly, and it was firmly pressed against the old man's neck. If he moved a little, it might cut the old man's throat.

Chen Forensic, who was being held hostage, drooped his head at this moment, his body trembling slightly. Maybe he had been a forensic doctor all his life, and he had never seen such a scene.

Ah Liu's eyes were dull, as if he had no consciousness at all.A policeman next to him caught his arm with a lunge and threw the knife out of his hand.Unexpectedly, Ah Liu did not know where the strength came from, and suddenly pushed the policeman away.Out of danger, Chen Fayi and others pushed back a few steps, leaving me standing there.When Zhao Shan saw me, she just yelled, Ah Liu had already jumped on me.

Ding Dong, a copper bell fell from Ah Liu's body and rolled to the side.

Ah Liu, who was on top of me, remained motionless.

Seeing this situation, the nearby policeman ran over immediately, pulled Ah Liu away, and handcuffed him.

"Are you okay?" Zhao Shan helped me up.

I shook my head, and saw the brass bell that fell from Ah Liu's body rolled into a corner next to it.

Seeing Ah Liu being handcuffed, Chen Forensic Doctor next to him trembled and said that he wanted to ask Ah Liu a few questions just now, but unexpectedly, Ah Liu suddenly went crazy and picked up a knife to chase him down.

I asked Zhao Shan what was going on, and Zhao Shan said Ah Liu killed someone and was caught at the scene.I wanted to talk to Ah Liu, but Ah Liu didn't say a word.

The onlookers left quickly, and only Zhao Shan and I were left.Zhao Shan was busy recording the statement, put away the things I gave her and left.I turned around and took two steps, but I kicked something under my feet. I lowered my head and picked it up to have a look. It turned out to be a brass bell.I remembered that the brass bell seemed to have fallen from Ah Liu, so I put it in my pocket.

(End of this chapter)

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