Chapter 4 part
Part 1 The new era of "requesting women" is to have money

Chapter 3 To deal with personal crisis, strength is the basis of making money
The first section of layoffs, "Peacock Girl" also needs to make money

The subprime mortgage crisis has caused a global financial crisis, and the direct impact on the common people is: "jobs" may be lost at any time, the money in hand will be reduced, food, clothing, housing, and transportation will all be severely reduced. ravage the world.As far as the "peacock girl" living in the city is concerned, she no longer lives a life of worry-free food and clothing. The family can save as much as they can, and don't spend what they can't spend. And she is in her twenties. How dare you add more burden to your family?

Xiaomei is an only daughter who has lived in the city since she was a child.In the past, she was the princess of the family, and her parents pampered and spoiled her in everything she did. She never suffered any grievances. She stretched out her hands for her clothes and opened her mouth for her meals. No matter in primary school or college, spending money was always extravagant , but in 2008 she changed.Due to the rise in prices and the loss of my father's job, the family's financial resources suddenly decreased a lot, so all expenses can be saved as much as possible.Xiaomei's life has also changed. She has a job, but except for the money to buy brand-name clothes and high-end cosmetics every month, there is not much money left in her salary. In the past, the family always supported Xiaomei's life, but now they can't.Because looking at the situation at home is really not optimistic, Xiaomei started to get nervous. If she doesn't work hard, she will be fired from the company, and the direct consequence will be the difficulty of survival.

In fact, many only children living in the city face such a problem. They spend a lot of money on weekdays. If the living expenses are not enough, they have their parents to help them, so they never worry about unemployment, and they treat their work day by day.But when the economy is in recession, all the problems come one after another. Can the "peacock girl" in the city still live a pampered life?

There is such a description on the Internet to describe life after unemployment: "Many white-collar workers who usually do not have much savings suddenly realize that they are unemployed and have no income when the landlord asks for rent, and they will face life problems." A netizen also Describe my living conditions in this way: "The lease term of the house is up, and now it is a day of living under the fence, and the deposit for the previous house has not been refunded due to various reasons. In mid-October, a high school classmate was unable to pay the rent because of unemployment, and I felt sorry for her. The encounter generously donated 10 yuan."

In the face of this crisis, as a "peacock girl" in the city, how can I keep my wallet from getting too dry?

As a "peacock girl" in the city, she must change her mindset, stop relying on her family for everything, and learn to deal with problems independently, so as to develop the ability to resist risks and not fail to survive after losing the financial support of her family.

Not only that, but "Peacock Girl" has to do her own job well with her greatest efforts.Don't have the idea of ​​dawdling, since it takes time to work anyway, it is better to do it well.Being able to successfully complete the work is the first step to ensure that you will not lose your job, and it is also the first step to ensure that you can have a stable source of income.

In addition, "Peacock Girl" has to constantly recharge herself and learn new knowledge to ensure that she can move forward and not stop.You can use your leisure time to read more books, newspapers, etc. to expand your knowledge. While pursuing the breadth of knowledge, pay attention to increasing the depth.

As the saying goes, the strong wind knows the strong grass, and in the face of workplace turmoil, "Peacock Girl" can't wait to be eliminated, but find a way to inflate her wallet.

(End of this chapter)

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