
Chapter 89 Scarlet Fire God Ax Chapter Youhu Suisui

Chapter 89 The Scarlet Fire God Ax (8) Youhu Suisui

The curtains on the windows were all drawn down, and it was pitch black in the car.Cheng Feng yelled wildly, grabbing forward with both hands indiscriminately, I grabbed him, and then he got into my arms, hugged me tightly with both hands, I was a little inexplicably embarrassed by the fiery chest .

I picked up a piece of talisman paper and threw it out. The talisman paper burned, but this time it did not return to its original state as before.Seeing this situation, I immediately threw a few more talisman papers, and the flames from the talisman papers illuminated the carriage clearly.I saw a light ahead where the luggage was kept.

"Quick." I pulled Cheng Feng and ran forward.

The light went out quickly. At that moment, I threw a piece of talisman paper and stabbed the Five Emperors Copper Coin Sword.

Ah, there was a scream from inside.

Bang, a gap opened in front of the eyes, and a person fell out of the car.

Cheng Feng and I jumped out.

There was a dwarf lying on the ground. His dress was the same as that of Chawang. Just now, the five emperors copper coin sword just stabbed him in the heart. He looked at us viciously, and his mouth was bleeding red.

"Are you from the Ten Thousand Poison Society?" I knelt down and asked him.

He didn't speak, and suddenly, he stretched out his hand and threw a handful of powder forward.

"Be careful." Cheng Feng next to me grabbed me, and the handful of powder happened to be sprinkled on Cheng Feng's face.

"Hahaha." The dwarf on the ground laughed three times, then tilted his body and stopped moving.

"How? How?" I hurriedly helped Cheng Feng clean up the powder.

"It seems to be okay." Cheng Feng felt it and got the powder off.

"People from the Ten Thousand Poison Society are the best at using poison. I think they should be careful." I asked Cheng Feng repeatedly, and after I was sure there was no problem.I kicked the dwarf's body hard.

Now it is completely dark, here are two mountains.You have to turn over to get to my house.The place Cheng Feng is going this time is not far from my home.Now we had to go on foot.

The night wind is a little cold.

At the foot of the two mountains, the shadows of the trees swayed.When I was young, I went to the market for too long and missed the car. Several of us once walked the mountain road of Liangdushan together.It was a different mood then than it is now.

Cheng Feng obviously had never been through this kind of night journey, and he was a little nervous at first.Later, as I chatted with her, I gradually relaxed.I told him that this kind of open space is the best place for singing.It's a pity that I was born with tone deafness, Cheng Feng smiled, and he started singing.

"There is Fox Suisui, who is on the beam of Qi. The heart is worried, but the son has no clothes. There is Fox Suisui, who is on the other Qili. The heart is worried, and the son has no belt. There is Fox Suisui, who is beside Qi. Heart Worry about it, the son will not obey."

Cheng Feng sang very seriously, his voice was delicate and ethereal, and the mountain was empty, it sounded very nice.

After listening to the song, I couldn't help being a little intoxicated.

"You sing really well. You look weak and weak, and your voice is thin, just like a girl." I laughed.

"I grew up surrounded by women, just like Jia Baoyu. My grandmother taught me to sing this song when I was young. The lyrics are taken from "You Fox" in the Book of Songs." Cheng Feng said.

"There are such beautiful lyrics in the Book of Songs. I only know the one of holding your hand and growing old with you." I rubbed my head and said with a smile.

Turning over the two mountains is a downhill road, with caves on both sides.Chen Mu and I used to play hide-and-seek in these caves when we were young, but we didn't expect to become strangers now.I really don't know if one day we will face a life and death duel.

"What are you thinking?" Cheng Feng waved his hand in front of me.

"I think of a friend." I said sadly.

"Girlfriend?" Cheng Feng asked softly.

I shook my head.

A flash of lightning flashed across the sky, and then a thunderclap sounded, and soon, light rain began to fall.Cheng Feng and I had no choice but to hide in a nearby cave to avoid the rain.

Although I hid in time, I was still a little wet by the rain.I wiped the rain from my hair, turned my head and glanced at Cheng Feng, who was also wet and was wiping the rain from his face.

"I didn't expect the rain to come so fast." I touched a tissue from my body and wanted to hand it to him.

"Don't come here." Cheng Feng reacted very strongly, as if I was a monster.

"What's the matter?" I found that the situation was different, so I couldn't help but took two steps forward.

"Don't come here." Cheng Feng turned his face slightly, and I saw his face was flushed, and he hugged his body with both hands, and I suddenly remembered the handful of powder that the dwarf sprinkled on her just now.

"Is there something wrong with the powder just now?" I ignored Cheng Feng's obstruction, walked up to him, and grabbed his shoulder.

Now, I happened to see Cheng Feng's eyes.

His eyes shone like fire, and I could even feel the heat of his body, as if a fire burst out of him.Not only his face, but also his hands and neck were all red.He stuck out his tongue, pursed his lips, and then threw himself into my arms like a heat wave.

