
Chapter 88 Red Fire God Ax Chapter Coffin Bus

Chapter 88: Red Fire Axe (7) Coffin Bus

I was a little surprised, looked up at the boy, he nodded slightly.

I turned my head slowly and looked behind.

Sure enough, there was a man sitting by the car window at the back. He was looking out the window, motionless. He was wearing a black tunic suit, and the whole body was tightly wrapped. Saw something like plaque.

The boy wrote a little more for me to read.

He came up from Erhetou, and his body smelled very strong.

I looked at it, picked up a pen and wrote a sentence on it.

Why are you looking for me?
After the boy finished reading, he pointed to my luggage.

I just saw the handle of the five emperors copper coin sword in the luggage bag exposed at some point.

The boy wrote another sentence.

I think you may be a Taoist priest, so I had to try.I tried to get out of the car just now, but the car didn't stop at all.

The boy's words reminded me all of a sudden.

When I got on the bus earlier, although the conductor and the driver didn't talk much, they kept talking.Now neither of them spoke, to be exact, everyone in the car did not speak. Except for this boy, everyone else was sitting upright, like a motionless zombie.

I took out a piece of talisman paper, played a spell, and threw it out.

The talisman paper burned in the air, the ashes slowly fell, and finally returned to its original appearance and returned to my hand.

I froze, this is the first time I have seen this situation.

The talisman paper finds the way, even if it can't find the way, it is impossible to change back to the original state.

The boy tugged at my clothes and handed me his new words.

When you look at the scenery outside the window, it remains unchanged, as if time has stood still.

Outside the car window, the scenery remained unchanged.If you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all.From a distance, it looks like the car has been running around the two mountains.

What the boy said about the stillness of time reminded me that if the talisman burns and returns to its original state, that should only happen when time is stilled.But what would make time stand still?
I heard Uncle Geng said before that during the Three Kingdoms period, there was a warlock named Zuo Ci who had a magic weapon that could stop time.Regarding the legend of Zuo Ci, there are some sources to investigate it. There is an article about Zuo Ci in "Shi Shuo Xin Yu", which said that Zuo Ci once attended Cao Cao's banquet when he was young. Cao Cao looked around at the guests with a smile and said, "Today's VIP party is full of delicacies from mountains and seas. It is the perch in the Songjiang River in the country of Wu."

Zuo Ci said, "It's easy."

He asked Cao Cao to prepare a copper plate filled with water.Then he landed the bait with a bamboo pole and started fishing on the plate.After a while, a bass was fished out of the copper pan.Cao Cao applauded enthusiastically, and the others were amazed.Cao Cao went on to say, "I'm afraid one fish is not enough for the honored guests here. It would be better if there were two."

After hearing this, Zuo Ci put down the bait and continued fishing. Soon, he caught another fish that was exactly the same as before.Cao Cao went over and took two fish and made them into minced fish, and gave them to everyone at the banquet.Cao Cao went on to say, "Now we have got the perch, but unfortunately there is no ginger from the Kingdom of Shu as the condiment."

Zuo Ci smiled and said, "This is not a problem."

Cao Cao was afraid that Zuo Ci would buy it nearby, so he said, "I used to send people to Shu to buy brocades. You can order someone to tell the person I appointed to buy more."

Zuo Ci nodded and left.After a short meeting, he came back with ginger from Shu.He said to Cao Cao, "I saw the person you sent in the brocade shop, and I have conveyed your order."

Later, after more than a year, the person appointed by Cao Cao came back and bought two more ends.Cao Cao asked him, and he said, "One day in the past, I met a man in the store, and he conveyed your order to me."

Cao Cao was amazed.

Later, Cao Cao went out to play in the suburbs.There were more than 100 scholar-bureaucrats accompanying him, and Zuo Ci came to deliver wine and meat.There was only a piece of dried meat and a bottle of wine, but he toasted every official, and all the officials were full and drunk.Cao Cao found it strange, and found out after a search, that a store selling wine and meat in the city had lost all its jerky and dried meat yesterday.Cao Cao was very angry when he found out, and decided to kill Zuo Ci secretly.

Once, Zuo Ci attended Cao Cao's banquet.Cao Cao was about to arrest him, but Zuo Ci retreated into the wall and disappeared suddenly.Cao Cao offered a reward for the capture of Zuo Ci. Someone saw Zuo Ci in the market and was about to arrest him, but all the people in the market turned into Zuo Ci. It was not known which one was him.Later, when someone saw Zuo Ci in Yangcheng and arrested him, he fled into the flock of sheep.Cao Cao knew that he couldn't catch Zuo Ci, so he ordered his subordinates to go to the flock of sheep and tell Zuo Ci, "Mr. Cao will not kill you anymore. It turned out that it was just performing your Taoism. Now that you know it, come out."

