Nine Tailed Brahma

Chapter 405: You Can't Get Tiger Sons

Chapter 405: You Can't Get Tiger Sons
"Master, it seems that no one is looking for you."

During the past half month, Wushuang sent people out to inquire about news almost every day, and also paid attention to whether anyone was secretly looking for Brahma, but after half a month passed, she found that not only the people from the Ma family did not take the initiative to look for Brahma, but even Brahma's companions did not. They didn't look for Brahma, neither the former nor the latter came to look for Brahma, which made her absolutely puzzled.

"Is there really no one looking for me?" Brahma frowned. That night he saw the Eighth Slaughter General waiting for someone to leave. If he hasn't been looking for him for half a month, there are undoubtedly only two possibilities. One is that the Eighth Slaughter General has already evacuated Chuzhou, and the other is the one that Brahma has least seen. The Eighth Slaughter General and others have all fallen into the hands of the Ma family.If it's the latter, then their chances of surviving can be said to be negligible.

"No, those people managed to cover their retreat and not let them fall into the hands of the Ma family. I must find out about this matter."

"Master, you don't have to worry too much. Your subordinates may have left Chuzhou." Wushuang could see that Brahma was a little confused, so he started to do ideological work on the sidelines. No matter what, the most important thing at the moment is to let Brahma Healing the injury is the most important thing.

"I hope so"

Brahma sighed heavily, and then slowly got up from his seat. He was still very hungry before, and he only moved his chopsticks a few times, but now he has no intention to continue eating.There was no news from the Eighth Killer General and others, as did Tang Yun Dulong, which made him feel unprecedented pressure.

"Young master, why didn't you eat and only moved your chopsticks a few times. Is it because the food is not to your liking, or should I ask my servants to change some dishes that suit your liking?" Wu Shuang said.

"No need, I want to rest first, I will save these meals for now, I can continue to eat when I get hungry later." Brahma nodded silently, and then the whole person came to the bed again, sat cross-legged and slowly closed the bed. eyes.

"Let's go out" Wushuang winked at Tianxia, ​​and then whispered.

"Sister Wushuang, I haven't finished eating yet, why did you go out so early?" Tianxia pouted, but he didn't put down the chopsticks in his hand.

"Go out, don't disturb the young master." Wushuang's face sank, and then she winked at Tianxia again. In fact, Tianxia is not stupid. She knew the meaning of Wushuang's first look, but it was just her personality.

After the two women left, Brahma still kept his cross-legged posture. The situation before him could be said to be quite difficult, and behind the difficulty was a great mystery.

He didn't understand why no one was looking for him. The people of the Ma family absolutely hated him. It was impossible for him to pretend that what happened before had never happened. Besides, he didn't believe that even Tang Yun was arrested by his own people. or die.Tang Yun's strength is unfathomable. Even if he is no match, at least he still has a chance to escape. Even though the poisonous dragon has not recovered from his injuries, he can remain undefeated against the two blood guard coaches. It is absolutely easy to escape matter.

"What is the problem?" Brahma covered his head with his hands. This may be the most difficult problem he has ever faced. It is definitely the most difficult challenge for him. Of course, he can choose to give up. That would undoubtedly mean that he would no longer be able to return to the Slaughter Gate, and would not be able to get the Returning Yang Pill.

This may also be a way, but he no longer has enough time to find another way to heal Bi Luo, and he will never give up if it is absolutely necessary.

"It's better to heal the injury first." After taking a deep breath, Brahma suddenly opened his eyes, and immediately walked to the dining table again, and after sitting down, he gorged himself. For a month, he had been lying on the bed for half a month. If he didn't move around well, even his muscles would atrophy.

"Unexpectedly, after this experience, my strength has improved to another level. Sure enough, continuous fighting is the most effective way to improve my strength." Brahma murmured inwardly, "I remember losing consciousness at that time, how did I regain consciousness later? of?"

"Little brother, you are really lucky."

Just when Brahma was puzzled, the god-level dragon master in his body suddenly made a sound.

"Senior, you should know how I regained consciousness, right? You just said that I was fatal. Did something happen after I lost consciousness?" Brahma asked. He lost consciousness, but his body However, the god-level dragon master has always maintained a fresh state, and naturally knows what happened after he lost consciousness.

"Little brother, you're overwhelmed by asking me this question." The god-level dragon master said, "Although I saw with my own eyes how you regained consciousness, I'm afraid I can't answer in detail about what helped you regain consciousness. you."

"Could it be that she made a move?" Brahma said she was naturally referring to Wuyue.

"It's just that it's not senior who made you regain your sobriety." The god-level dragon master said, "That thing also came from your body, but it's definitely not what senior said."

"From my body?" Brahma's eyebrows sank slightly, which made him feel a little puzzled. In addition to Wuyue, there was another dragon ball in his body recently, which had been hidden in the dragon ball. Other than that there seems to be nothing else.

