
Chapter 24 Brass Bell Lock Corpse Chapter Hell Game

Chapter 24 Brass Bell Lock Corpse Chapter (5) Hell Game

Chen Mu was still looking for his way, and I followed him and scolded him hundreds of times.

After get off work today, he called and asked me to go to a netizen party with him.Unexpectedly, he remembered the wrong address, which caused us to get off the wrong car and walk a few miles in vain.

There was another taxi coming up ahead, I waved my hand to stop one and left, but Chen Mu stopped me.

"You can't even find a place, let's go back." I was so tired that my body was weak.

"It's near here. Look, it's there." Chen Mu suddenly pointed excitedly and said, there is a row of low houses, and there is a two-story courtyard behind the house. From a distance, you can see the above Hanging a red banner.

"Are you sure?" I looked at it and asked,

"100% sure. Let's go. Maybe we can meet beautiful women and help you achieve a good marriage?" Chen Mu said with a smile.

"Go away." I scolded him and walked forward.

On the way, Chen Mu told me that this is a makeup party.The organizer this time was organized by a chat room in the same city called the Terrorist Alliance. Chen Mu didn't want to go at first, but the chat room administrator told him that Zheng Lanxi would go, so he agreed without thinking.But after what happened before, he still had a little fear in his heart, so he pulled me in.

We walked for another ten minutes, and finally came to the small courtyard.

The small courtyard is very simple and is a common style in rural areas of Yucheng.Just because there is a row of low bungalows in front, the small courtyard stands out.At this moment, there are two red lanterns hanging at the entrance of the small courtyard, and a banner is hanging on the second floor, with a few big characters written on it, the gathering of netizens of the terrorist alliance.

It does seem to be here.

There were already people coming in the yard, and there were three people sitting there, two men and one woman. One of them seemed to know Chen Mu and greeted him warmly as soon as they met.

"This is a lion, Shi Fei." Chen Mu told me.

I froze for a moment, and suddenly remembered that last time Chen Mu and the others went to Building 4 of Chenzhai together, it turned out to be him.

"You are Xiao Leng, I often hear monkeys talking about you." Shi Fei looked at me with a smile.

"Is that she here?" Chen Mu asked in a low voice.

"You are a pervert, you only miss women. Here you are, in the house." Shi Fei pouted towards the room in front of him.

Chen Mu chuckled, left me and walked into the house.

Shi Fei led me to the other two people, and we got to know each other for a while.The man's name is Qin Minghao, and the woman's name is Mei Xiang. They are boyfriend and girlfriend.

Shi Fei has an outgoing personality, and he doesn't listen to what he says.From what he said, I know that the person who organized this activity is named Ye Zi on the Internet, and it is said that he is a well-known psychic.

"Haha, I must have lied to you." Mei Xiang laughed when she heard that.

"It seems to be true. I've heard about this person from my colleagues before." Qin Minghao said.

At this time, Chen Mu and Zheng Lanxi came out from inside and called us to go in for dinner.

There are seven people in total, and the one who is busy in the kitchen is Ye Zi, the organizer.Zheng Lanxi and Mei Xiang helped bring out the food, we sat down and waited for others to take their seats.

When Ye Zi came out of the kitchen, Chen Mu secretly said, "Beauty."

I glanced at it and was stunned.

Ye Zi is about 20 years old, with fair skin, big eyes, maybe a natural smile, and looks very kind.

"My name is Ye Linger." Ye Zi smiled at me and sat next to Zheng Lanxi.

"You look stupid, don't lose face." Chen Mu kicked me and said softly.

"Haha." Shi Fei beside him laughed.

"You are Ding Xiaoleng, welcome to our party." Ye Linger said with a smile, she seemed to always have a smile on her face, but for some reason, she always felt that her smile had a deep meaning.

The food is very rich, but I am a little embarrassed to eat it.Chen Mu and the others seem to know each other very well, and from time to time they join forces to make fun of me.I was always nervous about girls, and I felt like I was sitting on pins and needles.Fortunately, Ye Ling'er helped me out from time to time.

After dinner, everyone started packing up.Chen Mu was so busy talking to Zheng Lanxi that he almost ignored me.On the contrary, Zheng Lanxi asked me a few words, but I didn't say much.

After packing everything up, everyone sat down again.