Hearing this, an old goat in the flock bent its front legs and knees, stood like a human being and said, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

People immediately said, "This sheep is Zuo Ci. Catch him quickly."

As a result, the hundreds of sheep in front of him all turned into rams, and they all bent their front legs and knees, standing like people, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

Uncle Geng told me this story first, and then I read it in a book.Uncle Geng said that Zuo Ci's Taoism is not particularly high, but he has a good magic weapon in his hand.For example, the magic weapon of the escape wall is a thing called the earth escape ring. Wearing it, one can escape freely and walk underground.And Zuo Ci's other magic weapon is called Variety Clothes, after wearing it, he can transform randomly.But Zuo Ci's most powerful magic weapon is called the lightning rope. There are eighteen knots on the rope, which represent eighteen hours, and can travel through time at will.This is also the reason why he was able to run from the banquet to the Kingdom of Shu in a short time.

However, the car in front of him did not have Zuo Ci's lightning rope.But time seems to be really stopped, although it looks like it is walking.

Never mind, I'm going to try to break this situation.

"Master, stop." I stood up and said something.

But the driver and the conductor in front didn't seem to hear it at all.

The boy next to him shook his head.

"Stop." I walked forward.

No one moved, and there was a dead silence in the carriage.

The driver's body was already stiff. Although he was holding the steering wheel with both hands, his body was motionless.The car drove steadily, as if someone was guiding the car.

Boom, there was a sudden thunder outside, followed by heavy rain.It was pitch black outside the car window, and there were no lights in the car, so it was pitch black.

At this time, the driver and the conductor in front stood up, their faces were gloomy, their bodies stiffened, and they began to walk towards us.The boy pulled me and pointed to the back.

The four people behind also stood up, they looked like resurrected zombies, and they made strange whining noises.

I picked up the Five Emperors Copper Coin Sword and slashed at a zombie walking behind.As soon as the Five Emperors Copper Coin Sword touched the zombie, his body immediately screamed crazily like corpse oil that had encountered fire.

The car shook, and the rain outside became heavier and heavier, and occasionally a flash of lightning flashed.There were only two of the four zombies left. Seeing what happened to their companions in front of them, they dared not move forward. They just glared at me and made strange noises.

The conductor and driver in front also turned around, and they also joined the ranks of zombies.

I picked up the Demon Extinguishing Banner, made a spell, and threw it over.

The demon-killing banner immediately rolled up a huge wave, all of which were densely packed with demon-killing runes.The four zombies had never seen this formation before. Facing the demon-killing talisman, they were soon trapped in the middle, and turned into blood without much effort.

Once the zombies were eliminated, the rain and night outside quickly faded away.Only then did I realize that the car was parked at Two Mountains and never left.

"It's amazing." The boy hiding behind me came out and looked at me with admiration.

"Aren't you an ordinary person?" I looked at her and asked, you must know that the person who can get in this car and hover with zombies until the end is probably not an ordinary person
"I'm a portrait artist, I can only do a little bit of punching and embroidering, but I can't compare with you!" The boy said with a smile.

"Are you a portraitist?" I didn't expect that there is still such a profession as a portraitist.I heard a saying before that there are morticians in the north and portrait makers in the south.The so-called portrait masters are those who specialize in painting portraits of people who are about to die. This profession is generally female, while the posthumous artisan is a person who specializes in cleaning up corpses. Generally, they appear more often during times of war.

"People seldom use us now. Cameras are clearer than ours. But in some remote villages, especially some elderly people, they still insist on asking us to help with portraits," the boy said.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Cheng Feng." The boy said, "What about you?"

"My name is Ding Xiaoleng."

While speaking, the car suddenly trembled and buzzed, and something was pushing underneath it repeatedly.I gripped the armrest of the car seat tightly.

The car began to spin around, as if someone was pulling it with a rope.Because Cheng Feng was defenseless, he only grabbed my body with one hand.I bowed forward and held her in my arms.

After a few minutes, the car stopped.

The four zombies were gone, only Cheng Feng and I were left in the car, and the surrounding area was empty.The strangest thing was that there was no sound around, and it was so quiet that one could hear a needle drop.

"No, look, the car door is gone." Cheng Feng glanced ahead and suddenly called out.

Sure enough, the passenger car door that should have been in the middle on the left is now gone.Not only is the door gone, but even the lower door for the driver in front is gone.

"I heard from my grandma that some sorcery is very powerful, as long as it can be performed in a closed square space. You see, if this car has no exit, it will be like a coffin." Cheng Feng said.

No, Cheng Feng's reminder made me suddenly realize.No wonder the other party can act in a state of standing still. It turns out that this bus is clearly a trap prepared by the other party.

I knocked hard on the glass next to it a few times, but the glass seemed to be made of some kind of rock, and there was no response at all.

(End of this chapter)

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