"It's a green light"

The god-level dragon master said, "You lost consciousness at the time, and it is very likely that you will remain in that posture from now on and cannot recover your human appearance. I am also anxious to see it, but I can't help you myself. I simply waited until the green light appeared at the critical moment. , not only let you regain consciousness, but also forcibly eliminated the dragon transformation state on your body, if you don’t know whether you are alive or dead at this time, even if it is, I’m afraid it’s just an unconscious body.”

"Green light, green light" Brahma muttered to himself, suddenly, his whole body trembled, "Could it be him?"

He thought of a person, but to be precise, it should not be a person, but a divine tree. In the miracle, he made a deal with the divine tree, exchanging his own blood for everyone's lives.But after the transaction was completed, Shenshu once told him that he was given something as a gift. At that time, he was a little confused, but in retrospect, perhaps what saved him was undoubtedly the object that Shenshu gave him, which is what the god-level dragon master said. That green light.

"It seems that I really should not die." Brahma forced a smile on his face, and felt a burst of emotion in his heart. A person can have good luck once, but it is absolutely impossible to have good luck for a lifetime. The green light revived him and restored him to consciousness before he became a half-human, half-animal monster.However, if there is a next time, there is no guarantee that the green light will appear in his body, and if the green light is only a one-time event, then there will be a next time, and it will be difficult for him to protect himself.

"Little brother, I feel a little ashamed of you." The god-level dragon master sighed heavily, "I let you turn on the dragon transformation state at the beginning, but I didn't expect you, a pure human being, to turn on the dragon transformation state. The state regrets being so domineering, and promise me not to activate the dragon transformation state in the future, otherwise I really don’t know what the ending will be.”

In addition to some guilt, of course he also has some selfishness in saying this. The reason he resides in Brahma's body is nothing more than to let Brahma take him to Longyuan's side. In addition to helping Longyuan out of trouble, he can also use Long Yuan brought him back to the Dragon Clan. Once in the Dragon Clan, he would be able to be reborn with seven levels of confidence. Even a master like him naturally couldn't let go of the chance to be reborn.

"Don't worry, I will never turn on the dragon form again in the future, and I don't want to become a monster or an unconscious body."

Even though Brahma said so, the situation he will face next will definitely be extremely difficult. He had to turn on the dragon transformation state before. To put it bluntly, he has no idea in his heart. He will die immediately, but once he turns into a dragon, he will lose consciousness and become a monster. At that time, it is probably up to him to decide how to choose.

Seven days, Brahma has been in the secret room for another seven full days. Counting the half month of coma, 22 days have passed. He feels that it is time to leave the secret room, and there are more important things waiting for him. It is to find the person who will be the eighth killer, even if he is captured by the Ma family, he must be 100% sure about it, and then make the next step.

"Master, you won't rest for a few more days, why did you come out?"

Just as Wushuang saw that Brahma had come out of the secret room, a nervous look subconsciously appeared on her face, not because she was worried about Brahma's injury, but because she was worried that Brahma would be discovered, and that would be bad.

"After resting for so many days, it's time to leave here. I have to find my subordinates. I have to find out whether it has fallen into the hands of the Ma family."

"Master, what you said is correct, but there was such a big incident before, even if the Ma family didn't take any action, it is hard to guarantee that they are secretly looking for your whereabouts. Once you show up, maybe you will be killed." They will be watched."

"It doesn't matter." Brahma nodded and smiled, "Your worry is very reasonable, but I have a way to resolve it."

As soon as the words fell, Brahma turned slightly, and when he turned around again, he had another face, a completely different face from before, and this face was exactly his original face.After entering the realm of Fengyuan, he has been wearing the human skin mask that Shen Huan gave him, and now he has restored his original appearance, and he is seven levels sure that he will never be recognized.

"Young master, why..." Brahma changed his appearance, which made Wushuang a little overwhelmed.

"This is my original face. Now that I have changed my appearance, even if I walk out ostentatiously, I am afraid that people from the Ma family will not recognize me."

Wushuang nodded silently, "That's true, but your white hair is more conspicuous, young master."

"White hair?" Brahma frowned slightly. Indeed, the white hair is too conspicuous, but it is not without a solution. In less than half an hour, he completely blackened his white hair. Now he definitely has ten layers. Be sure to walk out without being recognized.

"Master, I'm afraid even the world can't recognize it now." Wushuang smiled slightly. At this moment, Brahma's appearance can be said to have undergone earth-shaking changes.

"I'm leaving," Brahma said.

"Where are you going, young master, I will accompany you." Wu Shuang said.

Brahma raised his right hand, "No, I can do it alone. I'm going to the Ma's house now. If I don't enter the tiger's den, I won't catch the cubs. Only by entering the Ma's house can I find out whether my men have fallen into their hands."

(End of this chapter)

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