Chapter 12 part
Part 5 Housewives leave the house, make money quickly
Chapter 1 A woman in her twenties cannot always stay in the fantasy space of money

Section [-] Don’t just sit and wait for money, take action to get money

A success master commented on action and knowledge in this way: action is power, knowledge is only potential energy, without active action, knowledge will be useless.If a woman in her twenties only has the desire to make money without actual operation, then money will always be a reflection in the water for her.

In life, some people want to travel. After thinking hard, they finally plan which attractions they want to visit, which snacks to eat, the route, and where to stay.But the result is often that they don't even step out of their own homes, and those plans are like a scrap of paper, which is of no use.A goal without action to support it is like a painting on the wall, which will never become a reality.Only actions will produce results, actions are the guarantee of success.Any great goal, great plan must eventually be implemented in action.People who do not act are just daydreaming.Such people are either lazy or afraid of failure, and they will never accomplish anything.

The ancient Greek adage said it well: "The best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago, and the second best time is now." Similarly, the best time to be a winner was three years ago, and the second best time is now.There is no other possibility, the rest can only be failure.Therefore, if a woman in her twenties wants to make money, she must take her first step early.

One day in the 20s, Steven?Jobs and Stephen?Wozniak sold an old Volkswagen for $70.For Steven?Jobs and Stephen?For Wozniak, the two men who were thinking about starting a company, this amount of money could not even pay the rent of the office, and the competition they had to face was the international business computer company IBM, a giant with deep pockets. .They set up camp in a garage.It was in such a poor garage that the Apple Computer was born.A giant in the computer industry took the first step, and later successfully snatched glory and wealth from IBM.

If these two young people did not take action because they thought of many difficulties, then I am afraid that Apple Computer might not be called Apple?Maybe everyone has a lot of ideas, many of which can be said to be wonderful, but if these ideas are not put into practice, they will always be just fantasy.No one would laugh at a toddler despite his staggering steps, awkward posture, and occasional falls.

The reason we have trouble putting our ideas into practice is that every time we're ready to take the plunge, something unexpected stops us.For example, lack of funds, bad economy, new baby, fascination with current job... all kinds of restrictions and endless excuses, these are the reasons why we procrastinate all the time, we always wait for everything Act when everything is perfect, but the facts will always be inconsistent with the imagination, so the day when our plan has not been started, the ideal has become a fantasy.

Therefore, women in their twenties should act as soon as possible, overcome the habit of procrastinating, and tell themselves to act quickly when they start to hesitate.Believe in your own ability, whether you succeed or fail, you will not regret it.Don't pursue perfection, always want to wait for the best opportunity, maybe your waiting will make you miss the opportunity.

The ancients said it well: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Some people, when they are nearing the end of their journey, look back on their lives and say, "If I could have done it differently...if I could have done my best when the opportunity came my way." Make good use of..." These unsatisfied lives are just filled with countless "ifs", and their lives are over before they can really get started.Youth does not fail, because we are still young, try boldly and make our plans come true one by one, this is a fulfilling life.

(End of this chapter)

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