Chapter 409
The little leader of the Ma family finally made a move. Seeing this scene, the rest of the people jumped in their hearts. They couldn't help but feel a burst of joy when they saw the little leader being so understanding. If a person has a powerful superior, he will definitely suffer.

Unexpectedly, the situation turned so quickly. One second before, they were still thankful that they had a good superior. They never thought that they would make a move in the next second, and punched the late man in the abdomen violently.

After one punch, the late man frowned instantly, and subconsciously covered his abdomen with his hands. The strength of the little boss was not worth mentioning in the eyes of Brahma, but to the rest of the people present, he was a master Well, his punch is naturally not something everyone can bear, especially when he intends to punish the opponent, the force of this punch will naturally not be light.

"Stomach pain, right?" The little boss finally showed his true face, and the interval between punches was less than a minute, and then the second punch came one after another.

One punch was enough for the late man to bear, and now the second punch came, his whole body was so painful that he couldn't support himself, his whole body shook slightly, and soon he lay down on the ground, his hands still clutching his abdomen , blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"To be late is to be late, and you still make up these silly lies, do you think I will believe it?" The little boss looked down at the late man who fell on the ground and shouted, "Don't take my words as deaf ears, even if you really have a stomachache, you still have to give it to me." I endured it, and rushed here within the stipulated time even if I pulled it on my trousers. Rules are rules, and from now on, you are no longer a member of the Ma family. If you are expelled, get out of here immediately."

At this moment, the last two people came late, seeing such a scene, how could they dare to get closer, Desperately consciously left.

The man who fell on the ground tried to get up from the ground reluctantly, but the strength of the two punches made him unable to get up. He tried many times but failed, and no one present came forward to help during the period.

Brahma's eyes slid quickly, he took a step, walked to the man, bent down, but instead of supporting him with his hands, he turned his head and looked at the little boss of the Ma family, "My lord, may I Help him leave?"

"Huh?" The little head of the Ma family glared at Brahma fiercely. At this time, Brahma stepped forward and wanted to help the man, so the little head would naturally feel very upset.

"My lord, don't get me wrong. The reason I want to help him leave is because I don't want him to disturb us." Brahma explained, "My lord, you must have a reason for bringing us to the training ground. If my guess is correct, I'm afraid it's for exercise or something like that. Yes, if this is the case, then this person's fall here will definitely affect us. It is because of this consideration that I dared to step forward to help him without any intention of being disrespectful to adults. I hope you will forgive me. "

"Not bad!"

The little head of the Ma family nodded slowly. Brahma's words were extremely mellow, and he tried to please the other party as much as possible while explaining. Naturally, the little head of the Ma family would not be angry, and waved at Fan Tian, ​​"Okay, you Just throw him out, so as not to get in the way here."

"Understood my lord." Brahma nodded and promised, and immediately helped the person on the ground, but he didn't walk a few steps, and there was a shout from the little leader of the Ma family behind him, "Who asked you to help me? Come to what I just said, I will let you throw him out."

"Throw it out?" Brahma forced a stiff smile on his face. He felt that with this strength, he could easily throw people out of the Ma Mansion, but doing so would arouse unnecessary suspicion.The training ground where he is located is almost in the center of the Ma Mansion. In this position, it is absolutely impossible to throw a person out of the Ma Mansion without certain strength. At least the little boss of the Ma family in front of Brahma is far from being able to do it. to this point.

"My lord, it's not that the little one wants to go against your will, it's just that the little one has limited strength. I can't do it at all if I want to throw him outside the Ma Mansion from this place." Brahma pretended to be distressed, and then said, "My lord , Otherwise, I will help him to leave in this way first, and then throw him out when he is close to the door, I think I can still throw him out from a distance of about ten meters."

"Okay, okay, stop talking, just do what you want." The little boss waved his hand at Brahma, with a hint of impatience evident in his expression, "Wait, don't go through the front door, he doesn't deserve to come from here." Go out the front door, you go through the back door, and throw him out directly from the back door."

"Back door?" Brahma was stunned for a moment, he naturally knew the front door here, but he really didn't know where the back door was.

"My lord, please forgive my stupidity, where is the back door here?" Brahma asked.

The little head of the Ma family glanced at him, and pointed to the northwest direction, "Go straight there, then turn left through a corridor and go straight, after passing a small garden, turn right and go straight, that's the back door, throw him away quickly Go out, go back quickly, I will give you a quarter of an hour, if you can't come back within a quarter of an hour, I will let other people throw you out."

