Chapter 5 part
Part 2 "Mature Woman" Confession: Spending money is like running water, earning money is like spinning silk

Chapter 1 Don't fall into the trap of consumption
Section [-] Shopping Don’t Be Too Crazy

For a woman in her twenties, there is nothing more satisfying than shopping.Every Saturday and Sunday, the bustling street market is full of women with big bags and small bags. After shopping in clothing stores, shoe stores, and food in shoe stores.A woman can shop from morning to night, even if she is not satisfied with shopping on Saturday, she can continue shopping on Sunday.Don't look at women who are usually thinner, but when it comes to shopping, they always enjoy it.Although shopping is a woman's "paradise", after a shopping spree, a woman will not be happy when she looks at a dry wallet, because the living expenses of this month have also shrunk greatly, and the next day is to save money.

Zhang Jing is a 23-year-old girl who works in a company with good profits. The monthly salary is 3500 yuan, which is quite good for a girl who has just graduated, but she always feels that she does not have enough money to spend.As soon as the salary was paid at the end of the month, she would go shopping in various shopping malls, thinking that she would just add a few clothes for herself.As soon as she entered the mall and saw the dazzling array of items, she couldn't help but take a few more glances to see if the prices were acceptable, so she put each item into the shopping cart, and when she finished paying, she found that I haven't bought the items I need to buy, and the more I think about it, the more I can't afford it, so the money on the card will be swiped by several hundred.When she got home, she settled the accounts. After deducting the monthly rent, water and electricity bills, mobile phone bills, bus fares, etc., the money left for meals was only a few hundred yuan. Dare.

In fact, there are many people like Zhang Jing. They keep swiping their credit cards because they always feel that they lack a shirt, a pair of decent pants, and a pair of shoes that can match their clothes.A lot of money is spent on clothing every month, which feeds the counters of major fashion stores or department stores, but starves their own wallets.Most of the money I earned back from hard work in a month was spent on shopping. Although I earned a lot of money, I didn’t have any savings.The lack of savings has also become a problem for many women in their twenties, because to a certain extent, people without savings are unable to take risks, and a disease may lead to chaos in life.Therefore, women may care about pennies and dime, bargain, and sometimes buy a lot of useless things because of impulse.So how to be a sober consumer woman who can satisfy her shopping desire without spending too much?

First, make a list.When a woman goes shopping in a supermarket or a department store, she will unknowingly put what she finds interesting in her shopping basket, and what she really needs to buy may be one or two items among them.So the way to solve this problem is to make a shopping list, which can not only avoid missing things, but also avoid buying unnecessary things.

Second, only when the price is reduced.Many women have the habit of shopping when the price is on sale.Savvy consumers can indeed save a lot of money by shopping during this period.

Third, bargain boldly.Many women are very resistant to bargaining, because this is regarded as an "old-fashioned" move. In fact, the business earns from your "sorry".When shopping, you can actually save a lot of money by bargaining.

Fourth, use the merchant's flyer.This is a way for merchants to use advertisements in newspaper leaflets to stimulate consumption.There are usually discount stamps in the leaflet, and it is a good way to save money when you go shopping with these stamps.

Fifth, make good use of credit cards.Now, many women in their twenties have one or more credit cards. Making good use of credit cards can delay the payment time, allowing consumers to be more flexible in turnover.In addition, some credit cards have the function of accumulating points, and a certain amount of points can be exchanged for gifts. These discounts can be used a lot.

Sixth, don't force yourself to follow trends.The prices of products that have just been launched are usually very high, so if you follow the trend too much, you will only hurt your wallet.

In fact, from the perspective of income, financial management also teaches people how to manage their own funds so that they can maintain and increase their value, so as to meet more consumption needs of the family.From the perspective of consumption, financial management is to use a certain amount of money to satisfy your own greater needs. It means that the money saved in the process of realizing consumption is equivalent to the money you earn.Therefore, if women in their twenties want to meet their shopping needs without spending too much, they must learn to spend wisely.

(End of this chapter)

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