The Legend of Yin and Yang Ghosts

Chapter 241 Gathering in the Zombie Land

Chapter 241 Gathering in the Zombie Land

It is self-evident that we were shocked when we came to such a conclusion.After discussing it carefully, I decided to tell the old gods and the others about this matter first, and let them make a decision.

It took more than two hours before the two of us got down to the west mountain.Walking on the road under the West Mountain, heading towards Guiwu Mountain.

At this moment, we are not only exhausted and seriously injured, but also hungry. It can be said that it is difficult to take a step.In this case, we didn't meet a car along the way, so we could only walk sadly. It was almost four o'clock in the afternoon, and we arrived at the road under Guiwu Mountain.

In other words, this road we have traveled is really hard enough, just like the Long March.Fortunately, I persisted.

Now, unexpectedly, four or five cars were parked on the side of the road near Fengxian Village.And they are all the same as the cars sent to us by the Magic Association before. Obviously, these cars belong to the Magic Association.

What's the situation?Could it be that they also knew that the situation here was bad, and they finally came to help?

With doubts, Li Jian and I quickly went to the village, but found that there were no outsiders in the whole village except the villagers.

I went back to Zhang Xiu's house again. Zhang Xiu had already returned. After seeing me and Li Jian, he seemed very pleasantly surprised.We didn't have time to tell her what happened in the cave, so we asked Lao Pu and Jingjing where they went.

After this questioning, I found out that the people who came in the cars outside the village were indeed members of the Magic Association.After Lao Pu and the others came out, they told the association about the situation here, and said that Li Jian and I might die with the zombies inside.

After hearing the news, the association immediately sent experts over, including many elders.

Hearing this, I think the people from the Art Association should have guessed that this zombie might be Hanba, so that's why so many people came here at once, right?
Thinking of this, Li Jian and I hurried out again, heading to Ghost Mist Mountain again.I know that if it is really Hanba, it is impossible for our Taiji diagram to explode.And I'm not sure if they really think that the old zombie is a drought man. If they don't know and don't take precautions, and go in to save me and Li Jian, it will probably put them in danger.

Before going out, the two of us asked for a few steamed buns, and went up the mountain while chewing.

The physical fitness has been replenished a little, and Li Jian and I have gradually gained some strength.But even so, it was already dark when we got to the mountain.

"Madman, what should we do if Hanba is born?" Li Jian asked as he walked.

I smiled bitterly, shook my head and said, "I don't know, let's take a step and see, I hope they won't have gone in, otherwise..."

I didn't go on, Li Jian also understood what I meant.He also sighed and said: "As you said, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Who told us to deal with these things? If we don't solve it, who will solve it?"

I laughed again, very helplessly, very far-fetched.

But at this moment, the mountain trembled a few times as if it had been shaken violently.Then there seemed to be a hoarse beast roar in the distance, and then a gust of wind blew across the entire world.The originally hot weather suddenly turned cold.

At the same time, in the distance of the mountain, in the direction of the west mountain, there was a violent energy fluctuation.A terrifying aura that resembles malevolence, but also ordinary yin, erupted from there as the center.

"No, that's the junction of the two mountains, and that thing is about to come out." Li Jian said in surprise.

I knew it naturally, and at the same time my heart sank again, and I said, "Quick, go there."

I was worried that something would happen to them, and besides, the bad feeling in my heart was very strong.

As we rushed to the junction of the two mountains, we could feel the terrifying power that raged all the way.Even so far away, I can still feel a shock.

And when we were halfway there, there were other forces that didn't fluctuate much.The emergence of these forces seemed to have collided with that powerful aura, causing a trace of aura riots in this world.

When I saw this, I knew that someone was attacking that breath, and the person who could have this kind of fluctuation must be a master of the older generation.

After another hour or so, we finally reached a raised flat between the two mountains.The next step here is the zombie's tomb!
At this moment, the place has become a mess, and the ground has caved in. It should be caused by the explosion of Taijitu, and the old zombie should still be trapped inside.

And from the collapsed wasteland, a black air with a thickness of a human body shoots straight out. Even at night, one can clearly see the black air that shoots as high as the mountain.

If it wasn't for the drought, what kind of zombie could have such aura?Seeing this scene, I am completely convinced that the old zombie is going to become a zombie at the level of Hanba, and at this moment, it has already become.

At this time, I also noticed the people around the collapsed flat ground, some of them were the old people I saw when I first went to the Magic Association.At this moment, these elders are all looking at the big pit in front of them with very solemn expressions, obviously very afraid of the things inside.

There are also some young people present, who came to participate in the Xishan mission last time, and there are more than a dozen people I have never seen before.

I also saw Jingjing, who was following a woman who appeared to be in her 30s, who was her teacher.

They also saw me, and Lao Pu and Jie Kong suddenly ran over in surprise and questioned Li Jian and me.And I just answered them a few simple words, keeping my eyes on Jingjing.

She also looked at me, smiled, nodded, and then looked away.

At the moment she smiled at me, I thought in a trance that she remembered me and the relationship between us.But the indifference after that polite smile told me that the reality is cruel.

I sighed in frustration, and then asked Lao Pu, "What happened?"

"After they got the news, they arrived at the mountain. Before they entered the Shenxiangou, they discovered the fluctuations here. Everyone ran over again. As soon as they arrived, they found that this place had collapsed, and there was a strong corpse inside, and the breath It's very similar to Hanba. So they are sure that there will be Hanba born here, and now they have contacted the association to ask them to add more people." Pu Kaiwu said.

I asked again, "Where is my master?"

"He and a few seniors are negotiating with the leaders of the hostile forces of the Magic Association. After learning about your news, he is already rushing here."

My heart warmed when I heard this, this old magician seems to care about me as an apprentice.

"Attention everyone, Hanba may be born soon!"

An old man in his 60s and wearing a blue-gray Taoist robe said solemnly, and then saw him choking off the Dao power running in his body to prepare for defense.

(End of this chapter)

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