Nine Tailed Brahma

Chapter 404 Problems

Chapter 404 Problems

Brahma was lying on the bed planning the way to go in the future. After this battle, he felt anxious inside.Originally, the task of destroying the Ma family was not an easy task, otherwise Tang Yun and Murong Bai would not have been used, plus the poisonous dragon who joined in later, that is, the four disciples of the head of the Slaughtering Sect.

But even so, they still encountered life and death setbacks, because the Ma family is very powerful, and they are worthy of being the top few forces in Fengyuan.But then again, Brahma was able to almost wipe out the three strongholds of the Ma family with just a few people under his command, which is definitely something to be proud of.

"Master, the food is here."

It was only a quarter of an hour since Wushuang left the secret room before, and the two women returned to the secret room again, but this time the two women had an extra large tray in their hands, and it was filled with several dishes, and the two trays added up just right. Ten dishes, but no wine. The two women knew that Brahma was just recovering from a serious injury. It is not suitable to drink alcohol at this time, as it will affect the recovery of the injury.

"The speed is quite fast."

Brahma slowly moved his body. Seeing this, the two women stepped forward to help him, but he refused, "I don't need your help, I can walk by myself."

His old injury has not healed, and he was seriously injured again. The result can be imagined. If he hadn't turned on the dragon transformation state and his body became extremely strong, he might be injured even more seriously. Even so, he was still completely unconscious half a month.Fortunately, he is still protected by a special and powerful blood force in his body, and his body's self-healing ability is by no means comparable to that of ordinary people. After half a month of self-healing, the wound has already healed, but his whole body still feels very weak. Work hard.

"Master, you are seriously injured, let us help you." Wu Shuang stepped forward and stretched out his hand.

"Yes, Sister Wushuang is right. You are injured now, and we are your people. Even if we can't become your women, we can still be your servant girls, so we should take care of you, shouldn't we?" Tian Xia laughed and said, "How about I feed you, how about it?"

"Are you here again?" Brahma frowned slightly and shook his head. Although the time spent with the two women was very short, Brahma had roughly understood the two women's personalities. The words must be straightforward and straightforward, and say what comes to mind, but Brahma knows that the other party has nothing, otherwise he would not always respond with a smile.

"Tianxia, ​​how did you say you were here before, why are you joking with the young master again? Aren't you afraid that the young master will punish you?" Wushuang glared at Tianxia, ​​"Since the young master doesn't need our help now, let's go out first and let the young master alone Eat slowly here."

"and many more"

The two girls were about to leave, but they were quickly stopped by Brahma. He was in a coma for half a month and knew almost nothing about the outside world. The eighth killing will wait for news from others.

"Master, do you have anything else to do?" Wushuang turned around and asked Brahma.

"Have you two eaten?" Brahma asked with a smile.

"Not yet," Wushuang said, "Sister Tianxia and I have taken turns to come to the secret room several times every day for half a month, and the previous trip just happened to be for lunch."

Brahma raised his right hand, "Okay, since you guys haven't eaten yet, sit down and eat with me. I can't finish all these dishes by myself. Even if I haven't eaten for half a month in a coma, my stomach will be hurt too." Absolutely can't fit so much, sit down."

Wushuang hesitated for a moment, but Tianxia quickly sat down without any politeness, and sat next to Brahma.

"The world you..."

"It's okay, I asked you to dine with me. How can you dine together if you don't sit down? Is it possible that you still plan to eat standing up?" Brahma smiled, and immediately waved to Wushuang, "Sit down too, I This guy doesn't get too hung up on the little details."

"Thank you sir"

Wushuang nodded slowly, but still glared at Tianxia from the corner of the eye, "Master, since you allow the two of us to dine with you, I'll go get another two sets of bowls and chopsticks now, and I'll be right back."

"go Go."

Tianxia smiled and waved at Wushuang.

"Master, is Sister Wushuang annoying?" Xia Tian smiled strangely, "If you think she is annoying, just teach her a lesson, so that she will get rid of this problem in the future."

"I think it's because you despise her." Brahma smiled innocently. As far as the personalities of the two women are concerned, Brahma still prefers the type like Wushuang. Such a character leads to some small troubles.

A few minutes later, Wushuang returned to the secret room, undoubtedly with two sets of bowls and chopsticks in her hands. Seeing the thief's smile in the world, Wushuang's two willow-leaf eyebrows sank slightly. Smiling never does anything good.

"I only went out for a while, did you speak ill of me in front of the young master?"

"Where is it?" Xia Tian stuck out his tongue mischievously, "If you don't believe me, ask the young master, I didn't say anything bad about you."

"It's strange to believe you." Wushuang handed a pair of bowls and chopsticks to Tianxia, ​​and immediately sat on the seat opposite Brahma.

"Master, come, eat more meat to nourish your body." Tian Tian added a large piece of meat and put it in the Brahma bowl.

Brahma smiled and nodded slightly, "Thank you. By the way, I have been in a coma for half a month. How is the movement outside?"

"Master, are you referring to the Ma family?" Wushuang said, "It's strange to say that the Ma family didn't take any action when such a big event happened in the Chuzhou branch of the Ma family. This is too unreasonable."

"What? There's no movement from the Ma family?" Brahma put down the bowls and chopsticks consciously. He almost wiped out the Chuzhou branch of the Ma family. Not only that, he also wiped out Yunqi and Qiutong before, adding up That's three, can the Ma family bear such a loss?
"That's true, even we find it inconceivable." Wushuang said, "Young master, the Ma family sent a lot of people from Chuzhou, and now Chuzhou has recovered."

"Impossible, how could this be?" Brahma frowned. He thought that the Ma family would definitely search the city to find his whereabouts. How could he be so silent?But the more this happened, the more uneasy he felt, always feeling that there must be a bigger conspiracy hidden behind it.

"Did you ever find out that someone was looking for me secretly during this time?" Someone had been to Fengyue Tower before, and he should know that he was here. In fact, Brahma didn't know that the person who came last time died by such a coincidence.

(End of this chapter)

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