
Chapter 87 Red Fire God Ax Chapter Nanyang Ten Thousand Poison Society

Chapter 87: Red Fire Axe (6) Nanyang Wanpoison Society
I didn't expect that Chawang didn't hide. Although I was very annoyed at his actions to Ye Linger just now, to be honest, I never thought of killing him.

Seeing that Chawang was killed, Xu Laoxie collapsed to the ground like a defeated rooster.

In the crowd, a man dressed similarly to Chawang rushed out. He muttered a lot of incomprehensible words, and then took Chawang's body away.

Xu Laoxie was taken away by us.As for those human corpses, he got them all into the corpse pool.

Along the way, Xu Laoxie didn't say a word, as if he had lost his soul.I vaguely understand that it seems to be because of Chawang.I asked him several times, but he ignored me.

We rushed to Forber's house that night.

This time, the members of the four major families were all present.

As the Zhao family, Zhao Shan also came.

As a guide, Forber merged the four major families together.Xu Laoxie didn't say much, he helped out as requested and forced the blood jade out of my body again.

This time, Yuan Mingqing really appeared.

Forber and the others knelt to the ground.

Yuan Mingqing waved his hand, glanced at everyone's eyes, "Compared to your ancestors, you are far behind."

No one spoke.

"You should also know that in Fengming Mountain, I had a duel with Baili Changkong, and finally trapped him under the cold coffin. Do you know why I didn't kill him?" Yuan Mingqing asked.

Without waiting for everyone to speak, Yuan Mingqing spoke on his own.

"Although I founded the Huihui Society, the veterans who worked hard with me at that time all contributed a lot. At that time, we made a magic weapon together, which is the treasure of the town meeting of the Huihui Society. The rebirth stone. Huanling There was a rule at the beginning that whoever got the rebirth stone could control the entire rejuvenation society. But after Baili Changkong intervened in the rejuvenation society, this rule was hidden. So you must find the rebirth stone in order to rejuvenate the soul. Will really support it. If Baili Changkong finds the rebirth stone, then the Huiling Society will face more suffering."

"Where is the rebirth stone?" I couldn't help asking.

"At Fengming Mountain, when I trapped the sky, I divided the rebirth stone into five pieces according to the method of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, and gave them to five warlocks. Killed, snatched the water stone. The identities of these five warlocks are very mysterious. I only know two of them, one is the one who was killed by the East China Sea Fox Clan, and the other is your ancestor Ding Bufa, who is responsible for guarding It's gold and stone." Yuan Mingqing looked at me and said.

This news surprised me deeply, my ancestors were also related to the Soul Resurrection Society, and were the key guardians of the rebirth stone.

"It's up to you to find the rebirth stone. It's up to you to revive the Soul Resurrection Society. This blood jade was solidified with my soul before I died, in order to be able to tell you the truth of the matter. Baili Changkong is different from me. He He is not dead, if he finds the Red Fire Ax and cuts off the cold coffin, he will be reborn. So you have to find the remaining four guardian warlocks as soon as possible, only the rebirth stone can completely wipe out Baili Changkong." Yuan Mingqing After speaking, the body slowly became transparent, and the blood jade fell to the ground and became shattered.

"Xu Zhan, you are originally a member of the Resurrection Society, and your ancestors were all trusted by President Yuan, but why did you go to Baili Changkong?" Uncle Fu turned his head and spoke to Xu Laoxie.

Xu Laoxie didn't speak, just sat there.

"Don't be stupid, if you are dishonest, don't expect us to let you go." I said.

"Let me go? Even if you let me go, I won't dare to go out. Do you know who Chawang you killed?" Xu Laoxie looked at me and smiled wryly.

"Who the hell is he?" This Chawang also made me wonder a lot.

"He is the son of Chaya, the president of the Nanyang Wanpoison Society, his only son. If you kill him, not only you, but the entire Resurrection Society will pay the price in blood." A trace of sadness appeared on Xu Laoxie's face expression.

"Wan Poison Society, what kind of organization is this?" To be honest, I have never heard of this organization.

"The number one evil sect in Nanyang, it is said that the ancestors of all the sorcerers in Nanyang came from the Wandu Society. But, how did he come here? Xu Laoxie, what the hell are you doing? Did you do it?" Uncle Fu had heard the name of the Wandu Society, but he was more curious about why Xu Laoxie had a relationship with the Wandu Society.

"Do you know the relationship between Baili Changkong and Yuan Mingqing? Do you really think that Baili Changkong is a bad guy?" Xu Laoxie chuckled, "Baili Changkong is actually Yuan Mingqing's younger brother, but the two of them In order to restore the spirit, each team used their own skills, and in the end Baili Changkong was defeated. My Xu family originally used to raise corpses and refine corpses. This is originally a sorcery, but my ancestors followed the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties in the early days. I founded the ghost gate , I also hope to be able to leave the Rehabilitation Society and stay away from the right and wrong. But, I didn't expect Baili Changkong to find me. You have never seen Baili Changkong's methods."

Only Xu Laoxie was talking in the room. I don't know if his voice was because of nervousness or fear, but it sounded very scary.What he said next took me by surprise.