"Okay, okay" Brahma nodded again and again, and immediately helped the injured man walk towards the direction pointed by the little head of the Ma family. It would be no problem for him to help a person at this time, if it weren't for so many pairs of eyes Look at him, he can fly like flying.

However, when Brahma was walking, the little head of the Ma family behind him looked at him with a slight change in his eyes, and complex and changeable eyes appeared in those small eyes.

"I don't know where the Ma family will lock up the arrested people?" Brahma looked around while walking, but the range was very small. After all, he still met a lot of people along the way. He didn't make a sound like this, and he was stopped twice on the way. Obviously, after he made such a fuss last time, even though he seemed to have recovered his original appearance now, the vitality here still hasn't recovered, otherwise he wouldn't be so cautious.

"I am not afraid of death, if you have the guts, you will kill me."

A familiar voice came into his ears, he had heard this voice last night, it was the voice that made him sound like a poisonous dragon, Brahma did not expect that his compassionate heart would be rewarded , This is definitely a major discovery, not to mention whether the source of the sound is a poisonous dragon, at least he can confirm one thing, the place where the Ma family detains people should be nearby.

But Brahma felt a little puzzled. This sound was much louder and clearer than the one he heard last night, but he couldn't tell the exact location of the sound, which was a bit illogical.

"Little brother, it's underground."

But just when he was wondering, the voice of a god-level dragon master sounded in his mind, and the three words "underground" made Brahma tremble suddenly, "How could I not have thought of this, if the place where people are detained is underground, After the sound reaches the ground and spreads, it is naturally not easy to explain the direction."

"Senior, can you do me another favor, use your spiritual sense to help me find out if the group of people under me have been arrested by them, and if the voice just now is my second senior brother Dulong?"

Right now, Brahma is asking for help from the god-level dragon master in his body, which is obviously a good shortcut. As long as the other party is willing, he can immediately know all the situation after the divine sense is covered. It will be clear whether the voice is a poisonous dragon or not.

"No, I can't help you now."

However, what Fantian didn't expect was that the god-level dragon master refused immediately.

"Senior, why can't you help me? This doesn't seem to be a difficult task for you, does it?" Brahma asked.

"Little brother, this is really not a difficult task for me, but have you ever thought that if I solve it for you, you will save a lot of hardships in the process, and thus you will lose a lot of opportunities to exercise yourself. People must rely on themselves. Too much reliance on others often leads to their own fall. Your achievements are limitless. You must hone yourself more. Only through constant tempering and constant challenges can you finally succeed Become a peerless master."

"Okay." Brahma sighed heavily, and he couldn't help muttering in his heart, "If you don't want to, you don't want to. Why do you want to withdraw so many reasons? If you don't want to help, I will investigate it myself."

Brahma deliberately slowed down, wanting to hear that voice again, but it turned out to be counterproductive, and the voice quickly disappeared, "Is it the second senior brother? You should make a few more voices for me to identify..."

Brahma was anxious for a while. Entering the Ma Mansion was the first step, and the second step was to find the group of people under him. Now he has a clue, but he still can't be 100% sure whether the scream is his or not. Second Senior Brother Du Long, if it is, then he will make deployments, no matter whether there is a festival or not before, he still has to rescue people.

Brahma even waited in place for a while, but the voice still didn't sound again, but he continued to help the injured man to leave. The little boss of the Ma family had set a time for him before, and he couldn't stay here. Stay too long, otherwise, if you are kicked out of Ma Mansion, it will be very difficult to come in for the second time, and even if you do, it will definitely arouse suspicion.

Brahma helped the injured man to a distance of about ten meters from the back door, raised his right hand, and immediately swung the injured man out of the horse mansion. The whole movement was done in one go, and then he turned around and returned.

"Save your energy, even if you kill me, I won't be a traitor. The horror of my master is not comparable to that of your little Ma family. Kill me if you have the ability. If I don't die, your Ma family You have to perish, hahaha..."

However, when he passed the previous place again, his whole body did tremble violently, just because he heard a voice, which made him sure of one thing, the source of this voice was his second senior brother Du Long, and he His second senior brother, Du Long, was undoubtedly arrested by the Ma family.

(End of this chapter)

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