Chapter 240 The Truth
At this moment, we can't take care of these things. We originally had the heart of mortalism, but we didn't expect to encounter a glimmer of life, so we naturally escaped quickly.Otherwise, if this place is also collapsed by the earthquake, then it will be a tragedy for them.

At this time, Li Jian and I had already suffered serious injuries, and the cultivation in our bodies was almost exhausted.So we are very weak at this moment, but at this critical moment, our lives are at stake, and we also tried our best to get out of the small hole one after another.

How wonderful is it to breathe fresh air again?People who haven't stayed in the zombie cave, I don't think they will realize it.

Li Jian and I lay on the ground beside the entrance of the cave, breathing in the air, closing our eyes without saying a word.

After a long while, Li Jian said weakly: "We... came out alive~"

Hearing this, I turned my head to look at him and said, "That's right, we didn't die. Hehe~"

We both laughed, though it was a little forced because of the pain.After a long time, we both sat up.Li Jian said: "Is that dead thing dead?"

I shook my head and said uncertainly: "I don't know, the old zombie is so powerful, it's hard to say."

After speaking, I stood up and said to Li Jian: "Let's go, let's go back to the village first, we have to rest and recuperate."

Li Jian nodded and said, "Otherwise they would all think we are dead too."

We both supported each other and walked a few steps, now we feel how bad our state is, it can be said that there is no place that does not hurt, it feels like all the bones in the whole body are broken.

As a last resort, the two of us can only slowly and carefully have.

At this time, I suddenly noticed a problem, and then I looked around, and then said to Li Jian: "Hey, do you think this looks familiar?"

Li Jian was taken aback for a moment, then looked around, then at me, and said, "You seem to be familiar with what you said..."

He stopped talking here, and we both looked at each other for a while, and at the same time looked at the small cave we climbed out of before, and said in unison: "Xishan Robbery Cave?"

Damn, we actually came out of a robbery cave in the Western Mountain?Li Jian and I were a little confused, no wonder there was a ghost born in this robbery cave.With so many dead people inside and such a heavy evil spirit, it would be abnormal if it didn't become a evil spirit.

Thinking of this, Li Jian and I couldn't help but smile wryly, especially me.This can be said to be the first task I came into contact with when I became a person in this circle on the first day, and the ghost is also a very powerful existence that I came into contact with on the day I became a cultivator.

Unexpectedly, after going through so many things, I made a big circle and came back again, and I almost died here.I remember that I was also sent to the underworld by the evil ghost here. Is this fate?
I couldn't help but sighed again. After being silent for a while, Li Jian and I began to think carefully about this passage, and then we came to a conclusion.

Xishan and Guiwu Mountain are originally two connected mountains. The big tomb under Guiwu Mountain, which is the old zombie's lair, is actually in the middle of the connection between Xishan and Guiwu Mountain.Both mountains have a passage that runs through the large tomb between the two mountains.

One is the passage from Shenxiangou in Guiwu Mountain, and the other is the road we just came out of West Mountain.

These two passages are very similar. Countless coffins are placed in the passage of Ghost Mist Mountain, obviously many people died.In the passageway of the West Mountain, there is a big pit with a mountain of corpses inside, obviously many people died.There is also a girl sent every three years, which is a continuous stream of living sacrifices.

Now it seems that this zombie tomb definitely hides a huge secret, otherwise there would not be such a coherent layout of the tomb with two mountains, and the burial of countless dead people.

Now I actually have some clear guesses, because in this short period of time, the old zombies inside have undergone various changes.And the layout of this tomb is obviously specially designed to make the old zombies stronger.

Thinking about it now, these passages seem to be just passages, but in fact they may be some kind of specially arranged layout, for example, to forcibly connect the earth energy of the two mountain ranges to support the large tomb in the middle.

The coffin group and the dead man's pit may be important bureaus in the two passages.

In any case, the various layouts of this tomb are for the old zombies inside.As a result, it has been supported by earth qi, dead qi, and living sacrifices for 300 years.

The only thing I can't figure out now is that blood jade.The old god stick said that the blood jade must be taken back, otherwise Hanba will be born.But now that blood jade was swallowed by the old zombie, it seemed that he had sucked the power from the blood jade.So what is this now?
Suddenly my brain buzzed suddenly, and then I turned my head to look at Li Jian, and said with trembling lips: "You... you say, that... Hanba, could it be... yes, could it be Old Zombie?"


Li Jian yelled, and then he seemed to remember it, and his face turned pale for a while.

"When you said that, I suddenly remembered that there was something wrong with that blood jade. I wanted to tell you all the time, but so many things happened."

I heard the words and hurriedly said: "What's wrong?"

Li Jian frowned and said: "When it was on me, I could always feel a very strong power in the blood jade. But when I sensed it carefully, it didn't look like power. On the contrary, it gave me a feeling of overwhelming power. The blood energy is like a surging sea of ​​blood."

I thought about it after hearing the words, and Li Jian continued: "Still, that feeling is very scary. It's just a piece of jade, but it makes me feel like a demon, and it makes me feel very scared."

I finally couldn't help but said: "Do you suspect that this blood jade itself is a very terrifying thing?"

In fact, what I said was nonsense, that thing has always been mysterious and terrifying.

Li Jian nodded and said: "Not only that, but I don't know how to say it. In short, I feel that it is not a piece of jade, but a piece of blood!"

What?I exclaimed, and then a bold idea came to my mind.Why did the old god stick say that if he brought back the jade, Hanba would not appear?Why now that Jade is acquired by the old zombie, it will become super strong?I suspect that the old zombie will turn into a dry man, that piece of jade... blood... dry man~
I took a deep breath and said, "If my guess is correct, that piece of blood jade is probably Hanba's blood essence. And the old zombie was deliberately placed in such a large tomb hundreds of years ago."

"Their purpose is to let Hanba be born. Maybe the old zombie is Hanba, or maybe the blood essence is from Hanba. It uses the body of the old zombie to resurrect."

After I finished speaking, I looked at Li Jian, and Li Jian also looked at me blankly, then swallowed and said, "I agree with your idea~"

(End of this chapter)

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