"Today is the first meeting of the Terrorist Alliance, so let's get into the theme." Ye Linger spoke.

Ye Linger talked about the theme on the way. Chen Mu told me that the first purpose of their meeting was to get to know each other, and the second was that the organizer had a mysterious thing to say.

"Okay, okay, I've been looking forward to this for a long time." Mei Xiang clapped her hands in praise.

"What about you? Are you okay?" Ye Linger stared at me and asked.

"He's fine, otherwise I wouldn't bring him here." Chen Mu answered for me first.

"Then let's start. Everyone knows that I am a psychic. The mysterious thing I want to talk about today is, do you dare to psychic?" Ye Linger glanced at everyone one by one.

Ye Linger's words surprised everyone else.

"There are really ghosts in this world!" Mei Xiang asked timidly.

Ye Linger smiled, and took out a slender glass container with some liquid in it from under the table.

"This is the tears of a cow, the purest tears in the world. If you want to see a ghost, it's very simple, just put on two drops and you'll see it." Ye Linger slowly put the things in her hands on the table.

Under the light, the bottle of cloudy liquid is a key to unlock the supernatural.

It is said that there are two ways to see ghosts in this world. One is the cow's tears, and it must be the last tear that the cow shed before slaughtering the cow, because that is the last thing it misses in this world.The second is the rhinoceros photo. The so-called rhinoceros photo is to light the horns of the rhinoceros.During the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Wen Qiao came to Niuzhuji and saw that the water was unfathomable. It was said that there were many water monsters in the water.Wen Qiao lit the rhinoceros horn to look after it, and saw that the underwater lights were brightly lit, and there were strange shapes of water monsters, some in horse-drawn carriages and some in red clothes.At night, Wen Qiao dreamed of a person maliciously accusing him of using a rhinoceros horn as a fire.The ancient Chinese burned rhino horns and used the light from the horns to illuminate gods and monsters invisible to the naked eye.

Legends are legends after all, and no one has actually seen them in reality.Now facing the real Niu Tear, the usually courageous people are silent.

"Why don't you dare?" Ye Linger laughed.

"Why don't you dare, I'll be the first." Shi Fei reached out and picked up the container, dripped two drops, and wiped it on his eyes.

Under Shi Fei's leadership, the others wiped it on their eyes one by one.When it was my turn, I declined.

"He doesn't need it." Ye Linger smiled.

"Close your eyes now." Ye Linger turned to the others.

I stared at Ye Linger, wanting to see what the hell he was doing.

Suddenly, the lights in the room went out.

"What's going on?" Chen Mu next to him called out.

"I'm afraid." Mei Xiang also shouted.

In the dark, someone took my hand and ran out.I wanted to shake it off, but a low voice came from my ear, "Don't make a sound."

I was pulled by that person to a next room, closed the door, and the light inside was on.

The person pulling me turned out to be Ye Linger.

"What the hell are you going to do?" I asked.

"Look." It was only then that I discovered that there was a large mirror on the wall of this room, and that mirror almost occupied the entire wall.Ye Linger stood in front of the mirror, but there was no shadow of her inside, but pitch black.

Just when I was puzzled, the mirror suddenly lit up, and it turned out to be the scene in the living room outside.It turns out that the mirror here is a perspective mirror.

There was a panic in the living room, Chen Mu and Zheng Lanxi sat aside, Mei Xiang hugged Qin Minghao tightly, and Shi Fei lay beside the door.They looked terrified and uneasy, as if they had seen some terrible scene.

"What did they see? Did they really see a ghost?" I blurted out.

"Ghost? Do you believe there are ghosts in this world?" Ye Linger looked at me strangely.

"Hehe, I prefer to believe that there are spirits in this world. Aren't you a psychic?" I asked back.

"Everything in the world is born and restrained by each other. The theory of ghosts is not comprehensive, but the existence of spirits began when Pangu opened the sky. We psychics are the middlemen connecting the human world and the spiritual world." Ye Linger said seriously.

"So, you are very powerful? I'm really looking forward to seeing how you can eliminate spirits." I really don't believe that this weak and petite girl in front of me has the ability to eliminate spirits.

"Don't you want to see the horror you brought to them?" Ye Linger said.


"Look." Ye Linger pointed to the mirror in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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