Nine Tailed Brahma

Chapter 410 Ma Zhong

Chapter 410 Ma Zhong
Brahma stopped where he was, and took a deep breath. The voice just now sounded again, which made him seven levels of certainty that the other party was the poisonous dragon. Adding that sentence, he could be 100% sure. It can be regarded as a super powerful force, but it is not worth mentioning in front of his master. Isn't this person the head of the Slaughtering Sect.

Looking around quickly, Brahma deliberately bent down slowly, his hands down his trouser legs. If anyone saw him, he would think he was dusting, but when his hands touched his knees, his whole body quickly prostrated himself on the ground, Since the place where people were locked up was underground, he felt that as long as he kept his head on the ground and listened carefully, he might be able to discern the approximate location.

"Damn, why is there no sound, poisonous dragon, poisonous dragon, why did you lose the chain at this juncture?" Brahma lay on the ground, but after a few minutes, he still couldn't hear any sound. It is impossible to return within the specified time.

The time limit of fifteen minutes is getting closer and closer, and the little boss of the Ma family looks towards the direction where Brahma left from time to time. If Brahma does not arrive within the specified time, he will naturally fulfill the previous regulations and expel Brahma from the Ma family. , it's just that he doesn't want Brahma to be late in his heart.

After all, he had already made a warning just now, and if Brahma was late again, it would undoubtedly be a violation of his order in public. It would be trivial to drive Brahma out of Ma's house, as long as he said a word, but the key problem was that his face would undoubtedly be lost.

Simply Brahma appeared at the last moment, ran all the way over, and panted heavily, all of this was naturally pretended, "My lord, I'm not late, am I?"

"You're lucky this time, and you won't be so lucky if you slow down like this next time." The little boss said, "Did that person throw it out?"

"Throw it out." Brahma nodded repeatedly, "Just now I helped him to the back door, I just wanted to throw him out, but he refused to live or die, pestered me hard, and finally even wanted to fight me, as if he wanted to It took me a while to get all the anger out on me, and I wasted time by throwing him out."

"Oh, there is such a thing?" The little boss of the Ma family raised his eyebrows.

"Indeed, you still get angry at me when you've done something wrong, do you really think I'm so easy to bully?" In the words, there was an invisible burst of anger from Brahma, "I crippled an arm, let him Have a longer memory and let him know that not everyone can be offended, not everyone can be offended, are you right, my lord?"

Brahma's words contained words, and the person he was referring to was naturally not himself, but the little boss of the Ma family. Naturally, the little boss of the Ma family could understand the meaning of what he said, and the corners of his mouth immediately raised slightly It was just a slight nod to Brahma, not any verbal praise or evaluation.

Under the leadership of the little head of the Ma family, 17 people including Brahma began to line up. Among the 17 people, Brahma's figure is undoubtedly the most striking and the shortest one, but at this moment, no one dares to underestimate him After all, Brahma raised the metal block with one hand in front of so many people. Only two of the 17 people present could do it except him. Based on this alone, they did not dare to underestimate Brahma.

"20 people came in last night, but now there are only 17 people left." The sharp eyes of the little boss of the Ma family quickly scanned the 17 people present, paused and then said, "I can tell you very clearly, you These 17 people will definitely not be the final guards of the Ma family, some of you will definitely be eliminated, if you don't want to be one of the eliminated, then you must work harder for me from now on, do you hear me?"

"Understood." Everyone shouted in unison.

The little boss of the Ma family continued to reprimand him and then left. Just as Brahma and the others were puzzled, a strong man with a hulking back and waist quickly walked towards them. His body was definitely a giant type.Brahma glanced left and right, and among the 16 people around him, none of them was as tall as the strong man walking towards him.

"Why are the people recruited this time so tall?"

The strong man squinted at Brahma and the other 17 people, and finally his gaze was fixed on Brahma. If he was dissatisfied with the figures of these 17 people, that Brahma was definitely the most dissatisfied among the 17 people. Waiting for the figure, so that his heart is unknown. A burst of anger, a little Brahma with his right hand, "You, eliminated, directly removed, leave before I get mad."


Brahma pointed at himself with his right hand, forced a smile on his face, and slowly took a big step forward with his right foot, "Why me, how did I get eliminated, can you give me a reason?"

Brahma's tone of speech was just right, and while expressing dissatisfaction, his attitude was just right. He had to ask for a reason. Since he had sneaked in here, and knew that the poisonous dragon was trapped here, how could he just let it go so easily? leave?

"Do you still need a reason for being eliminated?" The strong man glanced at Brahma with his frivolous eyes, and said, "What kind of existence does our Ma family have? Naturally, we need some capital to recruit guards, not just anyone can do it." Come in, your body really doubts how you passed the examination."

"My lord, I know you have a noble status, but you can't slander others like this." Brahma said, "You said I'm fine, but what you said is obviously blaming the lord who was in charge of recruiting yesterday, isn't it? "


The brows of the strong man sank, and his eyeballs rolled quickly, "You don't want to sow discord here, I told you to get lost, did you hear that?"

"I'm leaving, why am I leaving?" Brahma smiled. "I was admitted based on my strength. If you think I'm not qualified enough to be a horse guard, then I think they are all unqualified too."

Brahma quickly passed everyone with his right hand, and for a while, no one dared to stand up and refute. The fact is that they can lift a metal block with one hand, and they are all inferior to them.


At this moment, a voice came from a distance, it was the little leader of the Ma family who had left before.

"Ma Zhong, this kid is right. If he is not qualified, I am afraid that the rest of the people here are also not qualified." The little head of the Ma family said, "This time you are mistaken. Although he is small, But the power is amazing."

"Oh? Is that so?" Ma Zhong finally looked at Brahma squarely, but his eyes were not friendly enough. Brahma naturally noticed this, and he naturally guessed the meaning behind the eyes. This move is tantamount to contradicting Ma Zhong in front of everyone, and Ma Zhong will definitely do everything possible to deal with him in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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