Chapter 10 part
Part 4 In her twenties, a wealthy woman with high "money" who created "her" era

Chapter 1 5 rules for fast maturation of 囧 girls

Section [-]: The transformation of the 囧女儿: from a roadside stall to a legend in the chili kingdom

A rural woman who only knows her own name, a mother whose husband died young and her two children are struggling to survive, a peddler who once set up a street stall... The words used to describe hardship are not an exaggeration to describe this woman. She is setting up a stall Six years after her life ended, this woman created a private enterprise with assets of 6 billion. She is "Old Godmother" Tao Bihua.

Nowadays, "Laoganma" chili sauce is sold well all over the country, and the unique spicy fermented soybean meal has made many people its loyal buyers.But at the beginning, "Lao Ganma" chili sauce was just a condiment for Tao Bihua's cold noodles. Then, why did such a small condiment make "Lao Ganma" become popular overnight?One of them is to be good at seizing opportunities.

Because her family was poor, Tao Bihua went out to work when she was very young. In 1989, she used the money she saved to open a small shop selling jelly and cold noodles, and the business was very good.But one day, her homemade spicy sauce for cold noodles ran out, and the guests all turned away when they heard that there was no spicy sauce.This incident touched her a lot. She felt that the guests came for her spicy sauce. At this time, she saw the potential of homemade spicy sauce.After several years of trial and error, the flavor of the spicy sauce she made has become more unique.After eating jelly, many customers bought some spicy sauce to take home, and some even came to buy her spicy sauce without eating jelly.Later, her jelly business got worse and worse, but she couldn't make enough spicy sauce.After careful observation, Tao Bihua found that many jelly shops used their own chili sauce.Although she was very angry, it also inspired her to produce spicy sauce.So, in July 1996, she recruited 7 employees and set up a food processing factory specializing in the production of spicy sauce, which was called "Laoganma spicy sauce".

After several years of development, "Laoganma" has thousands of employees, and the factory has become a company. The cumulative output value has reached 13 billion, and the annual tax is 18 billion. It ranks fifth in the list of China's top 50 private enterprises, while Tao Bihua, who sold jelly at a roadside stall, also became the chairman of this well-known brand.

Tao Bihua is able to make the business like this, what is so difficult for us women in their twenties?When we cling to our limited salary every day and say that we have no chance, when we always complain that we don’t have enough money to spend, when we think we are an embarrassing girl who is unlucky in everything, think about who Tao Bihua was not more embarrassing than?Her transformation is not in who she was at the beginning, but in her ability to seize the opportunity to make money.

In everyone's life, opportunities to make money may pass by every moment. Some people seize this opportunity and become rich, while others turn a blind eye to it, so they become most of us—one Mediocre.

So, how should we treat opportunities and be a wealthy woman with high "money" in the era?

Use your heart to capture every opportunity to make money.There is a big difference between the rich and the poor in their treatment of opportunities. The rich will not let go of every hard-won opportunity, try their best to show themselves, and let themselves make breakthroughs in opportunities.And the poor just let the opportunity slip by.

Women in their twenties must learn to create opportunities for themselves.American oil tycoon John?Rockefeller said: "Designing opportunities is designing life. So when waiting for opportunities, you must know how to plan opportunities. This is me. I don't live by god-given opportunities, but I thrive by planning opportunities." If a person wants to make money, Then we must continue to find opportunities for ourselves.For example, explore the vacuum of the market, discover important business opportunities, seek development by yourself, and so on.

Grab the opportunity and give it your all.Once a woman in her twenties seizes an opportunity, she must go all out to treat it, so that she can turn the opportunity into value and earn money for herself.

Women in their twenties should not complain that they are not as lucky as others, but when others are creating their own opportunities, you are still chatting on QQ in front of the computer or eating melon seeds in front of the TV!

(End of this chapter)

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