"Ding Xiaoleng, do you know why Chen Mu is willing to serve Baili Changkong? You must think that Baili Changkong has done some magic to him. In fact, there is no such thing. Baili Changkong just explained some truths to Chen Mu , Digging out the jealousy and injustice in his heart. Everyone has shortcomings in his heart, and these shortcomings can be magnified, can overshadow reason, can become beliefs, and finally change everything. This is the scary thing about the sky."

"I just want to ask you a question, does the death of Cui Tianzi and Cai Die have anything to do with you?" I stared at him and asked.

Xu Laoxie didn't speak, just looked at me with an uncertain expression on his face.

"I'm asking you something." My patience was wearing out, and Xu Laoxie's silence made my anger burn into my throat.

"Yuan, Ming and Qing also said just now that the four major families, my Xu family is also among them. You are a member of the Resurrection Society, even if their deaths have something to do with me, what do you want?" Xu Laoxie trembling lips look at me.

"I will kill you." I said word by word.

"How dare you..." Xu Laoxie paused without saying a word.

The five emperors copper coin sword in my hand pierced his chest.

"You, you attack me." Xu Laoxie yelled loudly.

When people outside heard the cry, they all ran in.

"Who told you to do it?" Uncle Fu looked at me angrily, Du Cheng and he helped Xu Laoxie aside, but unfortunately I stabbed Xu Laoxie in the heart, even Da Luo Jinxian couldn't save him.

"Ding Xiaoleng, you are messing around, do you know what you are doing?" Uncle Fu pointed at me and cursed angrily when he saw Xu Laoxie who was no longer able to do it.

"He killed Cui Tianzi and Cai Die, I must make him pay for it." I said.

"Xiao Leng, there is still something that needs Xu Laoxie's help in the matter of returning to the soul, why did you kill him without discussing it with us?" Du Cheng also looked disappointed.

"When did I say that I am a member of the Rehabilitation Society? I am just following Uncle Geng. If Uncle Geng died, I will avenge him. Regarding the Rehabilitation Society, what do you like? In short, I will not Let my enemy live." This is what is in my heart, and I have been reluctant to say it to them because of Uncle Geng's face.

"What did you say?" Uncle Fu obviously didn't expect me to say that, and was stunned for a moment.

"Don't worry, I won't say anything about you. I will take revenge on Uncle Geng." I didn't want to say anything more, so I turned and walked outside.

"Ding Xiaoleng, have you forgotten? Your ancestors were also the guardians of the rebirth stone. Why do you want to fall? You come back to me. Your father left you because he wanted to protect the rebirth stone. You have been with him since birth." The Resurrection Society is tied together." Uncle Fu chased after me and grabbed my shoulders.

"About that rebirth stone, if I find my father, I will definitely ask him to return it. But don't tell me about the Resurrection Society. I don't want to hear it." I shook Fu Bo's hand and rushed out. out the door.

My mind was in a mess, and many things piled up all at once, which was hard for me to accept.Since I was a child, the word father has always been unfamiliar to me. I have imagined countless times that I know the real truth about my father, and I even feel that I will never know his things.Now, I suddenly learned that my ancestors were the guardians of the rebirth stone, and my father left home very early because of this mission.I believe my mother knows all this, but they didn't tell me just for my safety.

I was sitting outside alone, and I didn't even realize that Hou San came to me.

"Older Geng said before that everyone has his own mission in this world. At that time, I always felt that this sentence was a bit empty and a bit big, but now I feel that this sentence is getting more and more correct." Hou San broke the silence.

Uncle Geng's mission has come to an end, but ours has just begun.

I suddenly wanted to go home very much, and I couldn't stop after this thought came up. I thought of my mother and everything at home.This mood made me unwilling to delay for a moment, and I decided to go home.

Hou San wanted to go back with me, but I refused.

In the past few years in Yucheng, I have hardly returned home.Standing on the familiar platform, I felt an inexplicable sadness.The last time I was seriously injured by Chen Mu, after my mother came to visit me, she hurried back without stopping.This time, I didn't tell my mother, I think some things will always have to be faced.

It was more than two hours' drive from Yucheng to my home. It was at noon, and there were a few people sitting in the car. The conductor sat in the front and chatted with the driver.

The swaying car made the people in the car so sleepy that they all fell asleep leaning against the window.I was no exception, I had something on my mind, and I hadn't had a good rest recently, so I was in a daze and soon fell asleep.

When I woke up, there were not many people left in the car.I looked out of the car window and saw that I had already arrived at Two Mountains.Two Mountains is a mountain near my home. Because the shape of the mountain is concave, people here call it Two Mountains.There is also a legend that there is a divine cow lurking under the two mountains, and the spine of the divine cow is sunken in the middle.

At this time, a boy sitting in the back suddenly sat next to me.

This made me a little surprised. Excluding the conductor and driver, there were only six people in the car, and there were more than [-] empty seats. How could this boy sit next to me.

Just when I was puzzled, the boy took out a notebook, wrote a sentence on it, and handed it to me.

I looked down and it said, the man behind is not human.

(End of this chapter)

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