I felt the devil inside him, his lips pressed to my chest, tongue hot and wet, all the way up with temptation.Soon, it came to my ear and whispered softly.

My mind went blank, I hurriedly pushed him away, "Cheng Feng, wake up, what are you doing?"

Outside, the rain was getting heavier and heavier, and there was a thunderstorm from time to time.But it couldn't stop Cheng Feng's madness, his clothes had been stripped down to his underwear, and his eyes were already burning with lust.

I finally understood the dwarf's laughter just now.Presumably he wanted to scatter this thing on my hand, but I didn't expect to scatter it on Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng rushed forward again, the tide of lust had completely eroded him, he muttered in a low voice, his two hands groped my body carelessly, he dared to think of me as a woman.

I kicked him hard according to his body, and just kicked him out of the cave.

The rain washed over him, and he seemed to wake up a little bit.Then turned and ran outside.

"Where are you going?" I was startled and immediately chased him out.

However, the rain outside was so heavy that I couldn't see anything clearly.When I ran forward, I stumbled and fell down.When I woke up, it was dawn and the rain had stopped.

I rubbed my numb head, feeling a little confused about what happened last night.I thought of Cheng Feng and looked around, but unfortunately I couldn't find him at all.In desperation, I had no choice but to go home first.

My mother didn't expect that I would come back, her expression was a little excited, but she was very indifferent.

"I already know everything, I even know where my father is?" I said to her.

"What?" Mother froze.

"Yes, I know everything. Even if I am a lone star, I don't want to be so lonely. I will find my father." I said.

My mother looked at me without speaking for a long time, and finally, her tears fell.

I sat in the yard with my mother, and she told me about my father for the first time.

The place where my father and mother met was located in a small remote city in the southwest, which was also my mother's hometown. It had a nice name called Perfume Town.

Perfume Town is rich in spices, especially a spice called Mengxiang, which can make people dream of the past and even meet the dead.

The acquaintance between mother and father originated from Mengxiang.At that time, my father came to Perfume Town and asked the mayor to give him some Mengxiang, but he was refused.Mengxiang has always paid tribute to the imperial court in ancient times, and the amount is very small.It is impossible to give it to outsiders casually.My father didn't force it either, so he stopped under the perfume.His father knew medical skills and opened a clinic in Xiangshui Town, where he treated people in the town for free.Slowly, everyone in Perfume Town got to know him, including his mother.

However, everyone knew that his father's goal was Mengxiang.But they were not on guard against their father, because not everyone could get Mengxiang.

Finally, the mother couldn't stand it anymore and told her father the real situation of Mengxiang.

There is a mountain ten kilometers away from Perfume Town, where a stone dragon hides, and some liquid will drip out of the stone dragon's mouth every year, and these liquids form the raw material of Mengxiang over time.Therefore, the dream fragrance in Perfume Town is particularly rare.In recent years, for unknown reasons, Shilong has not dripped any liquid.So Mengxiang is almost impossible to get.

Perhaps because of mother's kind reminder, father began to get closer to her.Later, the two fell in love.The father told his mother that the reason he was looking for Mengxiang was because there was one thing he didn't understand. He wanted to find someone through Mengxiang.

Mother and father went to the mountain and found the stone dragon, but the stone dragon's mouth was dry and cracked, and there had been no liquid for a long time.Later, the mother became pregnant, and in order to satisfy her father's wish, she went to the ancestral hall in Xiangshui Town and stole the last few drops of Mengxiang from there.Then, she and her father left Perfume Town overnight.

Those few drops of dream fragrance are the expression of mother's deep love for father, and it is also the beginning of the separation of father and mother.My father, who knew the answer with Mengxiang, left his hometown after I was born and never came back.

Because my mother betrayed Perfume Town, she has been hiding her name and dare not go back.She took me with me until now.She believed that her father's departure must have her own reasons, so she didn't ask, she just waited.

When I was ten years old, a hospital examination discovered a tumor in my heart.

Mother left for a while, and she went to Perfume Town.In addition to Mengxiang, Perfume Town also has a treasure named Xuan Kongshou, which is an artifact used by the ancestors of Perfume Town to collect spices, and it can be used to extract things from space.My mother hoped to use Xuankong to help me remove the tumor in my heart.But it was rejected.

The people in Perfume Town didn't embarrass her for what her mother did before, but they didn't help her either.When leaving, my aunt sent her mother off and secretly told her that there was a fox tribe in the East China Sea, they had the art of immortality, and maybe they could help.

But in the vast East China Sea, my mother didn't know where to find the fox family.She had no choice but to go back sad.

That's when my father appeared again.He gave my mother something, the basalt god chain that I wore on my hand, and then my father said that he would go to the fox tribe to find magic, and he would not let me have trouble.

It's a pity that after going there for more than ten years, there is no news.

(End of this chapter)

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